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Yüksek hacimli ve özel ürün siparişlerinizi sepetinize ekleyerek Fiyat İste butonuna tıklayabilir ya dabizimle iletişime geçebilirsinizsize 2 işgünü içinde yanıt vereceğiz. 

Round Silicone

 (19 Ürün grupları)

Liste Kılavuz

Titreşim Sönümleyici Halkalar

Acting as a buffer and absorbing vibrations, our spacers and vibration mount standoffs, are suitable for applications where movement in stationary machinery is unavoidable. These products are also designed to help with noise reduction. Made from black Neoprene Rubber, 60 Shore. Finished with clear dichromate plating. Can withstand temperatures from -40 to 50 ºC.

Genişleyebilir Maskeleme Kapakları

Expandable Masking Covers are an alternative to standard caps. Intended to protect against dirt and moisture. Can expand and shrink to accommodate the most unusual forms. Can resist temperatures of up to 100ºC.

  • Taşıma ve depolama sırasında genel koruma için en iyi şekilde kullanılır.
  • 100C sıcaklığa dayanıklıdır.
  • Örtülecek parça düzensiz biçimlere sahip olduğunda, daha geleneksel kapağa Ideal bir alternatiftir.
Malzeme: PE, LDPE, Silicone Renk: Clear, Blue, Red, White Seri Kodu: , SR1097, SRF0019

Flanşsız Maskeleme Tapaları

Masking Flangeless Plugs are designed to cover holes without masking the surrounding area, protecting against contaminants. Featuring conical rings and a hollow core, these plugs can mask multiple areas at once.

  • Used to cover holes without masking the surrounding area.
  • The pull tab makes them simple to install and remove, allowing for smooth insertion and a snug fit that eliminates unwanted leaks or seepage.
  • Used in multiple applications, such as powder coating, painting, plating, and sealing.
Malzeme: EPDM, Silicone, TPE, PVC Renk: Black, Natural, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Red Seri Kodu: SR1090, SR1093, SR5748, SR1034

Kaplanmış Konik Tapalar

Covered Tapered Plugs have convex edges that guarantee a secure fit. Features a push-fit design that makes it simple to use and remove. Used for pipes, blind holes and furniture.

  • Dışbükey tasarımlı kenarlarıyla sıkıca oturan bir tasarıma sahiptir.
  • Kirleticiler, kalıntılar ve hasara karşı korur.
  • Malzemesi sayesinde sızdırmazlık özelliği bozulmadan yeniden kullanılabilir
Malzeme: Silicone Renk: Grey, Yellow, Green, White, Red, Black, Pink, Purple, Blue, Clear Seri Kodu: SR5751

Kendiliğinden Yapışkanlı Kaymaz Pedler

Self-adhesive bumpers provide cushioning and protection for an array of surfaces, across many applications.

The range includes black adhesive discs with a single-sided foam that has anti-skid properties. Available in packs of four that are either on a roll or on a pad, these versatile discs are designed to bond to many surfaces including; corrugated card, chipboard, wood, low surface energy plastics and powder coats.

Also included are anti-slip pads that are made from PE Foam tape, featuring a silicone coated paper liner. These are suitable for applications with temperatures ranging from -29C up to 66C.

  • Rubber adhesive
  • Permanent solution
  • Black finish.

Series Code :SR5808

Seri Kodu: SR5808

Kolay Çekmeli Maskeleme Kapakları

Easy Pull Masking Caps are intended for masking parts during anodising, blasting, powder coating, e-coating, plating, and ordinary paint applications. Available in a variety of materials with a wide range of benefits. Silicone is a high-quality masking substance that can withstand high temperatures. EPDM is a less expensive compound that is less heat resistant.

Kolay Çekmeli Maskeleme Kapakları imalat sürecinde çubuklar, borular ve tüpler gibi uç parça profilleri için mükemmel koruma sunar.

  • Yaygın uygulamaları arasında eloksallama, kumlama, toz kaplama, elektrokaplama ve genel boya hatları vardır.
  • Tam olarak oturması için maskelenen parçanın iç çapı, dış çapından yaklaşık %10 küçük olmalıdır.
Malzeme: EPDM, Silicone, PVC Renk: Black, Natural, Clear, Yellow Seri Kodu: SR1096, SR6119, SR5755, SRF0079

Körleme Tapaları

Blanking Plugs protect sheet metal from sharp edges and seal panel cavities to prevent dust and moisture ingress. They provide a clean finish, can resist acids and also dampen vibrations. Available in various materials; TPE withstands temperatures up to 95C, TPR handles -40C to 135C, and PVC endures up to 50C.

