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(155 sady výrobkov)
Svorky sú konštruované na ploché káble. Samolepiace svorky z PVC zabezpečujú pevné uchytenie s jednoduchou inštaláciou prilepením. Majú zaistenie zhora na vyššiu stabilitu kábla. Lepiaci prvok produktu má životnosť približne 1 rok od dátumu odoslania, pri skladovaní v neotvorenom pôvodnom balení, pri izbovej teplote a mimo slnečného žiarenia.
Flat cables Clips are designed to clamp and organise flat cables in place preventing tangles, and maintaining a clean cable system. They feature a low profile minimizing their visibility and ensuring sleek and discreet appearance. Used in electronics, computer systems, and home entertainment setups.
Easy and quick to install providing a secure attachment to walls, or desks. If looking for a flat base, you can choose between glue or adhesive mounting method options.The adhesive element of the product has a shelf life of 1 Year from date of shipping.
Svorky sú konštruované na ploché káble. Samolepiace svorky zabezpečujú pevné uchytenie s jednoduchou inštaláciou prilepením. Tieto svorky zabezpečujú uchytenie z oboch strán.
High Temperature Flexible Caps with an ergonomic-friendly pull-tab design for easy fitting and removal. Suitable for use on threaded or plain applications.
The unique design fits a range of applications and thread sizes including Metric, UNF and BSP. The range includes options with a six-sided design.Vysokoteplotné pružné krytky s úchytom sa nasadzujú a odstraňujú zo závitových alebo hladkých aplikácií.
High Temperature Flexiplugs are used to hold screws and nails in both threaded and plain holes. Resists splitting and contamination. Used in automotive and manufacturing sectors.
Garden Cane Caps with a cross head pattern are typically applied to the tips of garden canes and other pointed stick or pole applications. They are weather-resistant and help prevent harmful injuries to users. Designed to accommodate a variety of diameters.
Užitočná kryta na skrutky s krížovou drážkou sa bežne používa na ochranu hrotu záhradných palíc, kovových tyčí a iných aplikácií s tyčami.
Krytky mazníc sú určené na ochranu mazníc pred prachom, vlhkosťou, špinou a inými nečistotami. Náš sortiment ponúka na výber krytky s úchytom alebo bez úchytu pre jednoduchšie odstránenie. Dizajn krytky s vrúbkovanou alebo hladkou hlavou pre ľahké uchopenie. Tieto kryty mazníc možno použiť aj ako vizuálny indikátor namazania armatúry.
Ide o úsporné riešenie s rýchlou a jednoduchou montážou a demontážou.
Používajú sa v aplikáciách prepravy kvapalín, ktoré majú maznice.
Gripneck Feet, sometimes referred to as Mushroom Glides due to the mushroom-like shape of the foot, are an attractive replacement for stem-castors or stem-feet. Inserted into legs or base of an application, they enable for furniture to be moved about smoothly and easily when needed. They offer more stability than a castor, which are likely to roll back and forth, particularly on tiled or laminated surfaces.
Our Gripneck Foot range features a Black Polyamide (PA) base, or foot, and a Galvanised Steel stem. The Gripneck stem makes installation quick and the smooth PA base provides effortless manoeuvrability.
There are six types to choose from, catering for a variety of application needs. Type 4 has a hollow base.
Masking Straight Tubing is meant to cover long studs and pins with short caps. Can be trimmed to the desired size and masked off with a through-hole by drawing the tubes outside diameter through. Supplied in rolls for enhanced convenience.
Heavy Duty Pipe Caps protect the end of pipes from dust, debris and contaminants. Features a reinforced design foundation. Can resist temperatures ranging from 66C up to -40C.
End Tips protect the exposed ends of rods and tubes, while providing a neat appearance. The simple push-fit design allows for quick and easy installation.
Gas Cylinder Valve Protectors are designed in collaboration with major European gas companies. Covers the valve threads on industrial and LPG gas cylinders during storage, handling and transportation. Features a vent flap that allows for the safe escape of gas in the event of an inadvertent valve opening.
