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Okrúhle Štvorcová hlava Polyetylén LD

 (56 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Ochranné kryty hnacích hriadeľov

Driveshaft Protection Caps are used for the protection and masking of driveshaft, and the surrounding bearings, from oil and an array of chemicals.

Available in a choice of materials; Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) and Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). The PVC option also provides resistance to tearing and splitting.

Our range fits DIN 748, IEC 600-72 and ISO R775.

  • Materials: LDPE and Flexible PVC
  • Colour: Yellow

Series Code: SR1079

Ochranné zátky so závitom - metrické závity

Threaded Protection Plugs for Metric Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture out of the hole.

Features a knurled head design that makes them easy to install and remove by hand by twisting them or onto the pipe or tube. Ideal for Metric thread applications exposed to high fluid flow residue and vibration. Used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic and general engineering industries.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Red

Skupina SR: SR1002

Ochranné zátky so závitom - závity BSP/GAS

Threaded Protection Plugs for BSP/GAS Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture out of the hole.

Features a knurled head design that makes them easy to install and remove by hand by twisting them onto the pipe or tube. Used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic and general engineering industries.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Red

Skupina SR: SR1002, SR5757, SR1054

Ochranné zátky so závitom - závity UNF

These Threaded Protection Plugs for UNF Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture from the hole.

It features fewer thread forms for faster application and may be applied or removed with a hand, hex spanner, or screwdriver. Used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic, and general engineering.

  • Material: PP, LDPE, HDPE
  • Colour: Yellow, Black, Red

Skupina SR: SR5762, SR1077, SRF0029, SR1002

Okrúhle ferule na nožičky - štandardné

Standard Round Feet Ferrules are a type of protective cap that offer protection to tubes, rods and occasionally threads, as well as the end of furniture legs, chair legs, and ladder steps. They are anti-slip and anti-scratching floors. Designed to fit perfectly, providing a snug and secure fit.

The ferrules offer protection to the shaft or tube to ensure it doesn't split when meeting hard surfaces and provide floor protection and grip.

It is easy to install simply by pushing them onto the end of the applications. Also durable and long-lasting, protecting your applications. It is used in furniture manufacturing, retail and commercial applications.

  • Material: PVC, LDPE, Nylon
  • Colour: White, Black, Natural

Skupina SR: SR1510, SR1516, SRF0070, SRF0069

Okrúhle klzáky

Round Load Bearing Glides are designed to use as a protection plug or as a glide. The lid is stepped to offer an easy insertion and secure fit.

They are ideal to protect and finish a tube end in moderate to heavy-duty applications These glides provide a smooth, durable base for furniture, appliances and more.

They protect floors from scratches, scuffs and other damage caused by heavy or sharp objects.

  • Material: PE, ABS, Nylon, Butyrate, LDPE, HDPE
  • Colour: Grey, Black

Skupina SR: SR1632

Okrúhle koncové krytky - štandardné

Standard Round End Caps are used to securely protect threaded or non-threaded tubing, pipes, and rods during transportation, a paint process or on a finished product. It prevents dirt, debris, dust and other contaminants from damaging the tubes.

These caps are easily applied by pushing onto the application and can be re-used upon removal. They are used for industrial, HVAC, and plumbing applications and can withstand temperatures up to 70C.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Natural, Red

Skupina SR: SRF0068

Okrúhle zátky do profilov a rúrok

Okrúhle zátky a klzáky poskytujú konečný vzhľad a ochranu zakončenia okrúhlych rúrok, tyčí alebo stĺpikov. K dispozícii sú dve prevedenia: rebrovaný pre maximálnu priľnavosť, ktorý možno použiť na viaceré priemery rúrok, alebo s hladkým driekom špeciálne pre jeden priemer rúrky, pre jednoduché nasadenie.

Dostupné sú rôzne typy a štýly:

  • Ľahké okrúhle zátky sa jednoducho nasadzujú a majú vysokokvalitnú povrchovú úpravu. Imperiálny rad má hladký driek, metrický rad má rebrovaný driek.
  • Zátky na konce rúrok vyrobené z polyetylénu s nízkou hustotou sú vrúbkované pre dobrú priľnavosť, chránia pred ostrými okrajmi rúrky.
  • Štandardné okrúhle zátky sú drážkované pre jednoduchú inštaláciu, bezpečné uchytenie a zakrývajú ostré okraje.
  • Okrúhle vypuklé zátky ponúkajú pekný konečný vzhľad vysokokvalitných rúrových predmetov.

