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Hydraulics & Fluid Protection

 (43 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Chrániče hydraulických hadíc

Hose Wear Protectors protect hoses against point of contact wear with abrasive services. It is a very durable material with a high wear factor and the moulded grooves are designed to fit with cable ties. It is an incredibly easy part to assemble and remove and is typically used on hydraulic hoses, fuel and oil line, brake systems, wiring harnesses and battery cables

Series Code: SR6000

DKO Zátky s uškom

These DKO Side Release Plugs protect DKO-compression fittings (24 nipples with O-Ring) during transit, storage, and processing from damage and contaminants. These plugs' sturdy structure ensures dependable performance even in harsh environments. The leak-proof seal and secure connection prevent fluid leakage or loss, reducing the danger of equipment damage, productivity loss, or safety issues.

The flexible end fits snugly into the DKO swivel nut, and the side pull tab allows easy removal. Commonly used to meet the needs of industries such as automotive, manufacturing, and machinery.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Series Code: SR1121

Hadicové servisné zátky

Hose Service Plugs are used to avoid costly spills of oils and chemicals during the maintenance and repair of hoses and rigid pipe. The rubber is strong and reusable. No tools required to apply, just push in and twist.

Series Code: SRF0071

Hadicové spony

These Worm Drive Hose Clamps are designed to secure hoses onto fittings or other connections. They consist of a stamped rather than perforated band with rolled edges to prevent distortion of the hose when a flexible rubber hose is clamped. The strap separates from the hose housing, so you can install or remove them without disconnecting the hose or tube. The supplied screw is made of the same material as the band.

Its screw makes it easy to install and uninstall and tightens the band around the hose to create a secure, leak-proof seal. These clamps are sized to SAE standards and used in various industries, including automotive, plumbing and HVAC.

  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Colour: Natural

Series Code: SR6121, SR6100

Hadicové svorky

Plastic Hose Clamps are designed to provide a secure and superior seal to hoses and tubing to fittings or other components with a patented interlocking design, preventing leaks and ensuring a secure connection.

They feature a push lock, which allows for easy installation and removal on most liquid, gas or vacuum lines and is removable and reusable. Resistant to various chemicals, oils, and solvents, making them ideal for use in harsh environments. Suitable for automotive, industrial and plumbing applications.

  • Material: Nylon, PA
  • Colour: Natural, Black, White, Grey

Series Code: SR1503, SRV0000, SRV0002, SRV0001, SR1934

Krytky mazníc

Krytky mazníc sú určené na ochranu mazníc pred prachom, vlhkosťou, špinou a inými nečistotami. Náš sortiment ponúka na výber krytky s úchytom alebo bez úchytu pre jednoduchšie odstránenie. Dizajn krytky s vrúbkovanou alebo hladkou hlavou pre ľahké uchopenie. Tieto kryty mazníc možno použiť aj ako vizuálny indikátor namazania armatúry.

Ide o úsporné riešenie s rýchlou a jednoduchou montážou a demontážou.

Používajú sa v aplikáciách prepravy kvapalín, ktoré majú maznice.

  • Určené na ochranu pred prachom, vlhkosťou, špinou a inými nečistotami.
  • Rýchla a jednoduchá montáž a demontáž.
  • Vhodné na použitie v strojoch, zariadeniach, vozidlách alebo iných aplikáciách používajúcich maznice.
Materiál: TPE, Polyetylén LDFarba: Čierna, Červená, ŽltáNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SRPITPE, SRPI, SR1019

Krytky na ventily plynových fliaš

Gas cylinder valve cap is designed to protect industrial and LPG gas cylinder valve threads when they are not used. It protects from the entry of moisture, dirt, dust or other contaminants. It is fitted with a vent flap to allow the safe release of gas following the accidental opening of the valve. It can differentiate full from empty cylinders.

They are simple to install and remove and provide an airtight seal to maintain the integrity of the gas in the cylinder. It is commonly used in laboratories, medical industry, and construction applications.