Torx Caps are designed to fit tightly into Torx head screws. They offer a clean finish, while concealing them. Protects screw against dust, filth, and moisture. Simple to apply with a push fit design. Applications include automotive, industrial and electronic assembly.
Unicap caps are used to conceal and protect exposed screw or bolt heads, while providing an attractive finish. Caps and washers are supplied separately, in low and high profile designs.
Flanged Caps are designed for easy assembly and removal, either with automated equipment or by hand. Typically used to protect metric or imperial threads, with or without O-Rings. The larger flange allows for faster application and removal when using it by hand.
For the purpose of quality control; the natural coloured caps allow you to see through the cap and check whether the O-ring is installed, or not installed, on the protected fitting.
Cover Caps are used to conceal and protect exposed screw or bolt heads, while providing an attractive finish. Caps and washers are supplied separately.
Hose Washer Caps are applied to the ends of hoses and tubes to keep them from slipping over the fittings. Protects against water, dust, grime and pollutants.
Krytky s úchytom sú určené na ochranu aplikácií pred kontamináciou a rozliatím. Tvar úchytu poskytuje väčšiu plochu kontaktu s povrchom a vyžaduje menšiu uchopovaciu silu počas montáže a demontáže.
Úchyty sú užitočné najmä v aplikáciách vyžadujúcich rýchle odstránenie počas mechanického procesu, sú obľúbenou voľbou v rôznych priemyselných odvetviach.
Flexibilita použitých materiálov umožňuje tesné nasadenie v aplikáciách. S pridaným úchytom sú nevyhnutnou voľbou.
Koncové krytky bez závitu sú vhodné na ochranu závitových a hladkých rúr, potrubí alebo tyčí. Zabraňujú prenikaniu špiny, nečistôt a iných látok. Majú určitú odolnosť proti oderu, ktorá chráni spojovaciu časť počas skladovania a prepravy. Môžu sa použiť aj na maskovanie pri lakovaní, pokovovaní alebo pieskovaní.
Rýchla a jednoduchá montáž a demontáž.
Možno ich použiť v inštalatérstve, vzduchotechnike a klimatizácii a pre priemyselné aplikácie.
Tube End Caps protect threaded and non-threaded tubes, rods, and other cylindrical devices against inadvertent displacement. Best used as a protective covering, and to mask areas during painting for in outdoor applications.
Flange Covers are ideal for safeguarding internally coated flanges and offer comprehensive flange protection. Universally compatible with a wide range of flange types, including ANSI B 16.5, DIN 2631-2635 and BS 4504.
Uniscrew caps are designed to provide a flush and seamless appearance. They are connected to a washer by a hinge that folds neatly when inserted into the cap. Easy to install with a push fit. Protects against damage, moisture and corrosion.
Heavy-duty Tapered Caps and Plugs protect both threaded and non-threaded pipelines and ports. Features a thicker wall and a seal ring, resulting in more protection and damage resistance than the ordinary version. Used for applications in machinery, automotive and industrial.
Štandardné kónické krytky a zátky sú univerzálne komponenty určené na použitie ako zátka alebo krytka. Kónický profil umožňuje nasadenie dielu do viacerých vnútorných priemerov alebo zakrytie viacerých vonkajších priemerov.
Tieto dvojfunkčné zátky alebo krytky sa zvyčajne používajú na ochranu pred poškodením, nečistotami, vlhkosťou a koróziou počas skladovania a prepravy.
Vďaka tvaru na priame zatlačenie sa tieto dvojfunkčné komponenty ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú. Široký sortiment ponúka výber veľkostí od 2,9 mm do 345,0 mm.
Socket Screw Cover Caps protect socket head screws, preventing damage caused by corrosion and the ingress of impurities. They also add aesthetical appeal. Can tolerate temperatures ranging from -40C up to +150C. Used for automotive and electrical purposes.
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