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Oceľ Priemyselné pánty a závesy

 (13 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Bočné pánty

Side Hinges offer a rotational angle of 180 degrees. Types 1 and 2 are high resistance hinges for medium and heavy door panels. They also offer high security and are assembled using the special screws provided. Type 3 is a lower cost lower security alternative

Guľka bez maznice

Steel, Aluminium and Stainless Steel Weld on Hinges operate by a very simple design. The Steel versions are available with either a steel or brass pin and are extremely versatile in terms of their application uses. They are available with or without a grease nipple and come in 2 different types. The Aluminium version comes with a stainless steel washers and also in 2 different types

Guľka s maznicou

Steel, Aluminium and Stainless Steel Weld on Hinges operate by a very simple design. The Steel versions are available with either a steel or brass pin and are extremely versatile in terms of their application uses. They are available with or without a grease nipple and come in 2 different types. The Aluminium version comes with a stainless steel washers and also in 2 different types

Krídlové pánty zapustené

Counter Sunk Mount Leaf Hinges are a flat leaf widely used in various applications. They are best suited for flush mounted doors. The range also referred as Surface Mount Hinges, offers different formats of counter sunk holes depending on the strenth of the support required by the application. A choice of material is available to suit the environment demand of the application being an indoor or outoor exposure. Different rotation angles are also available. 

Skupina SR: SR5506

Nastaviteľné polohovacie pánty s uhlom nastavenia každých 30

Detent Hinges are Torque Hinges indented every 30 degrees allowing panels to be positioned and maintained withough auxiliary components. The torque is factory preset and cannot be modified by users. Made of Anodised Aluminiumm, a choice of finish is available for aesthetic appeal. Several torque values are available.

Nastaviteľný záves skrutkovací

Lift Off Screw Mount Hinges are an easy lift-off function to remove flush mounted doors. The range offers a selection of material to suit application and finishing requirements . They have an hinge rotation angle of 180 degree and can be used as left or right handed. The leaf hinge design is drilled to be screwed to the frame.

Pružinové pánty - otvorená a zatvorená poloha

Spring hinges have a centre pin with a spring attached, ensuring that the hinge always springs back into its starting position. Ideal for use on doors and panels that require a safety mechanism of returning to its original location being opening or closing. The range offers a selection for materials and finishes, spring actions, opening and closing forces.

Pánty skryté - naskrutkovanie

The range of Screw on Concealed Hinges are suitable for heavy duty applications.They are mounted with screws and have a removable pin to allow the lifting of the door from the frame for easy access.Various materials and rotation angles are provided to suit many applications.

Skupina SR: SR5468

Pánty skryté - navarovacie

The range of Weld on Concealed Hinges are suitable for heavy duty applications and offer a two part mounting solution with the frame part screwed on and the door part mounted by nut to welded stud on door. The use of a pin enables the removal of the door for easy access.They are suitable for left and right hand.

Skupina SR: SR5545

Rohové pánty – dištančné

90 Degree Offset Corner Hinges come in different profiles to fit a combination of possibilities to offset the door to the frame.

Skupina SR: SR5504

Súvislé závesy - kovové

Our range of Continuous Hinges are available in a host of sizes to suit your project requirements. These hinges are a more visually pleasing alternative to Butt Hinges. The hinge fits along the full length of a door, lid or other hinged application, and evenly distribute a load. They provide a seamless and hard-wearing opening.

Commonly used for piano lids - these durable hinges can be used in any number of light, medium and heavy duty industries, including, patio doors, shed, commercial and engineering applications, cabinets and other enclosures, furniture making, sheet metal and other metal fabrications.

The range includes Steel and AISI 304 Stainless Steel options. These continuous hinges come in drilled or non drilled options. Also available are Aluminium 6082 T5 options that features an aluminium profile with a small stainless steel pin diameter. This hinge comes non drilled with a weld on design, and features a choice of anodised or raw finishes.

  • Can be riveted, screwed or welded in position.

Skupina SR: SR5590

Štandardné pánty kovové s čapom

Metal in-line Lift Off Hinges are side hinges easy to lift off to remove mounted doors. They have a hinge rotation angle of 180 degree and can be used as left or right hand.

Štandardné pánty kovové s čapom, nastaviteľné

These Lift Off Hinges have a 180-degree rotation angle and are designed to provide clearance between the door and the frame, allowing the door to be easily lifted off the hinge pin.

Consist of two leaves and one pin, which are sold separately. One leaf is attached to the door and the other to the frame by a hinge pin that may be taken out of the hinge. They have a strong construction, which ensures their longevity in severe industrial conditions.

May be easily removed by lifting the pin out of the hinge. Ideal for metal doors in enclosures, gates, and tool cabinets. Please use the same material for each pin & leaves you use together.

  • It has a 180-degree rotation angle and provides clearance between the door and the frame.
  • Consists of two leaves and one pin, which are sold separately.
  • Ideal for metal doors in enclosures, gates, and tool cabinets.
Materiál: Zamak, Oceľ, Nehrdzavejúca oceľ, Tlakovo liaty zinok, Zliatina zinku Farba: Čierna, Prírodná, Šedá, , Pochrómované Skupina SR: