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 (510 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

2 polohový voliaci spínač

Zostavené dvojpolohové spínače. Dvojpolohový spínač obsahuje operátor, svorku a jeden kontakt „NO“. Trojpolohové spínače obsahujú operátor, svorku a dva kontakty „NO“. V ponuke krátkodobé aj na pridržanie. Dvojpolohové krátkodobé spínače sú v ľavej polohe vypnuté a pružinou vrátené zprava. Trojpolohové krátkodobé spínače sú v strede vypnuté a pružinou vrátené zľava do stredu a zprava do stredu.

Antirotačné podpierky PCB

Tento sortiment podpierok dosiek plošných spojov drží dosku na okraji, čím sa minimalizujú potrebné rozstupy. Sú k dispozícii s uzamykacím výstupkom alebo bez uzamykacieho výstupku pre dodatočnú pevnosť uchytenia.

Bezpečnostné krytky

Secure Cover Caps and Bases are used to neatly conceal fastening components. They offer ideal environmental protection for exposed joints on a range of outdoor equipment.

Thanks to the vibrant colours that these caps are available in, they are particularly suitable for use on children's playground and gymnasium apparatus. They can also be used in Point of Sale and furniture applications. The cover cap securely snaps into place, with minimum effort; covering the heads of bolts, screws, nuts and washers.

Each cap and base is available in a choice of six colour options that can be mixed and matched to create a truly customised appearance to your finished application.

  • Material: Polypropylene (PP)
  • Colours: Black, Blue, Green, Red, White and Yellow
  • Cover Caps and Bases are sold separately

Skupina SR: SR2040

Bezpečnostné plomby

Our Security Seals provide a tamper evident seal for plastic containers, while also adding a level of security protection against theft and contamination.

Ideal for use on storage and shopping containers. This range of seals is available in a selection of sizes and a choice of styles, including; cable lock, EZE seal, smooth grip and metal lock.

  • Materials: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Aluminium, Polypropylene (PP) and Steel
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Natural, Orange, Red, White and Yellow

Skupina SR: SRArrowLock, SR1153, SR1152, SR1151, SRZipLock, SRSphereLock, SRLuggagelock

Celozávitové kolíky a tyče

Fully threaded studs and rods are ideal for applications where a screw head is not needed or space is precious. Fastening completely into material, they can be threaded right down into the application.

Skupina SR: SR1985

Chrániče Banjo

A range of protective caps designed for Banjo Union connections. They provide external assembly cover during storage and transportation to protect the connection from the ingress of dirt. This range is available in a choice of two material options; Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and High-Density Polyethylene.

The Flexible PVC options offer a truly snug fit that offers optimum protection. The flexible material allows for quick fitting and removal, which is aided by a convenient finger tab.

The harder material of our HDPE options make application fast, by easily clicking the cap into place for a secure fit. Suitable for temperatures ranging from a minimum of -30 up to a maximum of +80 degrees celsius.

  • Materials: Flexible PVC and HDPE
  • Colours: Red and Yellow
  • Fits hydraulic Banjo Unions to DIN 7642 B/E

Skupina SR: SR1071, SRF0005

Chrániče hrán

These Edge Protectors are used to protect plastic strapping and exposed corners. It improves stacking strength stabilises, and supports objects during travel, handling, and storage. They also serve as a buffer, absorbing shocks and spreading force uniformly along their length.

It is simple to install and remove without the usage of tools. Commonly used in industrial, commercial, and electronic settings.

  • Material: PP, LDPE, PVC, EPDM;PVC, HDPE
  • Colour: Black, Natural, White, Grey, Blue

Skupina SR: SR1177, SR1042, SR5558

Chrániče káblových zväzkov

This Cable Wrap is crush resistant and is a tough durable protection for cable looms. It protects against damage and wear without restricting its flexibility. It is easy to install with a special tool.