  • It protects against moisture ingress and dust, is acid-resistant and vibration-dampening.
  • Used in electronic applications and the automotive industry.
  • Used on sheet metal to protect against sharp edges and are ideal for closing panel cavities.
Malzeme: PVC, Nylon, TPE, EBA, TPR Renk: Black Malzeme Tutuşabilirlik Standardı: , UL94 V-2Seri Kodu: SR1750, SR6273, SRF0006, SR1751

Maskeleme Kaynak Somunları

Masking Weld Nuts are designed to cover and protect threaded and unthreaded weld nuts. It has a pull-tab and teeth that hold the thread. Can endure temperatures as high as +250C.

Kaynak Somunları dişliye sahiptir ve bu dişlilerin toz kaplama veya yüzey işleme görmemesi önemlidir. Maskeleme Çekme Tapası ürünlerimiz dişsiz veya dişli boydan boya delikleri maskelemek için özellikle tasarlanmış olup Kaynak Somunlarını maskelemek için idealdir.

  • Çekme kulağı hızlı ve kolay sökme imkanı verir.
  • Tapanın gövdesinde yer alan dişlerin sağladığı tutuş, maskeleme kurulumunu emniyete alırken mükemmel oturur.
Malzeme: Silicone Renk: Red, Blue, Yellow, Black Seri Kodu: SRF0061

Maskeleme Rondela Kapakları

Masking Washer Caps are intended as caps with an additional washer to hide grounding or plug holes, when inverted. Protects against solvents, abrasives, and suitable for temperatures of up to +250ºC.

Maskeleme Rondela Kapakları, dişli ve dişsiz uçlar için koruyucu kapak olarak kullanılabilir.

  • Dahili pul, topraklamayı maskeler. Ayrıca, kenar koruma işlevi görür.
  • Ters yüz edilerek delikleri tapalamak için de kullanılabilir.
Malzeme: Silicone Renk: Grey, Natural, Purple, Yellow, Black, Red, Pink, Green Seri Kodu: SR5756

Maskeleme kapakları - Düz

Masking Straight Caps are excellent for protecting and masking pieces through various masking techniques. Designed to protect studs, pins, tube ends, and other applications that need threaded or non-threaded holes. Available in Silicone and EPDM.

Çeşitli maskeleme uygulamalarından geçen parçaları korumak ve maskelemek için ideal çözüm

  • Dişli ve dişsiz delikleri tapalamak için de kullanılabilir.
  • Saplamalar, pimler ve boru uçları için koruma.
Malzeme: Silicone, EPDM Renk: Natural, Black, Yellow, Pink, Green, Blue, Orange, Grey Seri Kodu: SR1052, SR1095

Yıldız Maskeleme Tüpleri

Masking Star Tubes have a star-shaped form that is suitable for lengthy studs and pins. The flexibility makes it easy to insert and remove. Fits over threaded studs, non-threaded tubes and other irregular forms.

Kapakların çok kısa kaldığı durumlarda uzun saplamalara ve pimlere uyan mükemmel maskeleme çözümü.

  • Esnektir ve dar açılı yerlere kolayca geçer.
  • Dişli saplamalara, dişsiz tüplere ve biçimsiz şekillere uyar.
Malzeme: Silicone Renk: Green, Blue, White, Yellow, Red Seri Kodu: SR1051

Düz Maskeleme Tüpleri

Masking Straight Tubing is meant to cover long studs and pins with short caps. Can be trimmed to the desired size and masked off with a through-hole by drawing the tubes outside diameter through. Supplied in rolls for enhanced convenience.

Standart kapakların çok kısa kaldığı durumlarda uzun parçalara uyan mükemmel maskeleme çözümüdür.

  • Rulo olarak temin edilen tüpler, istenen uzunluğa göre kesilebilir.
  • Biçimsiz şekillere uyar ve yeniden kullanılabilir.
Malzeme: Silicone Renk: Red, Natural Seri Kodu: SRF0064, SR1088, SRF0065

Maskeleme Pul Tapaları

High temperature Washer Plugs are designed to mask the surface around a threaded or plain hole, with an integrated washer and plug that function as a single item. Easy to install and remove; they ensure a snug fit and secure seal to prevent leakage or contamination. Capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 250C.

