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 (47 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Bezpečnostné krytky

Secure Cover Caps and Bases are used to neatly conceal fastening components. They offer ideal environmental protection for exposed joints on a range of outdoor equipment.

Thanks to the vibrant colours that these caps are available in, they are particularly suitable for use on children's playground and gymnasium apparatus. They can also be used in Point of Sale and furniture applications. The cover cap securely snaps into place, with minimum effort; covering the heads of bolts, screws, nuts and washers.

Each cap and base is available in a choice of six colour options that can be mixed and matched to create a truly customised appearance to your finished application.

  • Material: Polypropylene (PP)
  • Colours: Black, Blue, Green, Red, White and Yellow
  • Cover Caps and Bases are sold separately

Skupina SR: SR2040

Bezpečnostné plomby

Our Security Seals provide a tamper evident seal for plastic containers, while also adding a level of security protection against theft and contamination.

Ideal for use on storage and shopping containers. This range of seals is available in a selection of sizes and a choice of styles, including; cable lock, EZE seal, smooth grip and metal lock.

  • Materials: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Aluminium, Polypropylene (PP) and Steel
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Natural, Orange, Red, White and Yellow

Skupina SR: SRArrowLock, SR1153, SR1152, SR1151, SRZipLock, SRSphereLock, SRLuggagelock

Chrániče hrán

These Edge Protectors are used to protect plastic strapping and exposed corners. It improves stacking strength stabilises, and supports objects during travel, handling, and storage. They also serve as a buffer, absorbing shocks and spreading force uniformly along their length.

It is simple to install and remove without the usage of tools. Commonly used in industrial, commercial, and electronic settings.

  • Material: PP, LDPE, PVC, EPDM;PVC, HDPE
  • Colour: Black, Natural, White, Grey, Blue

Skupina SR: SR1177, SR1042, SR5558

Chrániče prírubových otvorov na skrutky

Disky chrániča príruby sa jednoducho nasadzujú. Disk má štyri vopred vyrazené otvory, cez ktoré sa môžu jednoducho prevliecť viazacie a sťahovacie pásky pre bezpečné uchytenie. V prípade potreby sa môžu použiť aj ďalšie upevňovacie prvky ako upínacia zátka, kolíky a podložky.

Tieto ochranné disky poskytujú cenovo výhodnú ochranu tesniaceho povrchu celého čela príruby. Majú špeciálnu konštrukciu s viacerými otvormi, ktoré zodpovedajú priemeru otvoru pre skrutky príruby a rozstupovej kružnici skrutky.

Široký sortiment zahŕňa množstvo rozmerov a rôznych hodnôt menovitého tlaku. Zahŕňa varianty, ktoré sú vhodné pre príruby DIN podľa DN 10 až DN 600 – tlakové triedy PN 6, 10, 16, 15 a 40 a príruby ANSI 1/2 až 32 palcov – tlakové triedy 150, 300, 600 a 900 libier (lb).

  • Diskové chrániče prírub sa ľahko nasadzujú. Jednoducho sa pripevnia pomocou sťahovacích pások a v prípade potreby pomocou ďalších upevňovacích prvkov, ako sú upínacie zátky, kolíky a podložky.
  • Tieto ochranné disky poskytujú cenovo výhodnú ochranu celého tesniaceho povrchu odkrytého prírubami.
  • Majú špeciálny dizajn s viacerými otvormi, ktoré zodpovedajú priemeru príruby a obvodu skrutky.
  • Options suitable for DIN flanges DN 10 to DN 600.
Materiál: PP Farba: Čierna Skupina SR: SR1172

Chrániče rohov

Corner Protectors are used to cover sharp or delicate corners against damage during transit and storage. Their capacity to withstand regular wear and tear gives them remarkable durability and reliability. Whilst their design ensures a snug and secure fit that is simple to install and remove by pushing it. Commonly used in industrial, commercial, and residential settings.

These protectors are offered in standard, open, expandable, heavy duty, and three way corner styles.

  • Material: LDPE, PP
  • Colour: Black, White, Natural

Skupina SR: SR1041

Diamantové vrúbkované gombíky - závitová vložka / závitový čap

Diamond Knurled Knobs have rough ridges around the outside of the handle creating a firm gripping surface that is also comfortable. These durable knobs fit onto threaded applications and are resistant to oils, fuels, and greases.