  • Material: LDPE, HDPE
  • Colour: Yellow

Series Code: SR1060

Krytky potrubia s podložkou

Hose Washer Caps are applied on the hose and tube ends to prevent them from sliding over the fittings. It features a tight-fitting design that helps to prevent water, dust, dirt and other contaminants from getting into the hose.

They are simple to install and remove and provide an airtight seal to maintain the integrity of the hose connector. It is used in construction applications, gardening, and the automotive industry.

  • Material: TPE, LDPE
  • Colour: Black, Yellow

Series Code: SR5758

Krytky s prírubou

Krytky s prírubou sú navrhnuté pre ľahkú montáž a demontáž pomocou automatizovaného zariadenia alebo ručne. Zvyčajne sa používajú na ochranu metrických alebo britských závitov s O-krúžkami alebo bez nich. Väčšia príruba umožňuje rýchlejšie nasadenie a vybratie rukou.

Na účely kontroly kvality. Krytky v prírodnej farbe umožňujú vidieť cez krytku a kontrolovať, či je O-krúžok nainštalovaný na chránenej armatúre alebo nie.

Poskytujú priliehavé a bezpečné uchytenie.

  • Určené na zakrytie a ochranu závitov.
  • Chránia pred poškodením, nečistotami a vlhkosťou.
  • Používajú sa v automobilovom priemysle a strojárstve.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD, TPE, Silikón, TPRFarba: Prírodná, Žltá, Priehľadná, Ružová, Červená, ČiernaNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SR1024, SRCTLTPE, SR5754, SR1116, SR1124, SR1025, SR1026

Krytky s úchytom

Krytky s úchytom sú určené na ochranu aplikácií pred kontamináciou a rozliatím. Tvar úchytu poskytuje väčšiu plochu kontaktu s povrchom a vyžaduje menšiu uchopovaciu silu počas montáže a demontáže.

Úchyty sú užitočné najmä v aplikáciách vyžadujúcich rýchle odstránenie počas mechanického procesu, sú obľúbenou voľbou v rôznych priemyselných odvetviach.

Flexibilita použitých materiálov umožňuje tesné nasadenie v aplikáciách. S pridaným úchytom sú nevyhnutnou voľbou.

  • Navrhnuté na ochranu pred kontamináciou a rozliatím.
  • Vďaka flexibilnému tvaru sa môžu roztiahnuť do trochu väčších rozmerov pre priliehavé uloženie.
  • Používajú sa v potravinárskom priemysle, priemyselných alebo skladovacích aplikáciách.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD, EVA, PVCFarba: Žltá, Čierna, ČervenáNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SRQCF, SR6110, SR1066, SR1044

Krytky ukončovacie hladké

Koncové krytky bez závitu sú vhodné na ochranu závitových a hladkých rúr, potrubí alebo tyčí. Zabraňujú prenikaniu špiny, nečistôt a iných látok. Majú určitú odolnosť proti oderu, ktorá chráni spojovaciu časť počas skladovania a prepravy. Môžu sa použiť aj na maskovanie pri lakovaní, pokovovaní alebo pieskovaní.

Rýchla a jednoduchá montáž a demontáž.

Možno ich použiť v inštalatérstve, vzduchotechnike a klimatizácii a pre priemyselné aplikácie.

  • Bezpečné chránia závitové a hladké rúrky, potrubia alebo tyče.
  • Rýchla a jednoduchá montáž a demontáž.
  • Používajú sa v inštalatérstve, vzduchotechnike a klimatizácii a pre priemyselné aplikácie.
Materiál: Polyetylén LDFarba: Čierna, ModráNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SR1062

Kryty koncov rúrok

Tube End Caps offer ideal protection for threaded or non-threaded tubing, pipes and rods. Standard, short and long caps are available. The short versions are for general purpose closure and the long versions have an extra depth and feathered edge that ensure a tight fit.

The design of these longer caps helps to prevent accidental displacement. Tube End Caps serve the same purpose as Heat Shrink End Caps, but do not shrink when heated during the application process. They are UV and weather resistant, making them ideal outdoor applications.

  • Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Low density polyethylene (LDPE)
  • Colour: Red

Series Code: SR1610, SR1620

Kónické krytky a zátky - silná záťaž

Tapered Caps & Plugs protect threaded and non-threaded pipes, ports, and access points from damage, dust and debris during storage and shipping. They have a heavy duty wall and a tapered sealing ring for maximum protection.

Heavy duty tapered caps and plugs are designed to provide extra protection and durability where standard caps and plugs would not suffice. It provides a secure seal by push fit, excellent durability, and resistance to impact and abrasion. Used for applications in machinery, automotive, and industrial.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: White, Red

Series Code: SR1003

Kónické krytky a zátky - široká príruba

Kónické krytky a zátky so širokou prírubou ponúkajú dodatočnú ochranu okolia na povrchu ložiska. Širšia príruba zabraňuje náhodnému zatlačeniu dielu cez protikus. Určené na použitie ako zátka alebo krytka. Kónický profil umožňuje nasadenie dielu do viacerých vnútorných priemerov alebo zakrytie viacerých vonkajších priemerov.

Tieto dvojfunkčné komponenty sa zvyčajne používajú na ochranu pred poškodením, nečistotami, vlhkosťou a koróziou počas skladovania a prepravy.

Vďaka tvaru na priame zatlačenie sa ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú.

  • Zabraňujú náhodnému zatlačeniu zátky cez protikus.
  • Chránia závitové a hladké rúry, porty a prístupové body pred poškodením, špinou, vlhkosťou, úlomkami a koróziou.
  • Vhodné na použitie v hydraulických systémoch, automobilových komponentoch, v chemickom priemysle alebo zdravotníctve.
Materiál: Polyetylén LDFarba: Žltá, Červená, ModráNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SRF0030, SR1001, SR1115

Kónické krytky a zátky – štandardné

Štandardné kónické krytky a zátky sú univerzálne komponenty určené na použitie ako zátka alebo krytka. Kónický profil umožňuje nasadenie dielu do viacerých vnútorných priemerov alebo zakrytie viacerých vonkajších priemerov.

Tieto dvojfunkčné zátky alebo krytky sa zvyčajne používajú na ochranu pred poškodením, nečistotami, vlhkosťou a koróziou počas skladovania a prepravy.

Vďaka tvaru na priame zatlačenie sa tieto dvojfunkčné komponenty ľahko nasadzujú a odstraňujú. Široký sortiment ponúka výber veľkostí od 2,9 mm do 345,0 mm.

  • Tvar zátky je vhodný pre viacero vnútorných a vonkajších priemerov.
  • Chránia závitové a hladké rúry, porty a prístupové body pred poškodením, špinou, vlhkosťou, úlomkami a koróziou.
  • Vhodné na použitie v hydraulických systémoch, automobilových komponentoch alebo zdravotníctve.
Materiál: Polyetylén LDFarba: Červená, Modrá, Čierna, Priehľadná, ŽltáNorma pre horľavosť materiálu: Series Code: SR1000, SR1111, SRF0020

LPG krytky na plynové potrubie

LPG Caps were developed with the LPG industry to help prevent dangerous gas leaks. They meet the LP Gas Association Code of Practice 15. Its design incorporates a strap to help prevent loss and ease of replacement. It withstands pressures while providing a gas-tight seal, even under extreme temperatures and adverse conditions.

It also prevents debris and contaminants from entering the application. It is easy to use or remove. Used in warehousing to protect LPG gas cylinders, in the storage of applications, construction and automotive industry.

  • Material: HDPE
  • Colour: Black

Series Code: SR1085

Ochranné krytky so závitom - metrické závity

Threaded Protection Caps for Metric Threads threads and fittings protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and are ready for use when needed. The protection cap keeps contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture out of the hole.

Features a knurled head design that makes them easy to install and remove by hand by twisting them onto the pipe or tube. Suitable for Metric threads. Used in various applications, including hydraulic and pneumatic systems, automotive, and industrial applications.

