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 (83 Produtos)

Lista Painel

Anilhas abertas inoxidáveis

As anilhas abertas foram concebidas com a ventilação integrada para facilitar a circulação do ar e evitar a acumulação de calor, humidade ou contaminantes em aplicações em que a ventilação adequada seja fundamental. As anilhas são comuns em sistemas de HV e UHV porque a sua abertura central reduz praticamente qualquer fuga de sistemas de elevado vácuo.

Esta linha de anilhas abertas em aço inoxidável é utilizada com parafusos ou outros fixadores para aumentar o desempenho e a durabilidade da montagem e são utilizadas em maquinaria industrial ou componentes automóveis.

  • Material: aço inoxidável
  • AISI 303, 1.4305

Anilhas cativas roscadas

Esta gama de Anilhas Cativas tem uma rosca muito fina no seu interior. Isto significa que podem ser aparafusadas, e uma vez atingida a rosca, a anilha não se separa do parafuso cativo.

Como instalar um conjunto de parafuso cativo e anilha:
1) Coloque o parafuso cativo no orifício do painel.
2) Enrosque a anilha no parafuso, para além da parte roscada do parafuso, que retém o parafuso no painel.

As anilhas são feitas em aço inoxidável que oferece boa resistência à corrosão e boa maquinabilidade. O material é muito utilizado para construção civil e aplicações no setor automóvel.

  • Material: aço inoxidável
  • AISI 303, 1.4305 e AISI 316, 1.4401
  • Opções de acabamentos: óxido preto, zincado e titânio (graus 2 e 5)

Anilhas de fixação e vedação

Bloqueia e veda porcas e parafusos na posição.

Anilhas vedantes

As anilhas vedantes são utilizadas para fornecer uma solução de vedação fiável e eficaz. Contam com um design que cria uma vedação estanque entre duas superfícies, evitando a fuga de fluidos, gases ou contaminantes.

Esta linha de anilhas vedantes incorpora um O-ring de silicone que ajuda a adaptar-se à superfície e preencher os espaços ou imperfeições. São fabricadas em aço inoxidável, que fornece uma boa resistência à corrosão e é ligeiramente magnético.

As anilhas vedantes são normalmente utilizados em equipamentos industriais e aplicações automóveis. São reutilizáveis e resistentes a temperaturas de -75 ºC a +205 ºC.

  • Material: aço inoxidável
  • A4, AISI 316

Anti-Vibration Cylinders

These Cylinders are designed to dampen shocks, and absorb and dissipate vibrations, reducing the impact on surrounding equipment or structures.

By effectively dampening vibrations, anti-vibration cylinders help improve equipment performance, reliability, and lifespan. Furthermore, the dampening action of these cylinders helps to minimise the noise created by vibrations, resulting in a calmer and more comfortable working environment.

They should never be mounted in tension but in even load and should only be utilised in axial or radial directions. They are often used in machinery, compressors, air conditioning units, and light engineering equipment.

  • It dampens shocks, and absorbs and dissipates vibrations.
  • It should never be mounted in tension, but in even load.
  • Used only in axial or radial directions.
Material: Steel Series Code: SRP2008, SRP2006, SRP2004

Ball & Socket Joints

These Ball and Socket Joints may be used to join two components in various ways. It is strong and long-lasting, guaranteeing dependable performance even under enormous loads. It allows for efficient and accurate movement, ensuring smooth operation and reducing friction.

It has a ball-shaped end and a socket-shaped housing, giving it a lot of mobility and flexibility. Its design allows rotation and angular motion, making it perfect for multidirectional applications.

It is supplied without a hexagon nut. Due to their ease of installation and secure connection, they are extensively used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.

  • Offers efficient and accurate movement, ensuring smooth operation and reducing friction.
  • It has a ball-shaped end and a socket-shaped housing, giving it a lot of mobility and flexibility.
  • Used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.
Material: 303 Stainless Steel, Steel Series Code: SRR3468, SRR3467, SRR3466, SRR3461, SRR3460

Ball & Socket Joints - with Flats on Housing

These Ball and Socket Joints with flat housings are used to connect two items together. The joints' ball and socket system allows for smooth and flexible movement in numerous directions. The flat part of the housing aids installation by allowing a spanner to grip the part.

