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Okrúhle Štvorcová hlava Polyamid

 (39 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Klenuté zaslepovacie zátky

Tieto klenuté zaslepovacie zátky sú vhodné na utesnenie otvorov v plechoch. Sú určené na utesnenie medzier v zariadeniach alebo strojoch, v sektore plechov, ako ochrana pred ostrými hranami. Fungujú tiež ako bezpečná bariéra proti vniknutiu prachu, nečistôt, vlhkosti a iných kontaminantov.

Klenutý tvar ponúka úhľadný a čistý povrch, pomáha odrážať nárazy, čím znižuje možnosť poškodenia zátky alebo zariadenia, do ktorého sa vkladá. Sú odolné voči korózii a poskytujú elektrickú izoláciu.

Jednoduché nasadenie. Vyrobené tak, aby tesne zapadli do otvoru, ktorý utesňujú, čím zaisťujú pevné a bezpečné uchytenie. Veľký sortiment pre mnohé priemery otvorov a hrúbky panelov, môžu sa použiť v odvetviach, ako je výroba, stavebníctvo a elektronika.

  • Poskytujú odolnosť proti korózii a elektrickú izoláciu.
  • Fungujú ako bariéra proti vniknutiu prachu, nečistôt, vlhkosti a iných kontaminantov.
  • Pevne zapadnú do otvoru, ktorý tesnia a zaisťujú bezpečné uchytenie.
Materiál: PA, Polyetylén HD, Polyamid, Kopolyester Farba: Čierna, Biela, Šedá, Prírodná, Priehľadná Norma pre horľavosť materiálu: UL94 V-2, Skupina SR: SR1086, SRTFLA, SR1740, SRF0001

Klzáky s klincom

Klzáky s klincom alebo nožičky s klincom sú ideálne pre drevené nohy nábytku pre optimálnu ochranu podlahy a pomáhajú znižovať hluk. Klzáky sa jednoducho zatlačia na požadované miesto, sú dodávané vo vyhotovení s rôznymi povrchovými úpravami pre plynulý kĺzavý pohyb.

Naše klzáky s klincom sa dodávajú v rôznych základných materiáloch: napr. polyetylén s vysokou hustotou (HDPE), chróm, polyamid (PA) a polytetrafluóretylén (PTFE) – plus možnosť PTFE s plsťou, všetky sú dodávané s oceľovým klincom pre väčšie pohodlie a hodnotu.

  • Tvar: okrúhly
  • Farby: odtieň dreva, sivá, hnedá a prírodná.

Krytky na podložkách

Cover Caps are designed to protect screw heads and are ideal for decorative purposes. They snap into place, protects against dirt and moisture.

Easy to install, requiring no special tools or equipment. They can be installed by simply snapping them into place over the screws. Used in applications such as medical, and industrial.

  • Material: HDPE, PA, Brass, PP, LDPE
  • Colour: Yellow, Black, Silver, Brown, Natural, Grey, Beige, White, Green, Blue, Violet, Red, Pink

Skupina SR: SR1811, SR2041, SR1889

Madlá - oblúkové, plastové

Oblúkové madlá sú ľahké a poskytujú štýlovejšiu ergonomickú povrchovú úpravu. Sortiment ponúka výber typu montáže z prednej alebo zadnej strany.

Maskovacie zátky bez príruby

Masking Flangeless Plugs are a type of plug that is used to cover holes without masking the surrounding area. They protect against contaminants, dust, dirt, damage, or undesired substances. It features conical rings and a hollow core, which allows many different areas to be masked.

Furthermore, the pull tab makes them simple to install and remove, allowing for smooth insertion and a snug fit that eliminates unwanted leaks or seepage. The reusable nature of the material used in these plugs allows for various uses, minimising the need for frequent replacements and helping to reduce waste. They can be utilised in multiple applications, such as powder coating, painting, plating, and sealing.

  • Material: EPDM, Silicone, TPE, PVC
  • Colour: Black, Natural, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Red

Skupina SR: SR1090, SR1093, SR5748, SR1034

Narážací klzák

Push -On Tilt glides are swivel glides with spring insert used on furniture and other products to provide mobility and stability. Insert and Glide come as a one piece to facilitate the application. The Glides are designed with a tube end cap for a clean finish and have a ball and socket joint to create a tilt action. The range offers a choice of base to suit various applications.

