V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.
This Knock Down Fitting product is a type of furniture joint connector, which is ideal for connecting wooden furniture. It is commonly used in self-assembly and flat-pack furniture applications.
Part of an extended range of furniture connector fittings that can be purchases separately.
Confirmat Screws are primarily used for the easy assembly and dismantling of panels. Ideal applications include wooden furniture and flat pack assemblies. They feature a hexagonal driver that is compatible with an #3 or #4 Hexagonal Key.
The screw has a deep cutting thread that ensures accurate and close-fitting joints are achieved. The range features M5 and M7 thread size options.
Sortiment závitových vložiek „D“ s kužeľovitým dizajnom obsahuje prírubu a šesťhrannú vložku, ktorá je kompatibilná so šesťhranným (inbusovým) kľúčom M6 alebo M8.
Tieto matice zaisťujú pevné a trvalé priskrutkovanie do dreva a aplikácií a produktov na báze dreva. Ľahko sa zaskrutkujú do panelu a vonkajší závit spoľahlivo zaisťuje spoj. Charakteristická príruba bráni matici preniknúť príliš hlboko do panelu.
Our Snap fasteners features a Nylon 6/6 option, an option made from Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), and an LDPE option that has a Polypropylene (PP) clip.
The rivet assembly includes a male clip and a female washer. The male clip is ratcheted into the female washer; the single assembly is used to mate two surfaces together. This rivet assembly is an ideal choice for corrugated panels.
Mini Snap Rivets that have a male and a female component. Made from Nylon 6/6 that is rated UL94 V2, RMS-01. They offer the perfect solution for fixing two panels together, all with a simple snap.
Quickly install by pressing the male and female pieces together. These mini nylon snap rivets are an ideal choice for outdoor environments. They are resistant to corrosion, oil, abrasion and most chemicals.
A Modesty Block fitting that is used to join two pieces of wood, securely at a 90 degree angle. Part of an extended range of furniture connector fittings, which can be used in a range of applications.
Ratchet Rivets are a coloured snap-together fastener made from plastic that requires a two rivet assembly. Simply snap the two identical ratchet rivets together to create a single connection ready for your application.These easy to use rivets require no tools, such as screws, for installation.
Ratchet Rivets can be used with Snap Rings and Snap Ring Washers, when the compatible mating hole has a 5.5mm diameter.
When used in combination with a Snap Ring, the rivet becomes suitable for very thin applications. Ratchet Rivets can also be used with Snap Ring Washer's, which acts as a special cushioning washer, providing the ratchet rivet with more surface support.
This Rivet Gun is a combination setting tool that is suitable for use with Pop Rivets. Ideal for one-hand applications, the single handed operation allows you to decrease the pressure required for riveting by up to 40 percent. This is achieved because operating force increases as a users hand closes around the lever; this force is fully taken advantage of by way of the special lever with an ergonomic design. This makes the installation of blind rivets quick and easy, but also comfortable.
The rivet gun has a robust design that offers secure riveting. It also features a used rivet mandrel container. The jaw mechanism grips the rivet mandrel firmly after breaking, which can then be released once more by pressing the lever forwards. The long stroke is handy for highly blind rivets.
Shelf Supports are designed to hold shelves securely in place. Commonly used in retail displays, the plastic supports are ideal for use in glass display units and cabinets.
The supports easily plug in thanks to the spigot mount design. They act like a bracket, bearing the weight of and providing support to both ends of a shelf. Assembly is quick and easy.
Different shelf support types available, including dowels and shelf bearers.
Shelf Support is ideal for use on a glass shelf and other shelving displays. It has an attractive finished appearance. It features an integrated spigot mount design.
T-matice sú ideálne na použitie s nastaviteľnými nožičkami, naklápacími klzákmi, kolieskami a uzamykacími skrutkami a inými aplikáciami montáže na nábytok. Sú samosvorné, aby sa zabránilo otáčaniu pri ručnej alebo automatickej montáži.
Tieto matice sa ľahko montujú, stačí ich vložiť do predvŕtaného otvoru a priklepnúť na miesto kladivom.