The ball and socket provide long-lasting performance and smooth operation by reducing friction and wear in connecting components by allowing flexibility where there are offsets.

It is supplied without a hexagon nut. Due to their ease of installation and secure connection, they are extensively used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.

  • Ball and socket provides long-lasting performance and smooth operation by reducing friction and wear.
  • The flat on the housing aids installation by allowing a spanner to grip the part.
  • Used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.
Material: 303 Stainless Steel, Steel Series Code: SRR3497, SRR3496, SRR3491, SRR3490

Ball & Socket Joints - with Sealing Cap

These Ball and Socket Joints with sealing caps are used to connect two components in numerous ways. It has little friction and wear, assuring long-lasting performance for smooth operations.

They are made up of a ball that fits into a socket, allowing the two sections to move freely relative to each other. In most ball and socket joints, the ball is positioned on a spindle that spins within a housing. The housing is typically affixed to each of the two components being combined. A sealing cap is connected to the housing to prevent dust, debris, and other particles from entering the joint and causing damage.

It is supplied without a hexagon nut. Due to their ease of installation and secure connection, they are extensively used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.

  • It has little friction and wear, assuring long-lasting performance.
  • A sealing cap is connected to the housing to prevent dust, or debris from entering the joint.
  • Used in automation systems, medical equipment, and construction equipment.
Material: Stainless Steel, Steel Series Code: SRR3477, SRR3476, SRR3471, SRR3470

Ball Shim Levellers

These Ball Shim Levellers have a maximum tilt angle of 4 and are intended to compensate for uneven surfaces. They are adjustable and re-adjustable for optimal precision and vertical alignment of your applications.

It has three features: a fine-threaded mounting bolt, a threaded base nut, and an end-stop. The mounting bolt and base's fine thread allow for precision adjustment and simple re-adjustment using a hook spanner.

It is simple and quick to install, and it is suited for usage with heavy loads, both static and dynamic. Commonly used in engines, machinery, laboratory equipment and defence manufacturing.

  • It has a maximum tilt angle of 4 and is intended to compensate for uneven surfaces.
  • It has a fine-threaded mounting bolt, a threaded base nut, and an end-stop.
  • Used in engines, machinery, laboratory equipment and defence manufacturing.
Material: Stainless Steel, Zinc Plated Steel Series Code: SR62140

Calhas de guia lineares com corrediças

Estas guias de calhas lineares com corrediça são alumínio uma forma de rolamento de movimento linear que permite o movimento linear preciso e exato. São normalmente compostas por uma calha de base, um bloco deslizante e peças rolantes. A calha da base é endurecida através da qual os componentes se deslocam e o bloco deslizante retém os elementos rolantes e é fixado à peça móvel.

Estas calhas são utilizadas em aplicações que exigem uma elevada precisão, reduzida fricção e movimentos suaves. Pode suportar cargas dinâmicas considerando o impacto, a vibração e a fadiga.

Regra geral, as estruturas serão entregues nas vias individualmente. Para colocar a estrutura nas vias, aproxime das calhas e deslize para as mesmas. Amplamente utilizadas em aplicações de elevada carga e precisão no setor industrial, incluindo dispositivos médicos, equipamentos de produção de semicondutores e equipamentos de automação industrial.

  • Permitem o movimento linear preciso e exato.
  • São compostas por uma calha de base, um bloco deslizante e peças rolantes.
  • Pode suportar cargas dinâmicas considerando o impacto, a vibração e a fadiga.
Material: AlumínioCor: Padrão de inflamabilidade do material:

Clevis Joints with Pin

These Clevis Joints with Pin are a coupling in which the mating parts fit between the forks and are secured in position by clevis pins. They serve as a U-shaped connection between two rods or shafts to facilitate tractive or linear thrust movements.

The clevis pin is held with a cotter pin and a washer to prevent it from falling loose. This ensures the joint's stability and integrity, even under heavy loads and stresses. If necessary, the joint can be disassembled for maintenance by withdrawing the cotter pin. This enables component inspection, lubrication, or replacement, assuring the joint's continuous performance and durability.

They are easy to install and adjust using standard thread. They are most typically employed as a coupling on the end of air cylinders or at each end of a turnbuckle or wire rope for tensioning. Still, they can also be found in various other sectors and applications such as automotive, construction, and manufacturing.