  • Material: Steel, Nylon;Steel
  • Colour: Natural

Skupina SR: SR6453, SR6450, SR6427, SR6426, SR6452

Nohy pre stroje - Štandard

Our range of Standard Machine Feet made with zinc-plated steel stud and a Polyamide (PA) base, are made to support machinery, electronic racks and conveyor belt applications. The feet have a maximum of 20 degree articulation and can be purchasesd in variants either with or without bolt holes. Additional non-slip pads can be purchased separately when extra friction is required.

Skupina SR: SR1545

Nožička s čapom

Nožičky s aretačným čapom, niekedy označované ako klzáky s hríbovou hlavou kvôli hríbovitému tvaru nožičky, sú atraktívnou náhradou koliesok s čapom alebo nožičiek s čapom. Vložené do nôh alebo základne aplikácie umožňujú v prípade potreby plynulé a ľahké presúvanie nábytku. Ponúkajú väčšiu stabilitu ako kolieska, ktoré môžu rolovať dopredu a dozadu, najmä na dláždených alebo laminátových povrchoch.

Náš sortiment nožičiek s aretačným čapom obsahuje základňu alebo nožičku z čierneho polyamidu (PA) a galvanizovaný oceľový čap. Zámkový čap umožňuje rýchlu inštaláciu a hladká základňa z PA poskytuje ľahkú manévrovateľnosť.

Na výber je šesť typov pre rôzne aplikácie. Typ 4 má dutú základňu.

Nožičky s nitom

Rivet Feet are ideal in helping with the manoeuvring of furniture, as well as providing a high level of surface protection. The simply design of our Rivet Mount Feet make them a quick and easy, tool-free solution.

Our Rivet Foot range features UL94 HB rated Fast Feet made from Black TPE, with a Grey Acetal Rive that are ideal for wooden cabinets, equipment enclosures, free-standing electrical and electronics equipment. Soft Fast Feet are also available within this range that have a material harness of 86 Shore; they are also made of Black TPE, and have a Polypropylene pin. Also available are Snap Rivet Feet made from UL94 V2 rated Polyamide 6/6, which have a TPE base. These help protect floors and tube ends when secured to the assembly with a rivet.

Rivet Feet install with a straight-forward push-fit. They can be used as glides, bumpers, closures, slides, and as stops in a wide range of applications and assemblies. The incorporated push rivets push into pre-drilled holes. The foot is fully removable.

Skupina SR: SR5796

Ochranné krytky so závitom - závity UNF/JIC

Threaded Protection Caps for UNF /JIC Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection cap protects flared and flare less from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture out of the hole.

Features a knurled head design that makes them easy to install and remove by hand by twisting them or pushing them in on the pipe or tube. They are ideal for UNF/JIC threads, and if you pick the yellow option, they are made of HDPE and have a long profile, which allows for more threading turns. It can withstand temperatures between Min. -30C, Max. +80C. The range of Protection caps can be used in various applications, including hydraulic and pneumatic systems, automotive, and industrial applications.

  • Material: Nylon, HDPE, LDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1018, SRF0015, SRF0014

Ochranné zátky so závitom - závity NPT

Threaded Protection Plugs for NPT Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture from the hole.

It may be installed by hand or with a 12-point socket head, screwdriver or wrench. This threaded plug is suggested for usage where strength and abrasion resistance are required since it can tolerate temperatures ranging from -40F to 230F | -40C to 110C. Suitable for Metric threads. Used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic and general engineering industries.

  • Material: HDPE, PA
  • Colour: Red, Natural

Skupina SR: SR5759, SR5757

Ochranné zátky so závitom - široká príruba

These Wide Flange Threaded Protection Plugs protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring they remain in good condition and ready for use. Their nitrile gasket seals the plug to the mating surface for leak-tightness. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture from the hole.

Its wide flange design keeps any paint flakes from the hole when removed. It is easy to install or remove by hand, screwdriver, or torque wrench. Due to its Nylon material, it is recommended for intermittent temperatures from -40C to +100C. Used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic and general engineering industries.

  • Material: Nylon
  • Colour: Yellow

Skupina SR: SR5761

Okrúhle PA rozpierky bez závitu

Round unthreaded PA spacers are versatile components widely used in various industries for their exceptional functionality and reliability. These spacers, made from high-quality polyamide (PA), offer a range of benefits and characteristics that make them an ideal choice for numerous applications. The main characteristic of round unthreaded PA spacers is their cylindrical shape and unthreaded design, allowing for easy installation and removal. They are available in different sizes and lengths, providing flexibility to meet specific requirements.

