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DIN IP68 Plast

 (38 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Chrániče Banjo

A range of protective caps designed for Banjo Union connections. They provide external assembly cover during storage and transportation to protect the connection from the ingress of dirt. This range is available in a choice of two material options; Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and High-Density Polyethylene.

The Flexible PVC options offer a truly snug fit that offers optimum protection. The flexible material allows for quick fitting and removal, which is aided by a convenient finger tab.

The harder material of our HDPE options make application fast, by easily clicking the cap into place for a secure fit. Suitable for temperatures ranging from a minimum of -30 up to a maximum of +80 degrees celsius.

  • Materials: Flexible PVC and HDPE
  • Colours: Red and Yellow
  • Fits hydraulic Banjo Unions to DIN 7642 B/E

Skupina SR: SR1071, SRF0005

Chrániče prírubových otvorov na skrutky

Disky chrániča príruby sa jednoducho nasadzujú. Disk má štyri vopred vyrazené otvory, cez ktoré sa môžu jednoducho prevliecť viazacie a sťahovacie pásky pre bezpečné uchytenie. V prípade potreby sa môžu použiť aj ďalšie upevňovacie prvky ako upínacia zátka, kolíky a podložky.

Tieto ochranné disky poskytujú cenovo výhodnú ochranu tesniaceho povrchu celého čela príruby. Majú špeciálnu konštrukciu s viacerými otvormi, ktoré zodpovedajú priemeru otvoru pre skrutky príruby a rozstupovej kružnici skrutky.

Široký sortiment zahŕňa množstvo rozmerov a rôznych hodnôt menovitého tlaku. Zahŕňa varianty, ktoré sú vhodné pre príruby DIN podľa DN 10 až DN 600 – tlakové triedy PN 6, 10, 16, 15 a 40 a príruby ANSI 1/2 až 32 palcov – tlakové triedy 150, 300, 600 a 900 libier (lb).

  • Diskové chrániče prírub sa ľahko nasadzujú. Jednoducho sa pripevnia pomocou sťahovacích pások a v prípade potreby pomocou ďalších upevňovacích prvkov, ako sú upínacie zátky, kolíky a podložky.
  • Tieto ochranné disky poskytujú cenovo výhodnú ochranu celého tesniaceho povrchu odkrytého prírubami.
  • Majú špeciálny dizajn s viacerými otvormi, ktoré zodpovedajú priemeru príruby a obvodu skrutky.
  • Options suitable for DIN flanges DN 10 to DN 600.
Materiál: PP Farba: Čierna Skupina SR: SR1172

Chrániče čiel prírub - sudkové

Face Protector that acts as a protective guard to shield flanges from dirt, moisture, paint and sand blasting.

The tapered design creates a strong adhesion to the collar of the pipe application, and requires no fasteners for fitting. Made from durable material, they are suitable for DIN and ANSI flanges.

  • Material: Polyethylene
  • Colour: Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1354

Hadice na ochranu káblov

The Cable Conduit range has been developed and tested to the most demanding quality standards and have been awarded quality approvals and compliance worldwide. The range supports plastic conduit systems and accessories. Plastic conduit is highly flexible and has a high fatigue life. Its high impact strength aids to its recovery capability when crushed. Typical applications for this type of conduit include general factory wiring and connections to machines. Comes in a variety of materials depending on your requirements.

Skupina SR: SR1734

Klobúkové matice uzatvorené - polyamid

These Dome Nuts are a durable, reliable, and versatile fastening solution. Their dome-shaped design provides improved grip and stability when connecting different materials. It is great for covering and protecting a bolt or screw while offering a neat appearance in various applications.

It is used in applications where the nut must be electrically, chemically, and thermally resistant and aesthetically beautiful. It also locks into place and is lightweight. Suitable for a wide range of applications such as electrical circuit breakers and fuse, electronics, and machinery.