  • Material: HDPE, LDPE
  • Colour: Yellow, Red, Natural

Series Code: SR1161, SR1018, SRF0015

Ochranné krytky so závitom - závity BSP/GAS

Threaded Protection Caps for BSP/Gas Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection cap keeps contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture out of the hole.

Features a knurled head design that makes them easy to install and remove by hand by twisting them onto the pipe or tube. Used in various applications, including hydraulic and pneumatic systems, automotive, and industrial applications.

  • Material: LDPE, HDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Series Code: SR1018, SRF0014, SRF0015

Ochranné krytky so závitom - závity UNF/JIC

Threaded Protection Caps for UNF /JIC Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection cap protects flared and flare less from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture out of the hole.

Features a knurled head design that makes them easy to install and remove by hand by twisting them or pushing them in on the pipe or tube. They are ideal for UNF/JIC threads, and if you pick the yellow option, they are made of HDPE and have a long profile, which allows for more threading turns. It can withstand temperatures between Min. -30C, Max. +80C. The range of Protection caps can be used in various applications, including hydraulic and pneumatic systems, automotive, and industrial applications.

  • Material: Nylon, HDPE, LDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Series Code: SR1018, SRF0015, SRF0014

Ochranné návleky na hadice

Quick Sleeves eliminate hydraulic line contamination during hose replacement. They are resistant to heat, ozone and abrasion and aid the easy assembly and removal of bundles

Series Code: SR1108, SR1080

Ochranné návleky na hadice - schválené z hľadiska bezpečnosti v baniach

Mining Safety Approved Hose Protection Sleeves are dense but not bulky for optimum UV and abrasion protection. These sleeves are effective in reducing the concentrated stream of pinhole leaks with a high degree of burst resistance and good leakage containment. Approvals and Certifications: MSHA Approval #MSHA IC0234/0; Meets FED0STD0191 test method 5309 for abrasion resistance; Meets ASTM D6770 for abrasion resistance of textile webbing.

Series Code: SR1082

Ohňovzdorné návleky

Standard and Premium Fire Protection Sleeves are supported by the hose protection range offering high performance flexible protection cover for cables, hydraulic leads and rubber hose lines. Fire Protection Sleeve gives a protection against high temperatures, radiation heat, direct flames and liquid metal splashes. The inner sleeve has good insulation properties with a 700 degree service temperature. The red silicone cover of the standard sleeve is self extinguishing and is highly flexible allowing easy application to curved or irregular shapes. The Premium sleeve has a thick extruded silicone outer cover which will keep it's shape well allowing easy application onto straight hoses, pipes and cables

Series Code: SR1100, SR6001, SR6002

Okrúhle koncové krytky - vinylové

"Push Fit Round Vinyl End Cap are a versatile and practical accessory that provides a clean and finished look to the ends of various cylindrical objects.

Designed to fit securely over ends of round or cylindrical tubes, rods, or pipes. It offers protection, durability and is resistant to impact, abrasion, and weathering.

The glossy and attractive finish makes this cap ideal for use as a decorative end cap. It also acts as protective barriers, shielding the ends of tubes or rods from moisture, dust, dirt, and other contaminants.

Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)Colour: Black, Red

Series Code: SR1044

Okrúhle koncové krytky - štandardné

Standard Round End Caps are non-threaded and available in a wide range of sizes. They are ideal for protecting threaded or non-threaded tubing, pipes and rods. Standard, short and long caps are available. The short versions are for general purpose closure and the long versions have an extra depth and feathered edge which ensure a tight fit. The design of these longer caps helps to prevent accidental displacement.

  • Material: PE, PP
  • Colour: Yellow, Black, Grey, Natural

Series Code: SRF0023

Okrúhle koncové krytky - štandardné

Standard Round End Caps are used to securely protect threaded or non-threaded tubing, pipes, and rods during transportation, a paint process or on a finished product. It prevents dirt, debris, dust and other contaminants from damaging the tubes.

These caps are easily applied by pushing onto the application and can be re-used upon removal. They are used for industrial, HVAC, and plumbing applications and can withstand temperatures up to 70C.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Natural, Red

Series Code: SRF0068, SR1000, SR5763

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