Dodávajú sa v rôznych veľkostiach závitov pre rôzne aplikácie.
Cam Dowels are used in combination with Cam Locks. They are a type of bolt fitting that are primarily used for connecting panels together. Commonly used in wooden furniture assemblies, Cam Dowels are ideal for self-assembly and flat-pack furniture projects.
These Cam Dowels have a pozi style head and offer a choice of drive types, including; L20, L21, L34.4, L41 and L44.4. They are part of an extended range of furniture connector fittings that can be purchased separately.
Pomocou nášho radu nitovacích ručných nástrojov ideálnych na inštaláciu zatláčacích nitov, rýchlo a jednoducho upevníte nity.
Náš sortiment zahŕňa ručné nástroje vyrobené z kovu potiahnutého čiernym plastom. Tento praktický nástroj jednoduchý na použitie zaisťuje bezpečné upevnenie zasúvacích nitov. Inštalujte jednoduchým umiestnením nástroja na vkladanie nitov nad driek nitu a zatlačením nadol.
K dispozícii sú aj inštalačné nástroje z akrylonitrilbutadiénstyrénu (ABS) v zelenej farbe. Tento nástroj je vhodný pre zásuvné nity a ponúka rýchlejšiu montáž a väčšiu presnosť umiestnenia nitov. ABS profituje z dobrej odolnosti voči teplu, nárazu, chemikáliám, nárazom a oderu. Má tiež veľkú stabilitu, pevnosť v ťahu, povrchovú tvrdosť, tuhosť a elektrické vlastnosti a dobre sa správa aj pri nízkych teplotách. Veľká piestová hlava a ľahko uchopiteľná rukoväť pomáhajú znižovať únavu obsluhy. Inštalujte vložením nitu do nástroja a zasunutím do aplikačného otvoru. Tlak na piest uvoľní čap a roztiahne nit v zostave.
Plastic Screw Rivets are quick release fasteners, suitable for security panels and components that need to be replaced in a hurry. They can be easily installed, tightened, loosened, and removed using a cross head screwdriver.
Our range includes several material options, including rivets made from Nylon 6 and Nylon 6/6 that have a cross drive for easy assembly or disassembly. They are ideal for use in electrical and electronic assemblies due to the good electrical insulation properties. The Nylon range extends with high-strength options made from Impact Modified Nylon, offered with a choice of pin material. The Acetal pin option is ideal for solid or hollow materials, including; wood, concrete, metal, plastic, tile block or mortar. The Zinc Plated Steel option provides excellent thermal and electrical insulation, as well as having a high pull-out force. Also available are options made from Polyamide PA6 that are suitable for larger hole diameters and offer a high retention force.
A range of U-shaped nuts that are edge mounted. They easily slide on to the edges of thin sheet materials and panels.
These nuts can be used as an alternative solution to threaded inserts and clinch fasteners. They are available in a choice of different mounting styles to suit your project needs, including; panel edge mounting, edge to edge panel corner mounting and edge to edge panel mounting.
Thread sizes include M5 and M6.
Náš sortiment podložiek pre montážne spony sa vyrába z polyamidu a dodáva v dvoch rôznych typoch; montážne spony a podložky pre montážne spony. Často sa používajú v kombinácii s lamelovými nitmi, keď má kompatibilný otvor priemer 5,5 mm.
Keď sa montážne spony používajú s lamelovými nitmi, rozsah upevnenia sa zväčší, čo umožňuje použitie celej dĺžky upevnenia nitu. Táto kombinácia je ideálna na spájanie veľmi tenkých aplikácií.
Podložku pre montážne spony možno použiť spolu s montážnou sponou aj lamelovým nitom – výsledkom je väčšia podpora povrchu pre mäkšie materiály a pre väčšie veľkosti otvorov. Táto kombinácia je vhodná pre rotačné aplikácie.
Shelf Clamp is ideal for use on a glass shelf and other shelving displays. The clamp style component provides strong holding. The clamp features an integrated spigot mount design. It also has an attractive finished appearance.
