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Gulička hore Pevná Zatlačovacie nity

 (32 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Guľôčkové dopravné jednotky - EURO

Euro Ball Transfers are designed with a dirt exit hole, and woollen felt seal. The ball is designed to provide omnidirectional movement, allowing for smooth and effortless transfer of goods from one location to another. It is ideal for use with flat or irregularly shaped items, as they provide support and facilitate easy movement in any direction.

It is temperature resistant from -30C to 70C. It can be used in cargo and baggage handling, assembly lines and machine loading applications, sliding door systems & machine tables.

  • Material: PA, Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel
  • Colour: Natural

Skupina SR: SR6422

Guľôčkové dopravné jednotky - MINI

Mini Ball Transfers are corrosion resistant and designed with a dirt exit hole; woollen felt seal for maximum efficiency. It features a miniature ball that rotates inside a metal or plastic casing, allowing for omnidirectional movement of products on flat surfaces.

It is suitable for applications such as; measuring equipment, guides for small linear motion (e.g. photocopier slides), transfer material in clean rooms & miniature mechanisms. They can be supplied as a flat top or angled top.

  • Material: Stainless Steel, Chrome Steel, Carbon Steel
  • Colour: Natural

Skupina SR: SR6421

Guľôčkové dopravné jednotky - odpružené

Rezačky, lisy a formovacie stroje sú len niektoré z množstva zariadení, v ktorých môžu byť použité odpružené guľôčkové dopravné jednotky. Napríklad lisy môžu mať namontované odpružené guľôčkové dopravné jednotky v stole na uľahčenie naloženia a vyloženia obrobku. Keď prebieha lisovanie, pružiny sa stlačia a guľôčkové jednotky sa vnoria pod povrch, ponechajú obrobok na pevnej základni. Po uvoľnení tlaku sa guľôčkové jednotky zdvihnú a umožnia guľôčkám rolovať, čím umožnia ľahké odobratie obrobku.

Guľôčkové dopravné jednotky - stredné zaťaženie

Guľôčkové dopravné jednotky pre stredné zaťaženie sú odolné voči korózii a navrhnuté s otvorom na výstup nečistôt a tesnením z vlnenej plsti pre maximálnu účinnosť. Majú veľkú nosnú guličku, ktorá sedí na mnohých malých guľôčkach zapuzdrených v polguľovej miske.

Majú veľkú opornú plochu pre väčšiu stabilitu a môžu sa použiť pri manipulácii s leteckými kontajnermi a nákladom, pre montážne a výrobné linky, dopravníkové systémy, závesy posuvných priemyselných dverí a stoly strojov. Bežne sa používajú v ťažkom priemysle, ako je výroba, automobilový priemysel a lodná doprava.

  • Materiál: zinok, oceľ, nehrdzavejúca oceľ
  • Farba: prírodná

Guľôčkové dopravné jednotky pre vysoké zaťaženie

Heavy Duty Ball Transfers are corrosion-resistant and designed with a dirt exit hole, and woollen felt seal. It features a ball that rolls inside a metal or plastic casing, allowing for omnidirectional movement of heavy items. They have a high load capacity & are built to provide a long working life.

It can be used in cargo and baggage handling, assembly lines and machine loading applications, sliding door systems & machine tables. Commonly used in heavy industries such as automotive and shipping.

  • Material: Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, Nylon
  • Colour: Natural

Skupina SR: SR6454

Guľôčkové dopravné jednotky s nízkym profilom

Sortiment nízkoprofilových guľôčkových jednotiek má prírubové upevnenie a otvor na výstup nečistôt. Sú namazané, takže nie je potrebná ďalšia starostlivosť. Ložiská sú dostupné z uhlíkovej ocele, nylonu a nehrdzavejúcej ocele.

Guľôčkové dopravné jednotky s vysokou nosnosťou

Guľôčkové dopravné jednotky s vysokou nosnosťou sú navrhnuté a vyrobené podľa presných noriem. Dodávame celý rad priemerov nosnej guličky, ktoré poskytujú nosnosť od 35 kg do 1000 kg. Všetky jednotky s vysokou nosnosťou sú antikorózne s čiernou povrchovou úpravou.