One of the key benefits of round unthreaded PA spacers is their excellent insulation properties. The polyamide material used in their construction offers high electrical insulation, making them suitable for applications that require electrical isolation or protection. Additionally, these spacers have excellent resistance to chemicals, oils, and solvents, ensuring their longevity and performance even in harsh environments. The lightweight nature of round unthreaded PA spacers makes them easy to handle and install, reducing assembly time and effort. Furthermore, their non-conductive properties make them ideal for use in electronic and electrical applications..

  • Material: PA, Nylon
  • Colour: White, Natural, Black
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2, , UL94 HB

Skupina SR: SR1941

Okrúhle POM rozpierky bez závitu

Round unthreaded POM spacers are highly versatile components that offer exceptional functionality and reliability in a wide range of applications. These spacers are made from high-quality polyoxymethylene (POM), also known as acetal, which provides excellent mechanical properties and durability. The main characteristic of round unthreaded POM spacers is their cylindrical shape and unthreaded design, allowing for easy installation and removal. Available in various sizes and lengths, these spacers offer flexibility to meet specific requirements.

One of the key benefits of round unthreaded POM spacers is their outstanding mechanical strength. The POM material used in their construction provides high tensile and flexural strength, making them suitable for applications that require load-bearing capabilities. These spacers also exhibit excellent dimensional stability, ensuring their ability to maintain their shape and performance over time. Furthermore, round unthreaded POM spacers offer excellent resistance to wear, abrasion, and impact, making them ideal for applications that involve repetitive movements or exposure to harsh conditions.

  • Material: POM, Nylon
  • Colour: Natural, Black
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 HB, UL94 V-2, UL94 V-0

Okrúhle ferule na nožičky - kónické

Tapered Round Feet Ferrules are a type of protective cap that offer protection to tubes, rods and occasionally threads, as well as the end of furniture legs, chair legs, and ladder steps. They are anti-slip and anti-scratching floors. Designed to fit perfectly, providing a snug and secure fit.

The ferrules offer protection to the shaft or tube to ensure it doesn't split when meeting hard surfaces and provide floor protection and grip.

It is easy to install simply by pushing them onto the end of the applications. Also durable and long-lasting, protecting your applications. It is used in furniture manufacturing, retail and commercial applications.

Material: PVC, NylonColour: White, Black, Natural

Skupina SR: SR1520, SRF0071, SRF0069

Okrúhle ferule na nožičky - štandardné

Standard Round Feet Ferrules are a type of protective cap that offer protection to tubes, rods and occasionally threads, as well as the end of furniture legs, chair legs, and ladder steps. They are anti-slip and anti-scratching floors. Designed to fit perfectly, providing a snug and secure fit.

The ferrules offer protection to the shaft or tube to ensure it doesn't split when meeting hard surfaces and provide floor protection and grip.

It is easy to install simply by pushing them onto the end of the applications. Also durable and long-lasting, protecting your applications. It is used in furniture manufacturing, retail and commercial applications.

  • Material: PVC, LDPE, Nylon
  • Colour: White, Black, Natural

Skupina SR: SR1510, SR1516, SRF0070, SRF0069

Okrúhle klzáky

Round Load Bearing Glides are designed to use as a protection plug or as a glide. The lid is stepped to offer an easy insertion and secure fit.

They are ideal to protect and finish a tube end in moderate to heavy-duty applications These glides provide a smooth, durable base for furniture, appliances and more.

They protect floors from scratches, scuffs and other damage caused by heavy or sharp objects.

  • Material: PE, ABS, Nylon, Butyrate, LDPE, HDPE
  • Colour: Grey, Black

Skupina SR: SR1632

Okrúhle zátky do profilov a rúrok

Okrúhle zátky a klzáky poskytujú konečný vzhľad a ochranu zakončenia okrúhlych rúrok, tyčí alebo stĺpikov. K dispozícii sú dve prevedenia: rebrovaný pre maximálnu priľnavosť, ktorý možno použiť na viaceré priemery rúrok, alebo s hladkým driekom špeciálne pre jeden priemer rúrky, pre jednoduché nasadenie.

Dostupné sú rôzne typy a štýly:

  • Ľahké okrúhle zátky sa jednoducho nasadzujú a majú vysokokvalitnú povrchovú úpravu. Imperiálny rad má hladký driek, metrický rad má rebrovaný driek.
  • Zátky na konce rúrok vyrobené z polyetylénu s nízkou hustotou sú vrúbkované pre dobrú priľnavosť, chránia pred ostrými okrajmi rúrky.
  • Štandardné okrúhle zátky sú drážkované pre jednoduchú inštaláciu, bezpečné uchytenie a zakrývajú ostré okraje.
  • Okrúhle vypuklé zátky ponúkajú pekný konečný vzhľad vysokokvalitných rúrových predmetov.

