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Heavy-duty Tapered Caps and Plugs protect both threaded and non-threaded pipelines and ports. Features a thicker wall and a seal ring, resulting in more protection and damage resistance than the ordinary version. Used for applications in machinery, automotive and industrial.
Štandardné kónické krytky a zátky sú univerzálne komponenty určené na použitie ako zátka alebo krytka. Kónický profil umožňuje nasadenie dielu do viacerých vnútorných priemerov alebo zakrytie viacerých vonkajších priemerov.
Tieto dvojfunkčné zátky alebo krytky sa zvyčajne používajú na ochranu pred poškodením, nečistotami, vlhkosťou a koróziou počas skladovania a prepravy.
Vďaka tvaru na priame zatlačenie sa tieto dvojfunkčné komponenty ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú. Široký sortiment ponúka výber veľkostí od 2,9 mm do 345,0 mm.
Socket Screw Cover Caps protect socket head screws, preventing damage caused by corrosion and the ingress of impurities. They also add aesthetical appeal. Can tolerate temperatures ranging from -40C up to +150C. Used for automotive and electrical purposes.
LGP Caps have been developed in collaboration with the LPG sector to assist in avoiding harmful gas leaks. Provides a tight seal for cylinders, valves and fittings, even in harsh environments. Prevents pollutants from entering the applications. Marked with assembly and disassembly directions.
Masking Washer Caps are intended as caps with an additional washer to hide grounding or plug holes, when inverted. Protects against solvents, abrasives, and suitable for temperatures of up to +250ºC.
Nut Protection Caps protect nuts, screws and bolts against chemical and environmental pollutants. They are durable and are available in several sizes.
Náš sortiment uzatváracích krytiek s čelným tesniacim O-krúžkom je určený na ochranu prípojok s čelným tesniacim O-krúžkom používaných na hydraulických spojoch.
Dizajn krytky má dlhšiu celkovú dĺžku pre dodatočnú ochranu pred vniknutím nečistôt a iných kontaminantov. V spodnej časti má tiež lisovaný poistný krúžok, ktorý sa zacvakne pod spojku a bezpečne ju drží na mieste počas prepravy a spracovania.
Náš sortiment je vhodný pre veľkosti závitov UNF aj JIC.
Threaded Protection Caps are designed for use with Metric Threads. Protects threads and fittings from damage during manufacturing, storage and transportation. The knurled head shape allows for easy installation and removal by hand, by simply twisting them on to the pipe or tube.
Threaded Protection Caps are designed for use with UNF and JIC Threads. Protects threads and fittings from damage during manufacturing, storage and transportation. The knurled head shape allows for easy installation and removal by hand, by simply twisting them on to the pipe or tube. Can tolerate temperatures between -30C and +80C.
Driveshaft Protection Caps protect the ends of exposed driveshafts from oil and chemicals, during transportation and storage. They are resistant to ripping and splitting.
Breather Caps are used to protect equipment against moisture and particle contamination. Allows for airflow in applications, preventing a system from malfunctioning due to pressure changes.
Tapered Round Feet Ferrules protect tube ends, chair bottoms and other furniture. Offers protection against wear and tear from grasp and slip, and scratch resistance. Provides a secure grip. Simple to install by placing it by hand on to the end of the application.
Standard Round Feet Ferrules protect tube ends, chair bottoms and other light or heavy-duty applications. Offers protection against wear and tear from grasp and slip, and scratch resistance. Provides a secure grip. Simple to install by placing it by hand on to the end of the application.
Round Vinyl End Caps seal and protect the ends of pipes, tubes and cylindrical items from contamination. Creates a clean finish. Resistant to impact, weathering and abrasion.
Standard Round End Caps keep dirt and other contaminants out of threaded and non-threaded tubes, pipes, and rods. Available in standard, short or long form, depending on the intended use. Can resist temperatures of up to 70C.
Oval Feet Ferrules are intended to add stability, provide floor protection and a polished appearance to equipment. Covers sharp tube edges and oval legs, providing impact and wear resistance. They are adaptable, allowing for easy application.
Tapered Paper Caps are perfect for paint and powder coating applications. Made from a blend of post-consumer and virgin materials. Can sustain operating temperatures of up to +205C.
Pozidrive Screw Caps are designed to cover screws and provide a neat finish. Provides a tight seal that prevents dust and dirt from entering. Easy to install and remove by press fit.
Pružné koncové krytky sú vyrobené z pružného materiálu, ktorý sa dá natiahnuť na väčšie rozmery pre dokonalú priľnavosť. Poskytujú ochranu závitov alebo hladkých zakončení.
Krytka má závesné uško na jej použitie s drôtenými háčikmi. Sú vhodným riešením pre aplikácie maskovania pri nízkych teplotách.
Výhodou krytiek je tiež ich materiál odolný voči kyselinám.
Flexible End Caps with acid resistance are designed to seal and protect the ends of pipes, tubes and fittings. Features a hanging tab that allows them to be used with wire hooks. More acid resistant and can stretch for a tight fit.
Standard Flexible End Caps are compatible with Metric, BSP and UNF threads. Guards against dust and moisture. Applied on the ends of pipes, tubes, and fittings.
Flexible Pipe Caps protect threaded pipe ends. Flexible design that is simple to install. Puncture, dust, moisture resistant. Typically used in automobiles, HVAC systems, and on construction equipment.
Ribbed Pipe End Caps keep dirt and other contaminants from threaded and non-threaded tubes, pipes and rods. Masks areas during painting processes. Can resist temperatures up to 79.4C.
Rivet Caps fit firmly over the top of blind rivets. Offers protection dust and grime, while also providing a clean finish for screws. They do not require additional tools for installation. Used in automotive and industrial applications.
Round Ball Caps have excellent strength and a solid press fit to improve the leg design. Ideal for furniture; it guards against damage, while acting as an aesthetically pleasing top or end.
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