Montážne dosky

The Locating Plates in this range are used to securely position Cam Locks when there is a potential risk of having some movements due to the nature of the application. This range cover a washer and a plate made of steel.

Odskrutkovacie nity

Plastic Screw Rivets are quick release fasteners, suitable for security panels and components that need to be replaced in a hurry. They can be easily installed, tightened, loosened, and removed using a cross head screwdriver.

Our range includes several material options, including rivets made from Nylon 6 and Nylon 6/6 that have a cross drive for easy assembly or disassembly. They are ideal for use in electrical and electronic assemblies due to the good electrical insulation properties. The Nylon range extends with high-strength options made from Impact Modified Nylon, offered with a choice of pin material. The Acetal pin option is ideal for solid or hollow materials, including; wood, concrete, metal, plastic, tile block or mortar. The Zinc Plated Steel option provides excellent thermal and electrical insulation, as well as having a high pull-out force. Also available are options made from Polyamide PA6 that are suitable for larger hole diameters and offer a high retention force.

  • Fast and easy installation
  • High strength and versatile
  • Colours; White, Black and Natural
  • Head Styles: Round, Truss and Mushroom
  • Crossed and Slotted Drive Types

Skupina SR: SR1962

Paletový podstavec

Nízkoprofilové paletové podstavce, ktoré sa často nazývajú navarovacie nožičky. Sú vhodné na štandardné klzáky s kovovou základňou a poskytujú dodatočnú pevnosť a ochranu.

Materiál z mäkkej ocele chráni podlahy a pomáha znižovať hlučnosť, zároveň uzatvára a chráni kovovú základňu.

Pri použití štvorcových profilov s ostrými rohmi bude max. rozmer stĺpika menší. Tento sortiment paletových podstavcov je ideálny pre kovové palety a plošiny.

  • Možnosť stohovania.

Protiprachové krytky

These Dust Caps are designed to keep dust, humidity, dirt, ingress, and other contaminants out of locks. In addition, they offer excellent durability and resistance to wear and tear. They fit the exact hole sizes as the corresponding lock types.

These caps' snug fit and secure closure make them easy to install. As it is installed between the lock and the door, you will need to include the thickness of the dust cap base in your calculations when considering the appropriate grip range. Widely used in various industries, including electronics, automotive, and industrial manufacturing.

  • Material: PU
  • Colour: Black

Please get in touch with customer service for other colours.

Prívesky na kľúče

Our plastic Key Tags are highly economical. An inlay card, window and metal split ring are all included. These tags assist with good key management and security in retail premises.

  • Available in eight assorted colours, including; Orange, Black, Purple, White, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green.
  • Comes in a pack of 100 tags, as standard.

Rohové pánty – s pevným čapom

External Metal Corner Hinge are suitable for machine covers and electric panels. They come in different profiles and sizes to be fixed either with stud or screwed on.

Rozperné nity

Rozperné nity sa používajú na upevnenie a spájanie viacerých panelov. Náš sortiment je k dispozícii z dvoch materiálov podľa výberu: K-Resin a polypropylén (PP).

Varianty z K-Resinu majú číru farbu. Tento materiál je vysoko odolný proti nárazu, tuhý a dokonale číry a lesklý. Vďaka tomu je dobrou voľbou pre hotové výrobky. K-Resin je dobrou voľbou pre množstvo aplikácií, vrátane medicínskych a zobrazovacích prvkov.

Varianty z PP sú k dispozícii v čiernej a bielej farbe. Tento materiál má dobrú teplotnú stabilitu a je odolný voči väčšine kyselín a zásad. PP je dobrou voľbou pre elektronické aplikácie alebo ako komponent pri balení.

Materiály: K-Resin a polypropylén (PP) Farby: čierna, číra a biela

Spínacie zacvakávacie nity

Snap Latch Rivets comprise of a Plunger made from Nylon 6 and a Grommet made from Polycarbonate (PC). Together they form a Snap Latch assembly for the joining and securing of panels.