Diely pre organizéry zvarov optických vlákien

Fibre Splice Trays are stackable to any number, and inter-tray fibre routing is possible through slots along one of the long sides of the tray. Colour coded hinges indicate side of tray to open from. Lid, trays, and hinges are sold separately or in a kit. Flame resistance; UL94 V0 and UL94 HB.

Skupina SR: SROFST

Držiak v tvare T

Display grips have internal teeth to hold print materials securely for marketing and other displays, but the tag is not included. The flexible material has the capacity to accommodate varying print thicknesses. It features a T-shape design and helps to organise items as well as secure them.

  • Some of them feature a self-adhesive base, while others do not. Its system allows for quick and easy installation and provides secure fastening. It is used in a wide variety of machinery, such as CNC machines, lathes, and milling machines.

  • Material: PVC, PS, PA, PE, PP
  • Colour: Clear, White, Natural, Yellow, Red, Grey, Green, Orange

Guľaté rukoväte bez závitu

Ball Knobs come in a wide selection of diameters and molded-in inserts. The applications and industries cover lawn mowers, exercise equipment, machinery, valves, spigots, levers and many more. Ball knobs are an esthetic and ergonomic option for controlling, clamping and shifting operations.

Skupina SR: SR1535

Kolieska pre zdravotnícke zariadenia

Medical Castors are pivotal in the mobility of equipment in the healthcare sector, whether in hospitals, care homes, laboratories and more. Enter any medical facility and you will find portable equipment, such as; patient monitors and devices, ventilators, beds, medical carts and trolleys, hoists, wheelchairs, and others that all make use of castors and wheels. Our extensive range features different castor types, including; Levina, Linea, Twinwheel, Swivel, Fixed plate and others. These castors are offered in a choice of colours and materials, such as Polyurethane, Zinc Plated Steel and Nylon. A plethora of load capacities and size options are available to suit your application needs.

Skupina SR: SR5606

Kolíkové plomby

A high security Bolt Seal that is ideal for use for the securing import and export goods both domestically, and internationally. Applications include; shipping containers, cargo containers, trucks, trailer vehicle doors and rail freights.

These bolt seals features an 18mm insert and pin head that keeps the seal engaged on the applications latch when the plastic cover is intentionally or accidentally removed. It has limited 180 degree rotation when engaged. These seals prevent high-speed spinning attacks on the barrel. The bolt seal also features a label attachment.

The range includes different options, including pins that are either coated or uncoated. The coated pin has an additional layer of paint that gives it an extra layer of protection from chips and damage.The bolt seal barrel is made from high-quality ABS material, which benefits from impact resistance and also indicates evidence of tampering.

ISO 17712:2013 (coated pin option only) and C-TPAT compliant.

To Install;
1. Place pin into barrel
2. Press down on seal
3. Use bolt cutters to remove (sold separately).

  • Material: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Barrel and Steel Pin
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Orange, Red and White

Skupina SR: SRH0019, SRH0018, SREinLock

Krytky Unicap

Unicap Cover Caps and washers are designed to conceal and protect exposed screws or bolt heads for aesthetic or safety reasons. These caps and washers are resistant to corrosion, abrasion, and impact due to their material, offering long-lasting protection and durability.

In addition, they protect against dirt and are easy to install and remove by push fit. Available in both low profile and high profile. Used in construction, furniture and appliances.

Please note that in this product range you will find caps and washers which are sold separately and you will need to order both items.

  • Material: PP, HDPE, LDPE
  • Colour: Grey, Silver, Black, White, Natural, Flint, Brown, Stone, Beige, Gold, Orange

Skupina SR: SR1801

Krytky na podložkách

Cover Caps are designed to protect screw heads and are ideal for decorative purposes. They snap into place, protects against dirt and moisture.

Easy to install, requiring no special tools or equipment. They can be installed by simply snapping them into place over the screws. Used in applications such as medical, and industrial.

