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Polyamid Bez zámku Vyberateľné nity

 (22 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Káblové svorky - zaklapávacie, okrúhle káblové sedlo

Wires and cables effortlessly slide into these Round Wire Saddles. The Wire Saddle holds and directs passing wires, without the needed of a locking mechanism.

The plug-in application offers easy installation. The round shape makes these Wire Saddles suitable for use with a wide range of cable diameter sizes.

The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.

  • Material: Polyamide 6/6 (PA or Nylon 6/6)
  • Colours: Black and Natural
  • UL94 V0 and UL94 V2 flame rated options
  • Temperature Range: -40C up to 85C

Skupina SR: SR2081

Káblové sedlá hranové

Edge Wire Saddles allow cables and wires to be fixed to the edge of a panel or in a panel cut-out.

The top locking entry system ensures cables are retained and clear of sensitive components. The cables can be easily removed when required. The wire saddle can be easily fitted and removed with finger-tip pressure.

The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.

  • Material: Polyamide 6/6 (PA or Nylon 6/6)
  • Colours: Black, Grey and Natural
  • UL94 V0 and UL94 V2 flame rated options
  • Temperature Range: -40C up to 85C

Skupina SR: SR1834

Západky s rukoväťou a vystupujúcou spúšťou

Flush Compression Lever Latch with an offset trigger design. Provides good gasket compression and is easy to use. Suitable for left and right hand applications to secure doors, cabinets, or panels.

Suitable for a panel thickness of less than, and including, 2mm. It is available in a selection of adjustable grip range: 0-24mm, 24-46mm, 36-48mm, and 51-63mm.

These Latches come as either keyed alike (5333), keyed different or with no lock and supplied with 2 keys per lock.

  • Colour:Black

Skupina SR: SR5090

Kolieska pre reštauračné zariadenia

An ideal choice for the food and hospitality industry, these Catering Castors are likely to be used on equipment, such as; hostess trolleys, ovens and other portable cooking equipment, waste bins, kitchen units, storage racks and more. Our range includes tyres made from materials, including; Polyurethane, Stainless Steel and Nylon. An array of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Skupina SR: SR5621 ,SR5630

Kolieska pre zdravotnícke zariadenia

Medical Castors are pivotal in the mobility of equipment in the healthcare sector, whether in hospitals, care homes, laboratories and more. Enter any medical facility and you will find portable equipment, such as; patient monitors and devices, ventilators, beds, medical carts and trolleys, hoists, wheelchairs, and others that all make use of castors and wheels. Our extensive range features different castor types, including; Levina, Linea, Twinwheel, Swivel, Fixed plate and others. These castors are offered in a choice of colours and materials, such as Polyurethane, Zinc Plated Steel and Nylon. A plethora of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Skupina SR: SR5606 ,SR5680, SR5681, SR5772

Kompresné rýchlouzávery

Lift and Turn Compression Lock is ideal for cabinets that require better sealing under vibration condition. The locks provides 5 mm of compression to increase noise isolation. The Cut out for this range is 16.5x13.7 mm.

Skupina SR: SR6483

Káblové sedlá bez zámku

Káblové sedlá - neuzamykateľné, vyrobené z prírodného polyamidu 6.6. Káblové sedlá zoskupujú a vedú káble, čím ich chránia pred citlivými alebo ostrými komponentmi. Udržujú tiež káble a vodiče usporiadané. Vhodné na použitie v elektronických aplikáciách.

Niekoľko možností s alternatívnymi typmi montáže. Dostupné sú varianty s hladkými a okrúhlymi rohmi, ktoré pomáhajú eliminovať namáhanie vlákna pri vstupe do zostavy. V tomto sortimente sú tiež varianty s bočným vstupom, ktoré poskytujú nízku výšku tam, kde je problémom svetlá výška. V tomto rôznorodom sortimente sú tiež varianty s montážou do slepých otvorov alebo samolepiace.

Tieto káblové sedlá sú vhodné pre rôzne priemery káblov, ľahko sa montujú.

  • Materiál: polyamid 6/6
  • Farba: čierna a prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti: UL94 HB, UL94 V0 a UL94 V2.

Nábytkové a kancelárske kolieska

These aestically pleasing castors are a great option for equipment typically found in offices and other commercial premises. Our range of Furniture & Office Castors can be applied to desk chairs, pedastals, storage trolleys, meeting tables and more. The materials offered in this range include; Rubber, Nylon, Zinc Plated Steel and more. A variety of type options are available to suit your requirments, including; Spherical, Twinwheel, Bolt Hole, Spoke Wheel, Knurled Stem and others. Our range is available in varying load capacity and size options.

Skupina SR: SR5769 ,SR1547

Odskrutkovacie nity

Plastic Screw Rivets are quick release fasteners, suitable for security panels and components that need to be replaced in a hurry. They can be easily installed, tightened, loosened, and removed using a cross head screwdriver.