  • Material: Nylon
  • Colour: Natural, Black
  • DIN 1587 rated

Skupina SR: SR1955

Koncovky na hadice na ochranu káblov

Tento sortiment koncoviek na hadice je k dispozícii z plastu alebo kovu. Skladajú sa z dvoch častí, plášťa a tela armatúry. Dá sa tiež vybrať medzi koncovkou s pevným vonkajším závitom a koncovkou s otočným vonkajším závitom.

Kryty na príruby

Flange Covers are ideal for protecting internally coated flanges, and they provide complete all-round flange protection. They are designed to suit all types of flange faces.

They offer flexibility, durability, and the versatile design makes them suitable for the protection of bolt holes. They are easy to fit. The range includes options that are injection moulded.

Cover ANSI 16.5, DIN 2631-2635 and BS4504

  • Material: Flexible Polyethylene (PE)
  • Colour: Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1353

Krídlové pánty so závitovým čapom a závitovou montážnou vložkou

The Leaf Hinges with Male Threaded Inserts are a flat leaf best suited for flush mounted doors. This range also referred as Surface Mount Hinges or Stand Off Hinges comes in various materials and stud sizes to provide a solution to most applications.

Skupina SR: SR5330

Krídlové pánty zapustené

Counter Sunk Mount Leaf Hinges are a flat leaf widely used in various applications. They are best suited for flush mounted doors. The range also referred as Surface Mount Hinges, offers different formats of counter sunk holes depending on the strenth of the support required by the application. A choice of material is available to suit the environment demand of the application being an indoor or outoor exposure. Different rotation angles are also available. 

Skupina SR: SR5506

Káblové vývodky - rovné, mosadzné

These Cable Gland Straight /Brass are used in various applications to fasten and seal electrical cables. These cable glands' outstanding material strength and corrosion resistance ensure their longevity and endurance. For smaller sizes, no sealing washer is required to fulfil IP68 certification and comes with a TPE inner sealing gland and a CR/ NBR exterior sealing gland. Remove the inner sealing gland for larger cable diameters.

These cable glands are designed to keep moisture, dust, and other impurities from your cables and electrical connections. It can withstand temperatures from -20 C to 100 C. Used in various applications, including telecommunications, energy, and industrial manufacturing. Locknuts and sealing washer available separately.

  • Material: Brass, PA, Stainless Steel
  • Colour: Natural, Black, Silver Grey, Dark Grey
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2

Skupina SR: SR1717

Káblové vývodky - rovné, polyamidové

These Cable Gland Straight /Nylon are used in various applications to fasten and seal electrical cables. These cable glands' outstanding material strength and corrosion resistance ensure longevity and endurance. For smaller sizes, no sealing washer is required to fulfil IP68 certification, and it comes with a TPE inner sealing gland and a CR/ NBR outer sealing gland. Remove the inner sealing gland for larger cable diameters.

These cable glands are designed to keep moisture, dust, and other impurities from your cables and electrical connections. It is also durable, easy to install, and lightweight, making it an excellent choice for weight issues. It can withstand temperatures from -20 C to 100 C. Used in various applications, including telecommunications, automotive, and construction. Locknut and sealing washers are available separately.

  • Material: Nylon, PA
  • Colour: Black, Blue, Grey, White, Red
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-0, UL94 V-2

Skupina SR: SR1704

Madlá - oblúkové s montážnym otvorom

Zostavy oblúkových priemyselných rukovätí s montážnym otvorom sa montujú spredu a majú ergonomický tvar pre estetický vzhľad a pohodlné používanie. Rozšírený sortiment tvarov a materiálov je vhodný pre rôzne zariadenia a prostredia.

Madlá - priechodný otvor jednostranný

Recessed pull handles are mounted flush to a door or panel. They can be mounted by snapping them into a panel; they can also be welded or screw mounted. Plastic recessed handles are the most popular; however, we also offer stainless steel and aluminum flush handles.