  • U-shaped connection between two rods or shafts to facilitate tractive or linear thrust movements.
  • Held with a cotter pin and a washer to prevent it from falling loose
  • It is employed as a coupling on the end of air cylinders or at each end of a turnbuckle or wire rope for tensioning.
Material: 303 Stainless Steel, Steel Series Code: SRR3407, SRR3406, SRR3405, SRR3390, SRR3404, SRR3389

Clevis Joints with Retention Clips

These Steel Clevis Joints with Retention Clips are a type of coupling in which the matching parts fit between the forks and are held in place by retention clips. They form a U-shaped connection between two rods or shafts to allow for tractive or linear thrust movements.

The retention clip is a clip that locks in place around the base of the clevis preventing accidental disconnection, resulting in a clean, compact assembly. The steel substance ensures its longevity and ability to endure high forces, as well as resistance to wear and corrosion. If necessary, the joint can be dismantled for maintenance by removing the retention clip. This allows for component examination, lubrication, or replacement.

They are easy to install and adjust using standard thread. They are most typically employed as a coupling on the end of air cylinders or at each end of a turnbuckle or wire rope for tensioning, as well as in industries such as construction, automotive and manufacturing.

  • U-shaped connection between two rods or shafts to allow for tractive or linear thrust movements.
  • Steel material ensures its longevity and ability to endure high forces, as well as resistance to wear and corrosion.
  • Joint can be dismantled for maintenance by removing the retention clip, allowing for component examination, lubrication, or replacement.
Material: Steel Series Code: SRR3388, SRR3387

Comprar parafusos de aperto normal serrilhados - ranhura/plástico

Os parafusos de aperto normal são fáceis de aplicar e prender. Ideais para aplicações onde o espaço é restrito e a fixação com uma ferramenta não é possível

Conjunto de parafusos aglutinantes

Rosqueie a peça roscada e o recetáculo juntos em segundos para obter um componente de encadernação rápido, fácil e seguro. Fornecido em conjuntos que incluem o parafuso e o recetáculo. Feito de HDPE.

Conjunto de rebite macho fêmea - plástico

Rosqueie a peça roscada e o recetáculo juntos em segundos para obter um componente de encadernação rápido, fácil e seguro. Este é o lado feminino ou recetáculo. As peças roscadas macho são vendidas separadamente.

Consiga já as suas porcas sextavadas vedantes integrais

As porcas vedantes integrais são um tipo de fixador com uma funcionalidade de vedação integrada, combinando a funcionalidade de uma porca e um componente vedante numa única unidade. Estas porcas fornecem uma ligação fiável e estanque ao mesmo tempo que simplificam o processo de montagem e eliminam a necessidade de componentes vedantes adicionais. Impedem a entrada de água, pó ou outros componentes e aumentam a força de aperto, reduzindo o risco de desaperto devido a vibrações, movimento ou forças externas.

Esta linha de porcas sextavadas vedantes integrais incorpora um O-ring, que é comprimido e apertado entre a porca e a superfície de contacto. São adequadas para temperaturas entre -100C e +260C e são reutilizáveis.

As porcas vedantes integrais são utilizadas em furos roscados e não roscado em aplicações como armários ou utilizadas nas indústrias automóvel, de maquinaria e elétricas.

  • Material: aço inoxidável
  • AISI 303, 1.4305 ou AISI 316, 1.440
  • Resistência à tração: 550 N/mm² ou 480N/mm²

Encomende porcas quadradas

Nesta linha utilizada com parafusos de avanço, pode encontrar uma vasta gama de porcas quadradas, dependendo das suas necessidades: porcas de bronze quadradas com furos de fixação, porcas de cobre quadradas, porcas de aço quadradas e porcas de aço quadradas com furos de fixação.

  • As porcas de bronze quadradas com furos são utilizadas sempre que é necessária uma ligação segura e robusta. Fornecem estabilidade e força, o que as torna adequadas para aplicações de uso médio. Incluem furos adequados para parafusos de cabeça de tampa.
  • As porcas de cobre quadradas são utilizadas em aplicações que exijam cargas razoavelmente leves. São robustas e resistentes à corrosão, humidade, entre outros fatores.
  • As porcas de aço quadradas são utilizadas em aplicações que exigem velocidades de rotação lentas, controlo manual, preensão ou ações de bloqueio.
  • As porcas de aço quadradas com furos são utilizadas em aplicações com velocidades de rotação lentas, controlo manual e funções de bloqueio. Incluem furos adequados para parafusos de cabeça de tampa.

