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 (76 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Bočné pánty

Side Hinges offer a rotational angle of 180 degrees. Types 1 and 2 are high resistance hinges for medium and heavy door panels. They also offer high security and are assembled using the special screws provided. Type 3 is a lower cost lower security alternative

Chrániče Banjo

A range of protective caps designed for Banjo Union connections. They provide external assembly cover during storage and transportation to protect the connection from the ingress of dirt. This range is available in a choice of two material options; Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and High-Density Polyethylene.

The Flexible PVC options offer a truly snug fit that offers optimum protection. The flexible material allows for quick fitting and removal, which is aided by a convenient finger tab.

The harder material of our HDPE options make application fast, by easily clicking the cap into place for a secure fit. Suitable for temperatures ranging from a minimum of -30 up to a maximum of +80 degrees celsius.

  • Materials: Flexible PVC and HDPE
  • Colours: Red and Yellow
  • Fits hydraulic Banjo Unions to DIN 7642 B/E

Skupina SR: SR1071, SRF0005

Dekoratívne krytky na skrutky

These Decorative Screw Covers are designed to conceal exposed screw heads and provide a more decorative and polished look. They are easy to install with adhesive backing and snap firmly over the screw head, providing a secure and long-lasting fit.

This group has a wide range of colours, up to 16 for furniture finishing. Used in applications like furniture, cabinets, office decor and even automotive decor.

  • Material: ABS
  • Colour: Aluminium, Wenge, Dark Oak, Pine, Walnut, Mahogany, Ash, Beech, Cherry, Grey, Black, Cream, Ivory, Light Oak, Grid, White

Skupina SR: SR1600

Dištančné rýchlospony

The Twist Ties are easy to use; simply place your cables into the open space and twist the two arms together to secure the fastening. The stand off enable the Twist Tie to hold wires in place and away from your panel. Ideal for circuit boards or electrical boards that require no interference.

Držiak na viazacie pásky samolepiaci

The Adhesive Mount Cable Tie Holder range offers versatility in terms of mounting options. It comes supplied with adhesive and also allows screw fixing. Available in fixed four-way cable tie installation direction or swivel base holder. The adhesive element of the product has a shelf life of approximately 1 Year from date of shipping; when stored in the unopened original packaging, stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.

Skupina SR: SR1718

Držiaky dokumentov

Držiaky dokumentov poskytujú miesto pre dokumentáciu, ktorá musí byť ľahko dostupná na krytoch strojov, elektrických paneloch a podobných aplikáciách. Držiaky sú dodávané so samolepiacimi pásikmi pre rýchle pripevnenie.

Flexi vinylové krytky s uchytením - štandardné

Flexible Caps are suitable for plain or thread applications and the unique design means they fit a range of diameters.

The central pull-tab, coupled with the unique star shaped design makes fitting and removal quick and easy. They are suitable for Metric, UNF and BSP thread sizes.

  • Material: Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
  • Colour: Black

Series Code: SR1072

Klzáky - nastaviteľná, hladká základňa

Klzáky s nastaviteľnou, hladkou základňou.

Klzáky - nastaviteľný kĺb

Nožičky nastaviteľné s kĺbom vyrobená z čierneho polypropylénu (PP) s lesklou pozinkovanou oceľovou naklápacou guličkou a čapom. Tieto kĺbové nožičky sú ideálne pre aplikáciu pod uhlom a nastaviteľné na použitie na nerovných povrchoch.

Vhodné na použitie s vložkami so závitom.

  • Pre veľkosti závitu: M6, M8 a M10.

Krytky na skrutky Banjo

A Protection Cap and Retaining Washer in a single unit. These Banjo Bolt Caps hold everything together during assembly, storage and shipping.

A highly versatile cap that will protect your application against damage and the ingress of dirt. The product is also supplied with bridged retaining loops. The caps are easy to grip, even when wearing gloves and are available in a choice of sizes to suit your project needs.

