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(18 sady výrobkov)
Fully threaded studs and rods are ideal for applications where a screw head is not needed or space is precious. Fastening completely into material, they can be threaded right down into the application.
Skupina SR: SR1985
These Dome Nuts are a durable, reliable, and versatile fastening solution. Their dome-shaped design provides improved grip and stability when connecting different materials. It is great for covering and protecting a bolt or screw while offering a neat appearance in various applications.
It is used in applications where the nut must be electrically, chemically, and thermally resistant and aesthetically beautiful. It also locks into place and is lightweight. Suitable for a wide range of applications such as electrical circuit breakers and fuse, electronics, and machinery.
Our range of Standard Machine Feet made with zinc-plated steel stud and a Polyamide (PA) base, are made to support machinery, electronic racks and conveyor belt applications. The feet have a maximum of 20 degree articulation and can be purchasesd in variants either with or without bolt holes. Additional non-slip pads can be purchased separately when extra friction is required.
Skupina SR: SR1545
Rectangular Threaded Inserts are ideal for use with adjustable feet, tilt glides, and castors. Available in all-metal options or plastic inserts that feature a metal nut.
Zátky a klzáky so závitom sa dodávajú v rôznych typoch. Zátky sa vkladajú do dutiny na konci potrubí a rúrok a poskytujú čistý a upravený vzhľad.
Threaded Protection Caps are designed for use with UNF and JIC Threads. Protects threads and fittings from damage during manufacturing, storage and transportation. The knurled head shape allows for easy installation and removal by hand, by simply twisting them on to the pipe or tube. Can tolerate temperatures between -30C and +80C.
Threaded Protection Plugs designed for use on NPT Threads. Safeguards threads and fittings from damage and contaminants during production, storage and shipment. Can be installed by hand or using a 12-point socket head. Designed for strength and abrasion resistance. Can withstand temperatures from -40F up to 230F (-40C to 110C).
Wide Flange Threaded Protection Plugs shield threads and fittings from damage and contaminants during production, storage and shipment. The nitrile gasket ensures a leak-tight seal against the mating surface. The wide flange prevents paint flakes from entering the hole upon removal. Withstands intermittent temperatures from -40C up to +100C.
Round Threaded Inserts are quick-fit inserts for tube ends and connecting pipes, designed for secure screw fixing. Provides a stable and secure mounting point for various furniture and equipment components.
Female Lobed Hand Wheels & Knobs have a scalloped edge to allow for maximum grip and comfort. These durable lobed knobs are impact and chemical resistant and provide a neat appearance for finished applications that require adjustment.
Female Grip Hand Knobs have rough ridges around the outside of the handle creating a firm gripping surface that is also comfortable. These durable knobs fit onto male applications and are resistant to oils, fuels, and greases.
Female Grip Hand Knobs have rough ridges around the outside of the handle creating a firm gripping surface that is also comfortable. These durable knobs fit onto male applications and are resistant to oils, fuels, and greases.
Self-adhesive bumpers provide cushioning and protection for an array of surfaces, across many applications.
The range includes black adhesive discs with a single-sided foam that has anti-skid properties. Available in packs of four that are either on a roll or on a pad, these versatile discs are designed to bond to many surfaces including; corrugated card, chipboard, wood, low surface energy plastics and powder coats.
Also included are anti-slip pads that are made from PE Foam tape, featuring a silicone coated paper liner. These are suitable for applications with temperatures ranging from -29C up to 66C.
T-Handle Knobs have metal inserts or studs that thread easily and create an easy to grip knob with an ergonomic design. The T-Handle design provides a strong hand hold for quickly adjusting controls or as a lever.
Skupina SR: SR6540
Female Grip Hand Knobs have rough ridges around the outside of the handle creating a firm gripping surface that is also comfortable. These durable knobs fit onto male applications and are resistant to oils, fuels, and greases.
Female Tapered Wing Knobs are designed to give good leverage with each turn making them ideal for applications that require frequent tightening and loosening. These tapered plastic knobs with steel inserts are easily gripped and durable.
Zátky s drážkou sú navrhnuté s dvojitým tesniacim krúžkom na spodnej strane príruby, čo poskytuje bezpečné a spoľahlivé tesnenie. Dizajn má päť kompletných závitov pre bezpečné uchytenie. Chránia pred nečistotami, prachom, úlomkami, zvyškami tekutín a koróziou. Hlava je navrhnutá tak, aby nezachytávala kvapalinu, keď je zátka zaistená na mieste.
Tieto tesniace zátky sa ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú rukou. Tvar šesťhrannej hlavy umožňuje nasadenie alebo odstránenie zátky pomocou skrutkovača, kľúča, imbusového kľúča alebo nadstavca kľúča. Rozsiahla ponuka rozmerov vhodných pre metrické, BSP a UNF závity.
Používajú sa v rôznych aplikáciách, vrátane hydraulických, pneumatických systémov a vo všeobecnom strojárstve.
Zátky so závitom a tesnením sú určené na priliehavé a spoľahlivé utesnenie, ktoré zabraňuje vniknutiu prachu, nečistôt alebo iných nežiaducich komponentov. Prevedenie s tesnením (podložka) zlepšuje tesniace schopnosti a zlepšuje ochranu proti presakovaniu a nečistotám.
Zátky so závitom sa ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú pomocou rovného skrutkovača, šesťhranného alebo francúzskeho kľúča. Odolávajú teplotám od -30 C až do +90 C.
Často sa používajú v hydraulických a pneumatických systémoch, automobilovom a všeobecnom strojárstve.
Štvorcové zátky a klzáky poskytujú konečný vzhľad a ochranu zakončenia štvorcových rúrok, tyčí a stĺpikov. K dispozícii sú dve prevedenia: rebrovaný pre maximálnu priľnavosť, ktorý možno použiť na viaceré priemery rúrok, alebo s hladkým driekom, špeciálne pre jeden priemer rúrky, pre jednoduché nasadenie.
Navrhnuté tak, aby poskytovali tesné spojenie na rôznych rúrkových výrobkoch. Niektoré z nich pomáhajú zabrániť poškodeniu podláh alebo iných povrchov, ako aj chrániť profil pred vonkajšími vplyvmi.
Dodávajú sa v rôznych prevedeniach a štýloch: štandardné štvorcové rebrované zátky, ľahké štvorcové zátky a kovové štvorcové zátky. Zvyčajne sa používajú v nábytkárstve a priemyselných zariadeniach. Univerzálnosť materiálov, povrchových úprav a farieb poskytuje možnosti na maximalizáciu estetického vzhľadu a dokonalé prispôsobenie vašej aplikácii.
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