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(26 sady výrobkov)
Tento sortiment podpierok dosiek plošných spojov drží dosku na okraji, čím sa minimalizujú potrebné rozstupy. Sú k dispozícii s uzamykacím výstupkom alebo bez uzamykacieho výstupku pre dodatočnú pevnosť uchytenia.
Glides with adjustable, smooth base.
Adjustable Tilt Glides made from black Polypropylene (PP) that feature a bright zinc-plated steel tilt ball and stud. These tilting glides are ideal for angled application, and they can be adjusted for use on uneven floor surfaces.
Suitable for use with Threaded Inserts.
The Leaf Hinges with Male Threaded Inserts are a flat leaf best suited for flush mounted doors. This range also referred as Surface Mount Hinges or Stand Off Hinges comes in various materials and stud sizes to provide a solution to most applications.
Skupina SR: SR5330
Stud Mount Leveling Feet with a Plastic Swivel Base adjusts to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.
These Chrome Capped Adjustable Feet are an inexpensive solution for light-duty applications on slightly uneven surfaces, including office furniture, shelving, point of purchase displays, cabinetry, and small machinery. The range are made from chrome capped black Polyethylene (PE).
Skupina SR: SR5442 ,SR5701
Levelling Feet with Stud Mount and Plastic Swivel Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.
Skupina SR: SR1569
Adjustable Feet - Standard/Non Articulating with a Plastic Rigid Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The plastic base provides a smooth non-abrasive surface that protects floors.
Skupina SR: SR5439
Stud Mount Levelling Feet with a Plastic Swivel Base adjusts to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.
Stud Mount Levelling Feet with a Plastic Rigid Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The plastic base provides a smooth non-abrasive surface that protects floors.
Teardrop Male Clamping Handles are operated by a simple lift and rotate action with a push button for releasing and adjustment. The teardrop handle allows for convenient positioning for maximum leverage as well as saving space to keep the handle out of the way.
Tapered Male Clamping Handles are operated by a simple lift and rotate action with a push button for releasing and adjustment. The tapered handle allows for convenient positioning for maximum leverage when mounted onto female threaded applications.
Nastaviteľné trecie pánty kĺbovo spájajú a zaisťujú panel, čím sa odstraňuje potreba plynovej vzpery alebo podpera veka. Poskytujú odolnosť voči voľnému pohybu, zabraňujú náhlemu alebo neočakávanému uzavretiu a znižujú nebezpečenstvo poškodenia alebo zranenia.
Na rozdiel od tradičných pántov umožňujú presnú kontrolu nad silou potrebnou na otáčanie alebo udržanie panelu, veka alebo displeja na mieste. Množstvo krútiaceho momentu môže byť nastavené otáčaním zabudovanej skrutky. Táto funkcia zlepšuje výkon v aplikáciách, ktoré vyžadujú stabilitu a presné umiestnenie, ako sú lekárske zariadenia, priemyselné obaly a spotrebná elektronika. Materiál: , Polyamid, POM, Hliník, PA, Polymér acetálu Farba: , Čierna, Biela, Prírodná Skupina SR:
Adjusters - Level Mount adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications.
Our range of Premium Machine Feet are for use in applications where a high quality mounting foot is required, including machinary and electronic racks. They can be found with either a Stainless steel or Mild Steel Stud, attached to either a Polyamide (PA) or Stainless Steel base. The range can also come with or without bolt-down holes.
Our range of Standard Machine Feet made with zinc-plated steel stud and a Polyamide (PA) base, are made to support machinery, electronic racks and conveyor belt applications. The feet have a maximum of 20 degree articulation and can be purchasesd in variants either with or without bolt holes. Additional non-slip pads can be purchased separately when extra friction is required.
Skupina SR: SR1545
Edge Locking Supports provide a secure hold on the side of the PCB allowing for easy removal. Screw mount supports are very secure and reliable. These mount with a self-tapping screw.
Skupina SR: SR2758
This range of Industrial Articulated Feet feature a threaded stud made from 304 Stainless Steel attached to a black Polyamide (PA) base, providing a maximum articulation of 30. Ideal for use in Food Production Industries and Catering.
Táto kolekcia ploché pánty má dizajn v štýle listu, ktorý poskytuje veľkú kontaktnú plochu pre zvýšenú stabilitu a rozloženie zaťaženia. Na rozdiel od typických pántov sa na zabezpečenie jednoduchého a bezpečného upevnenia na dverách, paneloch a krytoch používa systém upevnenia pomocou skrutiek a kolíkov.
Skrutka poskytuje bezpečné pripojenie, zatiaľ čo kolík pridáva zosilnenie, čo z nich robí vynikajúce riešenie pre aplikácie vyžadujúce pravidelné používanie a dlhodobú spoľahlivosť.
Bežne sa používa v ťažkých dverách, krytoch strojov, prístupových paneloch a automobilových zostavách.
The range of Screw on Concealed Hinges are suitable for heavy duty applications.They are mounted with screws and have a removable pin to allow the lifting of the door from the frame for easy access.Various materials and rotation angles are provided to suit many applications.
Skupina SR: SR5468
Tieto rozperky sa montujú zo spodnej strany nosnej dosky a takmer z nej nevyčnievajú. Montujú sa do obdĺžnikového otvoru 0,375 x 0,313 v nosnej doske, aby sa nepretáčali. Dosku plošných spojov prichytí za hranu ramenom, ktoré je možné uvoľniť.
Rozpery so zaistením na hranu zabezpečujú bezpečné uchytenie bočnej strany dosky plošných spojov PCB, prichytenie zacvaknutím a polohovací výstupok sú ideálne na rýchlu montáž. Doska plošných spojov PCB sa dá pri údržbe ľahko vybrať.
Káblový zväzok sa ľahko zasúva dnu aj von. Rýchle a jednoduché uchytenie lepiacou podložkou. Dodávajú sa v siedmych rôznych rozmeroch pre rozličné priemery zväzkov káblov. PVC UL94 V-0 s akrylovým lepidlom
Stud Mount Levelling Feet with a Rigid Metal Base is an inexpensive solution for light-duty applications. Use these leveling feet on office furniture, shelving, point of purchase displays, cabinetry, and small machinery.
Stud Mount Levelling Feet with a Metal Swivel Base are a durable solution for mounting machinery or conveyors. These feet have articulating swivel and a stud manufactured for accuracy and strength of the thread.
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