Skupina SR: SR1723

Chrániče prírubových otvorov na skrutky

Disky chrániča príruby sa jednoducho nasadzujú. Disk má štyri vopred vyrazené otvory, cez ktoré sa môžu jednoducho prevliecť viazacie a sťahovacie pásky pre bezpečné uchytenie. V prípade potreby sa môžu použiť aj ďalšie upevňovacie prvky ako upínacia zátka, kolíky a podložky.

Tieto ochranné disky poskytujú cenovo výhodnú ochranu tesniaceho povrchu celého čela príruby. Majú špeciálnu konštrukciu s viacerými otvormi, ktoré zodpovedajú priemeru otvoru pre skrutky príruby a rozstupovej kružnici skrutky.

Široký sortiment zahŕňa množstvo rozmerov a rôznych hodnôt menovitého tlaku. Zahŕňa varianty, ktoré sú vhodné pre príruby DIN podľa DN 10 až DN 600 – tlakové triedy PN 6, 10, 16, 15 a 40 a príruby ANSI 1/2 až 32 palcov – tlakové triedy 150, 300, 600 a 900 libier (lb).

  • Diskové chrániče prírub sa ľahko nasadzujú. Jednoducho sa pripevnia pomocou sťahovacích pások a v prípade potreby pomocou ďalších upevňovacích prvkov, ako sú upínacie zátky, kolíky a podložky.
  • Tieto ochranné disky poskytujú cenovo výhodnú ochranu celého tesniaceho povrchu odkrytého prírubami.
  • Majú špeciálny dizajn s viacerými otvormi, ktoré zodpovedajú priemeru príruby a obvodu skrutky.
  • Options suitable for DIN flanges DN 10 to DN 600.
Materiál: PP Farba: Čierna Skupina SR: SR1172

Chrániče rohov

Corner Protectors are used to cover sharp or delicate corners against damage during transit and storage. Their capacity to withstand regular wear and tear gives them remarkable durability and reliability. Whilst their design ensures a snug and secure fit that is simple to install and remove by pushing it. Commonly used in industrial, commercial, and residential settings.

These protectors are offered in standard, open, expandable, heavy duty, and three way corner styles.

  • Material: LDPE, PP
  • Colour: Black, White, Natural

Skupina SR: SR1041

Chrániče čiel prírub - sudkové

Face Protector that acts as a protective guard to shield flanges from dirt, moisture, paint and sand blasting.

The tapered design creates a strong adhesion to the collar of the pipe application, and requires no fasteners for fitting. Made from durable material, they are suitable for DIN and ANSI flanges.

  • Material: Polyethylene
  • Colour: Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1354

DKO Zátky s uškom

These DKO Side Release Plugs protect DKO-compression fittings (24 nipples with O-Ring) during transit, storage, and processing from damage and contaminants. These plugs' sturdy structure ensures dependable performance even in harsh environments. The leak-proof seal and secure connection prevent fluid leakage or loss, reducing the danger of equipment damage, productivity loss, or safety issues.

The flexible end fits snugly into the DKO swivel nut, and the side pull tab allows easy removal. Commonly used to meet the needs of industries such as automotive, manufacturing, and machinery.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1121

Dekoratívne krytky na skrutky

These Decorative Screw Covers are designed to conceal exposed screw heads and provide a more decorative and polished look. They are easy to install with adhesive backing and snap firmly over the screw head, providing a secure and long-lasting fit.

This group has a wide range of colours, up to 16 for furniture finishing. Used in applications like furniture, cabinets, office decor and even automotive decor.

  • Material: ABS
  • Colour: Aluminium, Wenge, Dark Oak, Pine, Walnut, Mahogany, Ash, Beech, Cherry, Grey, Black, Cream, Ivory, Light Oak, Grid, White

Skupina SR: SR1600

Delené káblové oká

Káblová svorka pre priemer kábla do 7,5 mm na inštaláciu do otvoru s priemerom 6,2 mm. Delený tvar znamená, že je možné ju aplikovať odzadu.

Diamantové vrúbkované gombíky - závitová vložka / závitový čap

Diamond Knurled Knobs have rough ridges around the outside of the handle creating a firm gripping surface that is also comfortable. These durable knobs fit onto threaded applications and are resistant to oils, fuels, and greases.