Our range includes several material options, including rivets made from Nylon 6 and Nylon 6/6 that have a cross drive for easy assembly or disassembly. They are ideal for use in electrical and electronic assemblies due to the good electrical insulation properties. The Nylon range extends with high-strength options made from Impact Modified Nylon, offered with a choice of pin material. The Acetal pin option is ideal for solid or hollow materials, including; wood, concrete, metal, plastic, tile block or mortar. The Zinc Plated Steel option provides excellent thermal and electrical insulation, as well as having a high pull-out force. Also available are options made from Polyamide PA6 that are suitable for larger hole diameters and offer a high retention force.

  • Fast and easy installation
  • High strength and versatile
  • Colours; White, Black and Natural
  • Head Styles: Round, Truss and Mushroom
  • Crossed and Slotted Drive Types

Skupina SR: SR1962

Štvrťotáčkové západky zacvakávacie plastové

Plastic Locks with Finger Grips allow the user to pull the door open with ease. The driver of this range is a 5mm Double Bit with a lock nut.

Priemyselné pojazdové kolieska

Industrial Castors are ideal for heavy duty applications or industries, such as; automotive, engineering, manufacturing and others. Ultimately designed to bear heavy loads, these castors are likely to be used on items like dolly carts, storage racks, tow lines, maintenance equipment, platform trucks and others. Our offering includes Bolt Hole, Threaded Stem, Fixed Plate and Swivel Plate castor type options - manufactured in a variety of colours and materials including, Rubber, Nylon, Cast Iron and Polyurethane. A choice of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Skupina SR: SR5616 ,SR5626, SR5693

Samolepiace/skrutkovacie káblové sedlo

Wires and cables effortlessly slide into these round Wire Saddles. The Wire Saddle holds and directs passing wires, without the needed of a locking mechanism.

These Wire Saddles are available in screw mounted or self-adhesive backed options. The adhesive option is backed with a high quality adhesive tape.

The round shape makes these Wire Saddles suitable for use with a wide range of cable diameter sizes.

The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.

  • Material: Polyamide 6/6 (PA or Nylon 6/6)
  • Farby: čierna a prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2
  • Temperature Range: -40C up to 85C

Spínacie zacvakávacie nity

Snap Latch Rivets comprise of a Plunger made from Nylon 6 and a Grommet made from Polycarbonate (PC). Together they form a Snap Latch assembly for the joining and securing of panels.

To install; simply push the grommet into the removable panel and then the desired plunger into the grommet. When the panel and plunger are pushed into the fixed panel, it locks them together. Pull on the plunger to easily remove the non-fixed panel.

These handy panel fasteners are ideal for applications that require regular maintenance work. They are offered in easy-grip or mini-grip designs to suit an array of panel hole and thickness ranges.

Snap Latch Rivets are ideal for applications, such as; electrical equipment, metal enclosures, telecommunications equipment, appliances, and more.

  • Grommet and Plunger are sold separately.
  • Colors: Black and White

Skupina SR: SR2318

Zatlačovacie nity - odnímateľné, s gombíkovou hlavou

This Push In Rivet is a type of panel fastener designed for optimal assembly and removal for a range of applications, particularly those that require regular maintenance, as well as fast assembly and removal.

This "T" style rivet features a knob-shaped rivet head that is easy to grasp, and will improve operator comfort. The rivet benefits from a simple push-push design and requires no installation tools. This easy and effective push-pull design allows for the rivet to snap in and out of the application up to 25 times - making it a highly economical and reusable solution. This also significantly speeds up the installation and disassembly.

  • Material: Nylon 6
  • UL94 V2 Flame Rated
  • Colours: Black and White

Skupina SR: SR1994

Zatlačovacie nity - plastové, pre okrúhle/štvorcové otvory

These Push-In Rivets feature a pin for easy finger-pressure installation. They are a versatile rivet that can be mounted in round, square or rectangular holes. Square hole mounting is used for anti-rotation applications.

The rivet features a pin and a grommet, with options supplied either assembled or pre-assembled. These rivets can also be removed after installation, for added convenience.

  • Material: Nylon 6/6
  • Colours: Black and Natural
  • UL94 V0 and UL94 V2 Material Flammability Rating

Skupina SR: SR2306

Zatlačovacie nity - rozloženie zaťaženia

Spreading Rivets are a type of rivet that provides a fast, economical and permanent fastening solution. Spreading Rivets are installed by placing the rivet body into a panel hole and pushing the pre-assembled plunger downwards into the assembly. The rivet expands in the application, providing a secure and tight fit. These rivets provide solid connections by means of blind side fixing.

Our range features a choice of material options that include; Nylon 6, Nylon 6/6, Polypropylene (PP) and Polyethylene (PE). This rivet range offers good electrical insulation, and also corrosion resistance.

Available to buy separately is a Rivet Hand Tool that offers faster fixing for these Spreading Rivets, and is the recommended application method.

  • Colours: Black, Grey, Natural and White
  • UL94 V0, UL94 V1 and UL94 V2 flame rated options

Skupina SR: SR1963

Zatlačovacie nity - so skosenou hlavou

Zatláčací nit má skosenú hlavu. Skosenie pomáha uľahčiť efektívnu montáž a demontáž.