To install; simply push the grommet into the removable panel and then the desired plunger into the grommet. When the panel and plunger are pushed into the fixed panel, it locks them together. Pull on the plunger to easily remove the non-fixed panel.

These handy panel fasteners are ideal for applications that require regular maintenance work. They are offered in easy-grip or mini-grip designs to suit an array of panel hole and thickness ranges.

Snap Latch Rivets are ideal for applications, such as; electrical equipment, metal enclosures, telecommunications equipment, appliances, and more.

  • Grommet and Plunger are sold separately.
  • Colors: Black and White

Skupina SR: SR2318

Stmeňove závory – so záražkou

Flexible Over Centre Drawer Latches have a low profile design and the keeper is concealed and fixed under the latch to aid this design feature. The handle is made from black rubber making it non-corrosive and if fixed using standard M4 screws (not supplied)

Strmeňová závora s okom a zarážkou

Wire Loop Draw Latches & Strikes consist of a simple ergonomic design suitable for a wide variety of applications requiring a straightforward Latch. The catch and strike components must be ordered separately and both are available in both Mild and Stainless Steel

Strmeňové závory

Over Centre Drawer Latches have a smooth surface for an aesthetic finish and operate with a draw hook. They securely pull two components together and lock by pushing the latch over its centre. This range of latches are light duty when compared to the Wire Latches. They are used on small containers, metal boxes and light industrial cleaning machine. A choice of material is on offer to suit various application environments.

Strmeňové závory s bočnou pružinou a so zarážkou

Spring Draw Latches or Tension Latches securely pull and lock two components together. The spring allows a expandable pull and firm locking. A selection of materials allow the use of this Draw Latch in various applications.

Súpravu pre tyčové zostavy

Rod assemblies for two and three point installations of flush recessed latches. Rod assemblies include guide, keeper, and rod. Aluminum rods are .34" diameter. Rod assemblies have a .75" throw. Guide and keeper brackets are 1010 steel with black nylon inserts. Latch is not included and must be purchased separately.

Upevňovacie krúžky

The Quarter Turn lock range is supplied with a range of accessories including fixing rings. These are supplied in two different types; one in Spring Steel and the other in Die Cast Zinc. They are suitable for all locks with a 20.2 x 22.2 fixing hole.

Uzamykacie rukoväte

The Quarter Turn lock range is supplied with a range of accessories including lock handles. These are supplied in a polyamide material. They are suitable for all locks with a 20.2 x 22.2 fixing hole

Vačkové západky

Swell Latches are quick and easy to install. They are used as a fastener for applicactions requiring alignment and anti vibration. A selection for cut out is required depending on the frame thickness.

Zatlačovacie nity - odnímateľné, s gombíkovou hlavou

This Push In Rivet is a type of panel fastener designed for optimal assembly and removal for a range of applications, particularly those that require regular maintenance, as well as fast assembly and removal.

This "T" style rivet features a knob-shaped rivet head that is easy to grasp, and will improve operator comfort. The rivet benefits from a simple push-push design and requires no installation tools. This easy and effective push-pull design allows for the rivet to snap in and out of the application up to 25 times - making it a highly economical and reusable solution. This also significantly speeds up the installation and disassembly.

  • Material: Nylon 6
  • UL94 V2 Flame Rated
  • Colours: Black and White

Skupina SR: SR1994

Zatlačovacie nity - plastové, pre okrúhle/štvorcové otvory

These Push-In Rivets feature a pin for easy finger-pressure installation. They are a versatile rivet that can be mounted in round, square or rectangular holes. Square hole mounting is used for anti-rotation applications.

The rivet features a pin and a grommet, with options supplied either assembled or pre-assembled. These rivets can also be removed after installation, for added convenience.

  • Material: Nylon 6/6
  • Colours: Black and Natural
  • UL94 V0 and UL94 V2 Material Flammability Rating

Skupina SR: SR2306

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