Diely pre organizéry zvarov optických vlákien

Fibre Splice Trays are stackable to any number, and inter-tray fibre routing is possible through slots along one of the long sides of the tray. Colour coded hinges indicate side of tray to open from. Lid, trays, and hinges are sold separately or in a kit. Flame resistance; UL94 V0 and UL94 HB.

Skupina SR: SROFST

Disky samolepiace - priehľadné

These spherical Sealing Discs seal and secure a range of products due to their strong adhesive backing, which prevents the discs from peeling off or getting loose.

Ideal for an economical, professional finish. This series has two varieties: one with an acrylic-based bond removable for applications and one with a permanent bond.

It is simple to apply by peeling away the backing and exposing the sticky surface and pressing it onto the surface. There is an option for centre perforation or plain discs, and it is commonly used in various applications, including packaging, labelling, and product security.

  • Ideal for an economical, professional finish.
  • Available with a permanent or removable bond.
  • Optional centre-perforation or plain discs.
Farba: Priehľadná Skupina SR:

Dištančné káblové spony

Dištančné káblové spony poskytujú bezpečné a jednoduché upevnenie, sú ideálnym riešením uchytenia káblov pre množstvo zariadení. Zakaplávacia základňa uľahčuje montáž a zamykanie príchytky zvyšuje úroveň zabezpečenia.

Dištančné káblové zväzky

The Standoff Cable Harness is a cutting-edge cable management solution designed to streamline and organize cables in a wide range of applications. With its innovative design and exceptional functionality, this harness offers numerous benefits and is commonly used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and industrial equipment manufacturing.

One of the main characteristics of the Standoff Cable Harness is its versatility. This harness is meticulously crafted using high-quality materials such as nylon or polyester, ensuring durability and longevity. The unique standoff design of the harness incorporates multiple mounting points, providing secure and reliable cable routing. The adjustable nature of the harness allows for customizable cable positioning, ensuring neat and organized cable management. Additionally, the Standoff Cable Harness is built with integrated cable protection features, such as flexible channels and strain relief, ensuring the cables are safely secured and protected against damage or wear.

  • Material: PA
  • Colour: Natural
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2, UL94 V-0

Skupina SR: SR2120

Dištančné rýchlospony

The Twist Ties are easy to use; simply place your cables into the open space and twist the two arms together to secure the fastening. The stand off enable the Twist Tie to hold wires in place and away from your panel. Ideal for circuit boards or electrical boards that require no interference..

Skupina SR: SR2051

Dištančné stĺpiky so závitom

These Female to Female Standoffs are designed to be installed by hand and do not require assembly equipment. They are suitable for a wide range of applications and the threaded spacer will allow easy assembly. Available in several thread sizes and lengths and in hexagonal or round shapes.

Skupina SR: SR2794

Držiak kondenzátora

Držiak kondenzátora je určený na priskrutkovanie do rámu skrine. Odolné výrobky s jednodielnou konštrukciou. Dodávajú sa s upínacími dielmi alebo bez upínacích dielov. Sú dostupné vo vyhotovení s dištančnými stĺpikmi, zabezpečujúcimi odsadenie kondenzátora od rámu. Dodávajú sa aj v prevedení bez odsadení na prechod cez zariadenia.

Držiak na optické vlákna - štvrťotáčkový

Štvrťotáčkové držiaky na optické vlákna podporujú štandardné držiaky na konzoly, ktoré sa štvrťotáčkovou montujú do 19-palcového racku. Používajú sa na vedenie optických vlákien vedľa dátového rozvádzača. Vyrobené z čierneho polyamidu triedy UL94 V0.

Držiak na viazacie pásky samolepiaci

The Adhesive Mount Cable Tie Holder range offers versatility in terms of mounting options. It comes supplied with adhesive and also allows screw fixing. Available in fixed four-way cable tie installation direction or swivel base holder. The adhesive element of the product has a shelf life of approximately 1 Year from date of shipping; when stored in the unopened original packaging, stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.

Skupina SR: SR1718

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