Nit sa inštaluje rýchlo a jednoducho vložením do obrobku. Zatlačte čap, ktorý zapadne do priechodky v tvare „H“. Hneď po vložení čapu do priechodky sa nožičky priechodiek roztiahnu a zaistia zostavu nitu pevne na mieste. Po nainštalovaní zostavy nitu hlava čapu vyčnieva z povrchu panelu, ale napriek tomu poskytuje pekný čistý a upravený vzhľad.

  • Materiál: polyamid 6
  • Trieda horľavosti UL94 V2
  • Farby: čierna a biela
  • Inštalácia bez použitia nástrojov
  • Po inštalácii sa dajú odstrániť

Zatlačovacie nity - spínacie

Snap Rivets are a quick and easy fastener solution, which can be installed without the need of any tools! Fast and economical, they have specially designed legs that expand and firmly lock the component parts permanently in place.

Our range features a variety of Nylon options, including; Nylon 6, Nylon 4/6 and Nylon 6/6. The snap-fit with a simple push, and have a tidy and smooth finish. These rivets are manufactured with flame resistance ratings, including; UL94 V1 and UL94 V2, and can withstand temperatures of up to 130C (266F).

Also available are Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Snap Rivets, with thumb snap or pop snap styles. Thumb snaps are ideal for rapid construction of display units within the retail display or point of sale applications. Pop snap fasteners are a two-piece assembly that offer a secure way of fastening multiple panels together.

We also range a series of high temperature snap rivets made from Polysulfone (PSU), which is a high performance thermoplastic. This has a flame resistance rating of UL94 V1, and can withstand temperatures of up to 155C (311F). Our extensive Snap Rivets offer also features K Resin and Polypropylene (PP) Snap Rivet options.

  • Ideal for panel fastening and server rack applications
  • Colours: Black, White, Clear, Tan and Natural
  • No tools needed

Skupina SR: SR2316

Zatláčacie nity so zámkom

Tough Rivets have a quick and easy push-fit design. They have a one-piece design with a pre-driven pin that allows the rivet to be quickly installed by hand, or with automatic equipment. They can be easily removed by pulling the pin from the grommet.

Our range of Tough Rivets are suitable for applications requiring a push in, front-mounted (blind-side fixing) fastener, which can be removed and reused. The rivets provide that and more! They also benefit from strong vibration resistance and are a solid choice for for lightweight applications.

The rivet has a robust design that stays tough in its structure, but still provide a clean and tidy finish. These rivets are strong, reliable and are a highly economical choice.

  • Material: Nylon 6/6
  • UL94 HB and UL94 V2 Flame Rated options
  • Colour: Black

Skupina SR: SR1912

Západky vačkové otočné s T-rukoväťou

Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an T-shaped handle. They are commonly used cabinet and furniture applications.

The cam latches compression allows for a more secure seal where IP/NEMA performance is required. This also allows for improved insulation against noise and vibration conditions.

With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.

  • Lock Type options; Keyed Alike, Keyed to Differ, Keyed CH751, Keyed J327 and Keyless
  • Several mounting orientations; Left-hand, Right-hand and Universal
  • Screw mount design

Skupina SR: SR5518

Západky štvrtotáčkové – s rukoväťou v tvare L

Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an L-shaped handle. They are commonly used in applications such as electric panels and machinery covers.

Available in a choice of materials that include; Nylon, Polyamide, Stainless Steel and Die-Cast Zinc Alloy. Our range also boasts several visually pleasing finishes; Powder Coated, Matt, Chrome Plated and Bright Chrome.

With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.

  • Lock Type options; Eurokey, Quarter Turn Key, Push Button, Keyed Alike, Keyed to Differ and Keyless
  • Several mounting orientations; Left-hand, Right-hand and Universal
  • Screw mount design
  • DIN-EN 1774 rated

Štvrťotáčkové nity

Quarter Turn Fasteners engage receptacles and are fastened by turning the stud about 90 degrees - a process known as a 'quarter-turn rotation'. The fastener provides a predictable holding force and offers a detent in locked position that resists opening in error. A solution that is quick, but secure in its assembly. They are a fast fastener that provide a permanent mounting solution. An ideal choice, suitable for security panels and components that need to be replaced in a hurry.

To install and remove: Use a flat-head screwdriver or a coin and give the fastener a quarter-turn. This releases the bottom panel while retaining the fastener in the removable panel. Alternatively, drive the plunger into the grommet with a hammer that locks two panels together.

Our range of Quarter Turn Fasteners is available in a choice of materials, including; Acetal Co-Polymer, Acetal RMS-14, Polyoxymethylene (POM), Nylon 6/6 and Polyamide.

  • Crossed and Slotted Drive Types
  • Suitable for a wide range of panel depths and mounting hole sizes
  • Quick-release and fast assembly
  • Locks and unlocks with an easy quarter turn rotation
  • Materials: Acetal, Acetal Co-polymer, POM, Nylon and PA
  • UL94 HB and UL94 V2 flame rated options available
  • Colours: Black, Natural and White

Skupina SR: SR2309