Utilizadas numa grande variedade de aplicações industriais, incluindo no setor automóvel, aeroespacial e equipamento médico. Disponíveis como porcas quadradas roscadas com rosca para a direita, bem como com roscas para a esquerda.

Nota: as superfícies de contacto aço com aço são inadequadas para o movimento motorizado.

  • Material: bronze (CuSn7ZnPb), aço (EN 10277-3, 11SMnPb37), cobre (EN 12164, CW614N-M).
  • ISO 2901/2903 e DIN 103.

Falange de retenção de parafuso cativo

O flange de retenção do parafuso cativo é uma alternativa a bater no painel ou a utilizar uma anilha de retenção. O flange do retentor é fixada ao painel por estampagem da cabeça num furo rebaixado.

De seguida, o parafuso cativo é simplesmente enroscado através do flange e retido no painel.

Os flanges são feitos de aço inoxidável, que possui uma boa resistência à corrosão, ou de alumínio, que possui uma boa condutividade térmica.

  • Material: Alumínio
  • Disponível em aço (anodizado, óxido preto ou zincado), aço inoxidável (A4, AISI316) ou latão.

Flanged Aluminium Carriages

These Flanged Aluminium Carriages are a type of linear bearing that is particularly useful for heavy loads in a range of applications where they guide and support linear motion. Their rails are made of contoured aluminium with two hardened stainless steel shafts pressed to act as the runner block balls' raceways.

-The flange design provides both a greater surface area for the moving component to be mounted to, but also the ability to fasten to the moving part from either above or below the carriage.

It works well in harsh conditions or weight critical applications since it is more lightweight and corrosion-resistant than steel ones. It can be used in various applications, including machinery, aerospace, handling technology, machine enclosures, medical, food, etc.

  • Useful for heavy loads in a range of applications where they guide and support linear motion.
  • Flange design provides both a greater surface area for the moving component to be mounted to, but also the ability to fasten to the moving part.
  • It works well in harsh conditions since it is lightweight and corrosion-resistant.
Material: Aluminium;Stainless Steel Series Code: SRL1018.F

Flanged Linear Carriages

These Flanged Linear bushing Carriages are used in linear motion systems to guide and support moving parts. It comprises of a steel linear bushing inside a flanged aluminium housing providing a great surface area to mount to.

The aluminium housing helps to keep the weight down whilst the hardened steel balls inside the bushing take the loads and facilitate the movement. Only to be used on hardened linear shafts.

The open bearing carriages are only for use with shaft support rails. It can withstand temperatures from 20C to +80C. However, steel ball retainers can be provided for higher temperature applications up to +120C without end seals. Commonly used in applications such as food packaging machines, printing machines, computers, or tool grinders.

  • It comprises of a steel linear bushing inside a flanged aluminium housing providing a great surface area to mount to.
  • It can withstand temperatures from 20C to +80C.
  • It keeps the weight down, take the loads and facilitate the movement.
Series Code: SRL1756, SRL1755

Heavy Duty Rod Ends - Female

These Female Heavy Duty Rods join two rods, cables, or other components and end with an Integral Spherical Plain Bearing. They comprise a female threaded housing and an integrated spherical plain bearing. The spherical plain bearing supports both radial and axial loads. It allows for angular misalignment, making it ideal for applications requiring flexibility and load-carrying capabilities.

The rod end ball is supported by a plastic bearing shell constructed of glass fibre-filled nylon/Teflon composite. This design assures a rod end that requires no maintenance. Plain-bearing rod ends have minimal initial movement friction and nearly no clearance. Another benefit of the plastic composition is that it can absorb many foreign particles, thus reducing injury.