  • Material: Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
  • Colour: Black

Skupina SR: SR1083

Krídlové pánty zapustené

Counter Sunk Mount Leaf Hinges are a flat leaf widely used in various applications. They are best suited for flush mounted doors. The range also referred as Surface Mount Hinges, offers different formats of counter sunk holes depending on the strenth of the support required by the application. A choice of material is available to suit the environment demand of the application being an indoor or outoor exposure. Different rotation angles are also available. 

Skupina SR: SR5506

Káblové spony s otvoreným ramenom

Jedno-ramenné, flexibilné káblové spony sa dajú ľahko pripevniť na vodiče a nechávajú ich stále prístupné. K dispozícii s vinylovým povlakom alebo bez neho.

Magnetické západky

Our range of Magnetic Touch Latches deliver aesthetic and design benefits and are ideal for applications where knobs or handles are not suitable. Available as surface mount or recess fitting in a variety of styles.

Montované rýchlospony

The Twist Ties are easy to use; simply place your cables into the open space and twist the two arms together to secure the fastening. The adhesive element of the product has a shelf life of approximately 1 Year from date of shipping; when stored in the unopened original packaging, stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.

Montážne dosky

The Locating Plates in this range are used to securely position Cam Locks when there is a potential risk of having some movements due to the nature of the application. This range cover a washer and a plate made of steel.

Montážny blok PCB

Montážne bloky PCB sú užitočným nástrojom na montáž dosiek plošných spojov a malých panelov v pravom uhle v rámci zariadenia. Tieto bloky sú rýchlou a jednoduchou náhradou hliníkových držiakov pre bezpečnú montáž.

Nastaviteľné nožičky - nečlenené

Stud Mount Leveling Feet with a Plastic Swivel Base adjusts to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.

Nastaviteľné nožičky - pochrómovaný kryt

These Chrome Capped Adjustable Feet are an inexpensive solution for light-duty applications on slightly uneven surfaces, including office furniture, shelving, point of purchase displays, cabinetry, and small machinery. The range are made from chrome capped black Polyethylene (PE).

Skupina SR: SR5442

Nastaviteľné nožičky - s montážnym závitom, otočná základňa, plastové

Levelling Feet with Stud Mount and Plastic Swivel Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The articulating swivel and large diameter pads provide solid leveling and support.

Skupina SR: SR1569

Nastaviteľné nožičky - štandardné, nečlenené

Adjustable Feet - Standard/Non Articulating with a Plastic Rigid Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The plastic base provides a smooth non-abrasive surface that protects floors.

Skupina SR: SR5439

Nastaviteľné nožičky s kĺbom a plastovou otočnou základňou

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom s plastovou otočnou základňou sa dajú nastaviť na nerovných povrchoch a vyrovnávajú obrábacie stroje, elektronické panely a podobné zariadenia. Kĺbové otáčanie a veľký priemer podložiek zabezpečujú spoľahlivé vyrovnanie a oporu.

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom - s pevnou plastovou základňou

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom s plastovou pevnou základňou sa dajú nastaviť na nerovných povrchoch a vyrovnávajú obrábacie stroje, elektronické panely a podobné zariadenia. Plastové základne poskytujú hladký neabrazívny povrch, ktorý chráni podlahy.

Nastavovače - vodorovná montáž

Nastavovače - vodorovná montáž sa dajú nastaviť na nerovných povrchoch a vyrovnávajú obrábacie stroje, elektronické panely a podobné zariadenia.

Nohy pre stroje - Premium

Náš sortiment strojových nožičiek Premium je určený na použitie v aplikáciách, kde sa vyžaduje vysoko kvalitná montážna nožička, vrátane mechanických a elektronických stojanov. Ponúkame ho buď s čapom z nerezovej ocele alebo mäkkej ocele pripevneného k základni buď z polyamidu (PA) alebo z nehrdzavejúcej ocele. Sortiment môže byť tiež s otvormi na skrutky alebo bez nich.

Nohy pre stroje - antivibračné

Antivibračné nohy pre stroje pohlcujú nárazy, znižujú hluk a poskytujú dobrú priľnavosť na podlahu. Tieto silentbloky sú ideálne na použitie ako nožičky na strojové zariadenia a dopravníky.

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