Ochranné kryty hnacích hriadeľov

Driveshaft Protection Caps are used for the protection and masking of driveshaft, and the surrounding bearings, from oil and an array of chemicals.

Available in a choice of materials; Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) and Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). The PVC option also provides resistance to tearing and splitting.

Our range fits DIN 748, IEC 600-72 and ISO R775.

  • Materials: LDPE and Flexible PVC
  • Colour: Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1079

Okrúhle ferule na nožičky - kónické

Tapered Round Feet Ferrules are a type of protective cap that offer protection to tubes, rods and occasionally threads, as well as the end of furniture legs, chair legs, and ladder steps. They are anti-slip and anti-scratching floors. Designed to fit perfectly, providing a snug and secure fit.

The ferrules offer protection to the shaft or tube to ensure it doesn't split when meeting hard surfaces and provide floor protection and grip.

It is easy to install simply by pushing them onto the end of the applications. Also durable and long-lasting, protecting your applications. It is used in furniture manufacturing, retail and commercial applications.

Material: PVC, NylonColour: White, Black, Natural

Skupina SR: SR1520, SRF0071, SRF0069

Plastové krídlové matice

Wing Nuts, also known as Wingnut or a Butterfly Nut, is a type of nut; which similarly to Fly Nuts, has two thumb tabs (or wings) on either side. This means the wing nut can be fastened or removed by hand, with no requirement for tools. The tabs offer extra grip, making this process easy and quick.

Our wingnuts comprise of Plastic Wing Nuts made from Nylon 6/6 that are natural in appearance.

The Plastic Wing Nut range is available in various thread sizes, including; M3, M4, M5, M6, M8, M10 nd M12.

  • Material: Nylon
  • Colour: Natural
  • DIN 315 rated
  • RoHS standard

Skupina SR: SR1956

Ploché podložky - gumené

Rubber Flat Washer used to insulate your fastener assembly from electricity and moisture. It offers good balance of mechanical strength with good temperature, chemical and abrasion resistance for use in a wide range of industrial applications.

It can help to ensure a secure and stable connection, and reduce the risk of damage to the material being fastened or the fastener itself.They provide full insulation, cushioning and spacing.

  • Material: TPR, PVC, TPE
  • Colour: Black
  • Material Flammability Standard: , UL94 HB

Ploché podložky – plastové

Plastic Flat Washer used to insulate your fastener assembly from electricity and moisture. It offers good balance of mechanical strength with good temperature, chemical and abrasion resistance for use in a wide range of industrial applications.

It can help to ensure a secure and stable connection, and reduce the risk of damage to the material being fastened or the fastener itself.They provide full insulation, cushioning and spacing.

  • Material: PA, PVC, POM, PEEK, PP, PC, PVDF
  • Colour: Natural, Black, Brown
  • Material Flammability Standard: , UL94 V-0, UL94 V-2, UL94 HB

Skupina SR: SR1929

Pružné krytky potrubia

Rotational Moulded Cap protects threaded pipe ends. Due to its softer material it allows for easier fitting on pipes. These caps have outstanding toughness and are puncture resistant with good flexibility which makes assembly or removal easier.

They are used to fit different pipe and tubing configurations, and they can be used in applications such as automotive, HVAC, construction, and industrial equipment. These caps provide protection from dust, dirt, and moisture.

  • Material: PE, LDPE
  • Colour: Yellow, White, Black

Skupina SR: SR1388, SR1389

Prídržné podložky

Retaining Washers are primarily used to hold screws and bolts in place during assembly and have a design that grips the outside of screw or bolt shank. They also provide insulation. cushioning and spacing. They help insulate fastening assemblies from moisture and electricity.

This washer range includes options with internal and external teeth with a tapered design. The washer easily slides on to the screw (or bolt) and is retained by the screw once assembled. The washer cold forms and fully enters the pitch of the screw to provide sealing.

These washers allow for preliminary mounting of the screw (or bolt) before securing with a nut. They are ideal when pre-assembly of the screw and washer is required. They also help reduce assembly time and cost.