  • Material: HDPE, PA, Brass, PP, LDPE
  • Colour: Yellow, Black, Silver, Brown, Natural, Grey, Beige, White, Green, Blue, Violet, Red, Pink

Skupina SR: SR1811, SR2041, SR1889

Kryty na skrutky

Uniscrew Caps are intended to fit into the screw hole for a seamless, flush look. Their function is to conceal the screw heads, which can accommodate most sizes. These caps are connected to a washer by a hinge that folds neatly when inserted into the cap.

The durable material protects against damage, dirt, moisture and corrosion during storage and shipping. They are easy to install simply by push fit and are often used in furniture assembly, automotive interiors, and electrical equipment.

  • Material: PP
  • Colour: Black, White

Skupina SR: SR1807

Kužeľové rukoväte

Tapered Knobs offer a ball shaped top grip with a longer shaft length and is available in a wide range of shapes and sizes. These lever style knobs allow for excellent grip, positioning, clamping and shifting operations.

Skupina SR: SR1533

Káblový kanálik

Cable Duct is a versatile cable management product. With both adhesive and screw mounting options available there is added flexibility in the application.

Skupina SR: SR1732

Lamelové svorky

Our Snap fasteners features a Nylon 6/6 option, an option made from Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), and an LDPE option that has a Polypropylene (PP) clip.

The rivet assembly includes a male clip and a female washer. The male clip is ratcheted into the female washer; the single assembly is used to mate two surfaces together. This rivet assembly is an ideal choice for corrugated panels.

  • Quick and easy installation
  • Colours include; Natural, Black, White and High Clarity (Transparent).

Skupina SR: SR1990

Lankové plomby - kovové telo

Our Metal Cable Seals can be used to secure goods for long time periods and are used worldwide to secure goods during import and export. Typical applications include, shipping containers, cargo containers, rail freights, plastic distribution boxes, petrochemical valves, trucks and trailers.

The steel cable can only be removed using a tool (sold separately). The non-preformed cable unravels when cut to prevent tampering. These seals prevent tampering by cable cutting and reusing of the seal.

Compliant with ISO17712:2023 and C-TPAT with cable diameters of 3.5. and above.

To Install;
1. Loop the cable through the item to be sealed
2. Insert the cable through the locking chamber
3. Pull the cable all the way through the body, until the item is tightly sealed. - then pull at the body to ensure the seal is locked
4. Remove seal with the appropriate cable cutters (sold separately).

  • Material: Aluminium body with Galvanised Steel cable
  • Colours: Black, Blue, Bronze and Red

Skupina SR: SRH0017, SRAluLock

Madlá - oblúkové, plastové

Oblúkové madlá sú ľahké a poskytujú štýlovejšiu ergonomickú povrchovú úpravu. Sortiment ponúka výber typu montáže z prednej alebo zadnej strany.

Montovateľné guličkové viazacie a sťahovacie pásky

Guličkové sťahovacie pásky umožňujú jednoduchú inštaláciu a uvoľnenie kábla a zároveň zabraňujú jeho zošmyknutiu. Pásky s montážnou príchytkou umožňujú jednoduché a pevné upevnenie do panela.

Nastaviteľné nožičky - nečlenené

Stud Mount Leveling Feet with a Plastic Swivel Base adjusts to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.

Nastaviteľné nožičky - štandardné, nečlenené

Adjustable Feet - Standard/Non Articulating with a Plastic Rigid Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The plastic base provides a smooth non-abrasive surface that protects floors.

Skupina SR: SR5439

Nastaviteľné nožičky s kĺbom a plastovou otočnou základňou

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom s plastovou otočnou základňou sa dajú nastaviť na nerovných povrchoch a vyrovnávajú obrábacie stroje, elektronické panely a podobné zariadenia. Kĺbové otáčanie a veľký priemer podložiek zabezpečujú spoľahlivé vyrovnanie a oporu.

Nábytkové a kancelárske kolieska

These aestically pleasing castors are a great option for equipment typically found in offices and other commercial premises. Our range of Furniture & Office Castors can be applied to desk chairs, pedastals, storage trolleys, meeting tables and more. The materials offered in this range include; Rubber, Nylon, Zinc Plated Steel and more. A variety of type options are available to suit your requirments, including; Spherical, Twinwheel, Bolt Hole, Spoke Wheel, Knurled Stem and others. Our range is available in varying load capacity and size options.

Skupina SR: SR5769

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