It offers a long-lasting finish that is resistant to corrosion and wear. The female threaded housing makes it simple to connect to a corresponding component. It can also withstand temperatures ranging from -30C to +60C while maintaining load capacity. Higher temperatures lower load capacity. It is utilised in steering systems, suspension systems, and linkages for automotive, construction, and industrial automation. applications

  • The female threaded housing makes it simple to connect to a corresponding component.
  • It offers a long-lasting finish that is resistant to corrosion and wear
  • It can withstand temperatures ranging from -30C to +60C while maintaining load capacity.
Material: Stainless Steel, Steel Series Code: SRR3566, SRR3551

Heavy Duty Rod Ends - Male

These Male Heavy Duty Rods end with Integral Spherical Plain Bearing and are used to connect two rods, cables, or other components. They are made up of a threaded male stud on one end and an integrated spherical plain bearing on the other. The spherical plain bearing allows for angular misalignment and accepts radial and axial loads, making it ideal for applications requiring flexibility and load-carrying capabilities.

The rod end ball moves on a plastic bearing shell made of a glass fibre-filled nylon/Teflon composite. This design ensures a maintenance-free rod end. Heavy-duty plain-bearing rod ends feature less initial movement friction and almost no clearance. Another advantage of the plastic substance is that it can absorb numerous foreign particles, preventing harm.

It is threaded into the corresponding component. It can also endure temperatures ranging from -30C to +60C without losing load capacity. Higher temperatures lower load capacity. It is utilised in steering systems, suspension systems, and linkages for automotive, construction, and industrial automation applications.

  • It is ideal for applications requiring flexibility and load-carrying capabilities.
  • Heavy-duty plain-bearing rod ends feature less initial movement friction and almost no clearance.
  • It can endure temperatures ranging from -30C to +60C without losing load capacity.
Material: Steel Series Code: SRR3553, SRR3550

Hex Head Cap Screws - Plastic

Os parafusos (para porcas) de cabeça sextavada de plástico são os fixadores ideais para materiais de fixação mecânica. São leves e resistentes à corrosão, ao óleo, à abrasão e à maior parte dos produtos químicos. • Consulte as normas ISO 4017, NF EN 24017 e DIN 933 apenas para obter orientações.

Linear Guide Rails

These Linear Guide rails are a linear motion-bearing system used to guide and support moving components in a linear direction. Linear guide rails are made up of two major components: a rail and a carriage. The rail is a long, straight beam attached to a permanent surface. The carriage is a moving block that goes along the rail. The carriage comprises bearings that make contact with the rail and offer low-friction linear motion.

These rails are used in applications requiring high accuracy, low friction and smooth movements. It can sustain dynamic loads while accounting for impact, vibration, and fatigue.

In general, the carriages will be delivered to the tracks individually. To put the carriage onto the tracks, bring it up to the rails and slide it onto the rail. It is widely utilised in high-load and accurate applications throughout the industry, including medical devices, semiconductor production equipment, and industrial automation equipment.

  • Used to guide and support moving components in a linear direction.
  • Made up of two components a rail and a carriage.
  • It can sustain dynamic loads while accounting for impact, vibration, and fatigue.
Material: Steel Series Code: SRL1016.RF45, SRL1016.RF35, SRL1016.RF30, SRL1016.RF25, SRL1016.RF20, SRL1016.RF15, SRL1016

Mating Pieces for Clevis Joints

These Clevis Joint Mating Pieces are meant to work with the clevis joint, allowing for smooth and controlled movement. These are intended to fit between our clevis joints to provide a connection where an angular offset is required.

The excellent fit of the mating piece provides for a tight and solid connection with the clevis joint, assuring stability, reliability, and optimal load transmission. The smooth surface finish of the mating piece decreases friction and wear between the mating components, contributing to the overall longevity and efficiency of the joint.

It ensures they remain aligned and engaged under varying loads and conditions by providing a reliable and safe connection. The thread size is designed to match the clevis joint, making installation and removal simple. Used in various applications for steering linkages, suspension systems, and control mechanisms in the automotive industry, manufacturing, and construction.

  • Intended to fit between our clevis joints to provide a connection where an angular offset is required.
  • The thread size is designed to match the clevis joint, making installation and removal simple.
  • The smooth surface finish of the mating piece decreases friction and wear, contributing to the longevity and efficiency of the joint.
Material: Stainless Steel, Steel Series Code: SRR3427, SRR3426, SRR3421, SRR3420

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