Key Hole Clips have a hollow interior that is shaped like a key hole. This design allows the clip to collapse more completely for easy finger-pressure assembly. The tapered, bullet-style point of the rivet clip helps guide into a panel.
These clips provide good electrical insulation. They also have resistance to vibration, abrasion and corrosion - making them a durable and cost-effective fastening solution. Available for a range of hole diameters and panel thicknesses.
Cross Dowel Barrel Nuts are designed for use with Joint Connector Bolts, where a right-angle connection is required. M6 and M8 thread size options are available.
M6 nuts are supplied in Zinc Alloy for a cost-effective solution. M8 nuts are supplied in Steel for additional strength. The M8 nuts can be used where heavier applications are needed, such as on boards of 22mm thickness and upwards.
The nut has a crossed driver and can therefore be used with a cross-head screwdriver.
A connector fitting with a quick-fit, expanding design. Ideal for use in wooden furniture assemblies. Part of an extended range of furniture connectors and fittings that can be purchased separately.
Rohové vložky poskytujú silné spojenie pre kovové plechy, ktoré sú príliš tenké na narezanie závitu. Upevňujú sa na okraje tenkých plechov a sú dobrou alternatívou k samozaisťujúcim vložkám.
1. Drážkovanú vložku zasuňte do bočnej strany otvoru panelu
2. Otočte nohu pružiny vložky smerom k panelu. Tým sa noha pružiny stlačí a umožní jej prejsť cez zárez v paneli
3. Noha zaskočí späť do svojej normálnej polohy a zaistí vložku v paneli.
Upozorňujeme: Na montáž vnútorného závitu je potrebný skrutkovač.
Vložku možno po inštalácii odstrániť jednoduchým zovretím pružných ramien k sebe a otočením.
Rozperné nity sa používajú na upevnenie a spájanie viacerých panelov. Náš sortiment je k dispozícii z dvoch materiálov podľa výberu: K-Resin a polypropylén (PP).
Varianty z K-Resinu majú číru farbu. Tento materiál je vysoko odolný proti nárazu, tuhý a dokonale číry a lesklý. Vďaka tomu je dobrou voľbou pre hotové výrobky. K-Resin je dobrou voľbou pre množstvo aplikácií, vrátane medicínskych a zobrazovacích prvkov.
Varianty z PP sú k dispozícii v čiernej a bielej farbe. Tento materiál má dobrú teplotnú stabilitu a je odolný voči väčšine kyselín a zásad. PP je dobrou voľbou pre elektronické aplikácie alebo ako komponent pri balení.
Materiály: K-Resin a polypropylén (PP) Farby: čierna, číra a biela
Joint Connector Nuts, are a joint connector that offers supreme protection against oxidation. The nut has a hexagonal drive that is suitable for an M5 Allen Key. This makes them quick and simple to install.
Commonly used in combination with Joint Connector Bolts to connect and join together component parts. They are suitable for wooden assemblies, including flat packed furniture and timber framing.
Available in a choice of thread sizes to suit your application.
Joint Connector Bolts are for use with Joint Connector Nuts and Barrel Nuts, which are available to buy separately. The head size of the bolt and nut match, providing an excellent surface finish on both sides of the assembly.
These bolts are most commonly used for self-assembly and flat-pack furniture. The are easily and quickly applied using an M4 Allen Key (not supplied).
Available in a range of lengths to suit your application.
Snap Latch Rivets comprise of a Plunger made from Nylon 6 and a Grommet made from Polycarbonate (PC). Together they form a Snap Latch assembly for the joining and securing of panels.
To install; simply push the grommet into the removable panel and then the desired plunger into the grommet. When the panel and plunger are pushed into the fixed panel, it locks them together. Pull on the plunger to easily remove the non-fixed panel.
These handy panel fasteners are ideal for applications that require regular maintenance work. They are offered in easy-grip or mini-grip designs to suit an array of panel hole and thickness ranges.
Snap Latch Rivets are ideal for applications, such as; electrical equipment, metal enclosures, telecommunications equipment, appliances, and more.
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