  • It has an integrated washer and plug that allows them to function as a single item.
  • Can withstand high temperatures of up to 250 degrees Celsius.
  • Used for powder coating, painting, plating, sealing, automotive assembly, and electronics manufacturing.
Malzeme: Silicone, EPDM Renk: Natural, Black, White, Grey, Dark Green, Yellow, Pink, Purple, Red Seri Kodu: SR1065, SR1092, SR5753

Saplama Koruma Başlıkları

Flanged Caps are designed for easy assembly and removal, either with automated equipment or by hand. Typically used to protect metric or imperial threads, with or without O-Rings. The larger flange allows for faster application and removal when using it by hand.

For the purpose of quality control; the natural coloured caps allow you to see through the cap and check whether the O-ring is installed, or not installed, on the protected fitting.

  • BSP ve UNF dişleri korumak için kullanılır.
  • Küçük bir flanşla tasarlanmıştır.
  • Kirleticilere karşı korumayı artırır ve tekrarlayan işlemler sırasında boşa harcanan zamanı sınırlar.
Malzeme: LDPE, PE Renk: Natural, Red Seri Kodu: SR1024, SR1124, SR1025, SR1380

Vida Kapatma Kapakları

Socket Screw Cover Caps protect socket head screws, preventing damage caused by corrosion and the ingress of impurities. They also add aesthetical appeal. Can tolerate temperatures ranging from -40C up to +150C. Used for automotive and electrical purposes.

  • Used for the inside of UPS boxes when high voltage cables pass close to metal screw heads.
  • Cover and protect socket head screws from dust and dirt, while providing a quick and clean finish.
  • Used in appliances, electrical applications and automotive.
Malzeme: Silicone, LDPE Renk: Black, White, Grey Seri Kodu: SR1628, SR1813

Sıkı Geçme Ayaklar

Push Fit Feet, commonly known as Grommet Feet, are an ideal choice for a host of applications. The have a number of useful properties that can provide surface protection, vibration dampening, strength retention, and skid prevention.

Our Push In Foot range is designed to simply push into punched or drilled holes, tube ends or to the base of furniture - making them quick and easy to install. They can provide stability and support in various applications and industries, including; office and retail, the manufacture of small and large appliances, furniture and cabinets, housings and cases, glass shelving and table top support, stacking, electrical and electronics equipment - and for many more.

  • Available in various materials including Nylon 6/6, Silicone Rubber, Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) and Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE).
  • Shapes: Rectangle, Right Angle, Round and Square
  • Colours: Black, Brown, Grey, Natural and Transparent
  • UL94 HB rated options.

Series Code :SR1573

Seri Kodu: SR1573 ,SR5797, SR5798, SR5802

Yüksek Isı Konik Tapalar

High-temperature Tapered Plugs protect and mask components during painting, sandblasting, abrasive chemical processing, and during exposure to high temperatures (of up to +218ºC for EPDM parts and 316C for silicone parts). The tapered form allows the plug to expand and adapt to the contour of the hole, as it heats.

  • Available as a solid plug or with a hollow core to aid in the compression to fit threaded or unthreaded holes.
  • These reusable plugs come in a premium high temp silicone material or an economical reduced temp EPDM material.
  • Used in chemical, machining applications and industrial equipment.
Malzeme: EPDM, Silicone, TPR Renk: Black, Natural, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, Pink, Red Seri Kodu: SR1089, SR1045, SR1179, SR1176, SR1499, SR1498, SRF0072

Çekmeli Maskeleme Tapaları

Masking pull plugs are used to mask threaded and non-threaded holes, offering resistance to chemicals. The pull tab makes them easy to install and remove, ensuring a secure fit that prevents leaks or seepage. The reusable material allows for multiple uses, reducing the need for frequent replacements and helping minimize waste. Cn withstand temperatures of up to 250C.

  • Used to mask threaded and non-threaded holes.
  • The pull tab simplifies installation and removal, allowing for smooth insertion and a secure fit.
  • Used in powder coating, sealing, automotive assembly, and electronics production.
Malzeme: EPDM, Silicone, Silicone Rubber Renk: Black, Clear, Natural, Red, Grey, White, Purple, Green, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Blue Seri Kodu: SR1094, SR1057, SR6118, SR6117, SRF0060, SR5750, SR5749, SR5752, SR1028

İtmeli Tamponlar ve Kauçuk Ayaklar - Tampon

Push-Fit Bumpers can be used as glides, bumpers, closures, slides, and stops in various applications. The press-fit stem holds the bumper securely in place to protect surfaces from contact.

Series Code :SR5807

Seri Kodu: SR5807