The range includes material options that provide corrosion, abrasion and chemical resistance.

  • Materials: Polycarbonate (PC), Polyamide 6.6 (PA) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
  • Colour: Natural

Skupina SR: SR1945

Rebrované koncové zátky

Rebrované koncové zátky bezpečne utesňujú konce rúrok a potrubí. Vonkajší priemer zátky zodpovedá vnútornému priemeru potrubia, zátka teda nikde nepresahuje. Bránia usadzovaniu nečistôt.

Dodávajú sa v dvoch prevedeniach s pružnými rebrami v rôznych veľkostiach pre pevné uchytenie v rúrkach s rôznymi závitmi NPT a vo vrtných rúrkach. Tesne priliehajú, jednoducho sa montujú a demontujú.

Vhodné na použitie v strojárstve a mechanických aplikáciách v rôznych odvetviach.

  • Dve prevedenia s pružnými rebrami v rôznych veľkostiach pre pevné uchytenie v rúrkach s rôznymi závitmi NPT a vo vrtných rúrkach.
  • Bezpečne utesňujú konce rúrok a potrubí.
  • Vhodné na použitie v strojárstve a mechanických aplikáciách.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD Farba: Čierna, Modrá, Červená Skupina SR: SRPAR, SR1069, SRILUPE, SR1171, SRILUH

Rebrované krytky potrubia

Ribbed Pipe End Caps are ideal for protecting threaded or non-threaded pipes, tubes or rods. In addition it is used to shield or mask areas during the painting process, as well as preventing dirt, dust, or debris from entering.

It is easy to install and remove, and it can withstand a maximum temperature of 79.4C. Designed for plumbing, HVAC, and industrial applications.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1046

Samolepiace disky na čelá prírub

Raised-face Flange Protectors are adhesive backed and feature an easy peel and stick design. The special adhesive bonds securely and will not leave behind residue under normal application conditions.

Shaped like a disc, the protects provide full flange face protection. The range is suitable for DIN and ANSI flange specifications. They are available with holes for internal bore sand blasting and have a standard thickness of 1.5 mm.

They discs are ozone and weather resistant, as well as offering resistance to petrol, oil and non-oxidisation acids. They are also able to withstand temperatures from -15C up to +70C.

Requires no fasteners.

  • Material: Rubber
  • Colour: Black

Skupina SR: SR1361

Skrutky s vnútornou drážkou - plastové s valcovou hlavou s vnútorným šesťhranom

These Socket Head Cap Screws - Plastic Standard Heads are fasteners utilised in various applications that require a secure and non-metallic connection. These screws have a hexagonal socket in the head and a standard head shape.

It has high corrosion resistance, making it suited for use in settings where moisture, chemicals, or other corrosive substances are present. Furthermore, the plastic head is non-conductive, making it excellent for electrical shielding applications. This feature guards against the screws generating electrical shorts or interfering with sensitive electronic components.

It is easy to install using a regular hex key or Allen wrench. Commonly used in industries such as electronics, automotive, and furniture manufacturing. They are especially suitable in situations that need a non-metallic connection since the plastic head protects sensitive or polished surfaces.

Skupina SR: SR2012

Skrutky so skosenou hlavou

Machine Screws with a pan head are designed for use in a wide range of applications, including construction, electronics assembly, and machine assembly. Its design allows the screw to sit flush against a surface after being fastened, providing a smooth, finished appearance.

Unlike regular screws, machine screws tend to be more durable and robust, making them perfect for resisting corrosion, high temperatures, and other chemicals or weather conditions. It is commonly used in machine assembly, including electronics, automotive, and industrial applications.

  • Material: Nylon, Stainless Steel, Mild Steel, PEEK, PC, Reny, PPS, PA
  • Colour: Natural, Brown, Clear, Beige
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2, , UL94 V-0, UL94 HB

Skupina SR: SR1972

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