Zvyčajne sa používajú v nábytkárstve a priemyselných zariadeniach. Univerzálnosť materiálov, povrchových úprav a farieb poskytuje možnosti na maximalizáciu estetického vzhľadu a dokonalé prispôsobenie vašej aplikácii.
  • Poskytujú konečný vzhľad a chránia konce hadíc, tyčí alebo stĺpikov.
  • Zatláčacie zátky s rebrovaním pre maximálnu priľnavosť alebo s hladkým driekom pre ľahkú aplikáciu.
  • Používajú sa v rôznych aplikáciách, vrátane nábytku, stavebníctva a v priemysle.
Materiál: ABS, Polyetylén, Polyetylén LD Farba: Čierna, Šedá, Biela, Žltá, Oranžová, Červená, Hnedá, Modrá, Zelená Skupina SR: SRANT, SR1530, SR1560, SRILTT, SR1565

Okrúhle zátky so závitom

Round threaded inserts are available as quick-fit inserts for tube ends and connecting pipes. They are threaded for secure screw fixing. These threaded inserts provide a stable and secure mounting point for a wide range of furniture and equipment components.

They are commonly used in the manufacturing, packaging and construction industries.

  • Material: HDPE, Nylon, PA, Steel, PP, LDPE, Aluminium, PE
  • Colour: Black, Natural, Grey

Skupina SR: SR1570, SR1430, SR1567

Priechodkové spojky

Grommet Nuts are intended to provide a reliable and durable fastening solution. The nut features a flanged base with a central hole that fits over a grommet. It is designed to snap into a pre-punched square hole and is used with a screw to connect numerous panels. The grommet serves as reinforcement, evenly dispersing the load and preventing the nut from pushing through or harming the surrounding material.

It is simple to install and remove by simply inserting it. Once in the hole, the grommet stretches and holds the material, ensuring a snug fit without using extra equipment. They also offer exceptional resistance to vibration and loosening. Used in various applications, including HVAC, automotive, electronics, and industrial.

  • Material: PA
  • Colour: Natural
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2

Ryhované doťahovacie kolieska

Rukou doťahovateľné skrutky majú vrúbkovaný povrch na vonkajších hranách rukoväte, ktorý vytvára pevné, pohodlné uchopenie. Tieto pevné vysokoodolné otočné gombíky sa dajú namontovať na zariadenia s maticou a sú odolné voči olejom, palivám a mazivám.

Ryhované doťahovacie kolieska - závitová vložka

Female Grip Hand Knobs have rough ridges around the outside of the handle creating a firm gripping surface that is also comfortable. These durable knobs fit onto male applications and are resistant to oils, fuels, and greases.

Ryhované matice - kónické, plastové

These knurled nuts have a conical design. They feature a knurled outer surface that ensures a secure grip, allowing them to be tightened and loosened quickly and easily without the use of tools. In addition, the textured pattern improves grip, eliminates slippage and ensures a solid hold.

The tapered design also provides greater pressure distribution, resulting in a more even and secure tightening. Its plastic material allows it to withstand repeated use exposed to various weather conditions and resist corrosion or rust. Common applications include electronics, automotive, industrial machinery and switchboards.

  • Material: Nylon
  • Colour: Natural

Skupina SR: SR1989

Ryhované matice - okrúhle, plastové

These Knurled Thumb Nuts are a type of nut with a knurled exterior diameter (surface). This design allows for manual hand tightening while securing the nut into a handle or cover. It is self-lubricating and resistant to moisture, liquids, chemicals, vapour, and salt water. It possesses strong strength and stiffness, as well as good impact properties.

Ideal for technical products that require great dimensional stability and endurance at higher working temperatures. Operational temperatures can temporarily reach 100 to 120 degrees Celsius for non-critical items. Commonly used in applications such as electrical components, automotive, industrial machinery or commercial.

  • Material: PA
  • Colour: White, Black, Natural

Rýchloupínacie matice Kwik so závitom

These Button Thread Nuts - Kwik Nuts are designed to provide a secure and rapid fastening mechanism. Simply push down the thread length to the correct location and lock it in place with a 180 turn for press-fit installation.

It produces a more secure fastening by reducing the danger of nut back-off due to vibrations or dynamic loads. It also makes them particularly ideal for applications involving severe weights or high-pressure situations, assuring excellent performance and lifespan of the secured assembly. Used in applications such as electronics, automobiles, and heavy machinery.

  • Material: PA
  • Colour: Black
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2

Skupina SR: SR2305

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