Zvyčajne sa používajú v nábytkárstve a priemyselných zariadeniach. Univerzálnosť materiálov, povrchových úprav a farieb poskytuje možnosti na maximalizáciu estetického vzhľadu a dokonalé prispôsobenie vašej aplikácii.
  • Poskytujú konečný vzhľad a chránia konce hadíc, tyčí alebo stĺpikov.
  • Zatláčacie zátky s rebrovaním pre maximálnu priľnavosť alebo s hladkým driekom pre ľahkú aplikáciu.
  • Používajú sa v rôznych aplikáciách, vrátane nábytku, stavebníctva a v priemysle.
Materiál: ABS, Polyetylén, Polyetylén LD Farba: Čierna, Šedá, Biela, Žltá, Oranžová, Červená, Hnedá, Modrá, Zelená Series Code: SRANT, SR1530, SR1560, SR1555, SR1565

Okrúhle zátky do trubíc – viacúčelové

Viacúčelové okrúhle zátky do profilov sú vhodné tam, kde sa nevyžaduje estetika konečného produktu. Pevne zapadajú do okrúhlych rúrok, stĺpikov alebo tyčí, pomáhajú predchádzať kontaminácii, ponúkajú bezpečnosť a úhľadný povrch bez ostrých hrán na narezaných rúrkach.

Praktický a cenovo výhodný sortiment, ktorý zahŕňa tenšie steny a rôzne veľkosti, spĺňa základné požiadavky na ochranu zátok. Sú praktickou voľbou tam, kde vzhľad nie je rozhodujúcim faktorom.

Jednoduché nasadenie zatlačením rukou alebo gumeným kladivom pre rýchlu a účinnú montáž. Možno ich použiť v strojárstve alebo v aplikácii, kde sa vyžaduje konštrukčné potrubie.

  • Vhodné tam, kde sa nevyžaduje estetika.
  • Pevne zapadnú do okrúhlych rúrok, zabraňujú kontaminácii a poskytujú ochranu.
  • Jednoduché nasadenie zatlačením rukou alebo gumeným kladivom.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD Farba: Čierna Series Code: SR1530

Pružné krytky potrubia

Rotational Moulded Cap protects threaded pipe ends. Due to its softer material it allows for easier fitting on pipes. These caps have outstanding toughness and are puncture resistant with good flexibility which makes assembly or removal easier.

They are used to fit different pipe and tubing configurations, and they can be used in applications such as automotive, HVAC, construction, and industrial equipment. These caps provide protection from dust, dirt, and moisture.

  • Material: PE, LDPE
  • Colour: Yellow, White, Black

Skupina SR: SR1388, SR1389

Rebrované krytky potrubia

Ribbed Pipe End Caps are ideal for protecting threaded or non-threaded pipes, tubes or rods. In addition it is used to shield or mask areas during the painting process, as well as preventing dirt, dust, or debris from entering.

It is easy to install and remove, and it can withstand a maximum temperature of 79.4C. Designed for plumbing, HVAC, and industrial applications.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Red, Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1046

Roztiahnuteľné maskovacie kryty

Expandable Masking Covers are an ideal alternative to a more conventional cap when the part to cover has an awkward shape. The Masking Covers are expandable by stretching with an elasticated end or by stretching through the elasticity of the material. The elasticated cap makes it a looser hold and therefore is best for a general protection during transport and storage or light masking requirement.

The stretched material cap has a stronger hold on the part by gripping and therefore is best for application putting pressure on the part. Their softening point is at 90 degrees Celsius and they can be used up to 100 degrees Celsius.

  • Material: LDPE, Silicone
  • Colour: Blue, Red, White, Clear

Skupina SR: SR1097, SRF0019

Rýchlouzávery Tear Tab

Tear Tab Caps are a standard, off-the-shelf solution that will allow you to meet your customers demands without those all too common time delays.

Tear Tab Caps are quick-fit and quick-release caps. As a rapid solution, they can be easily fitted and removed across an array of applications, including; critical hydraulic tubes and pipes, such as those that carry oils and other fluids around vehicles and machineries. This makes them an ideal choice for the specialist vehicle manufacturing industry, and other automotive and manufacturing sectors.

Tear Tab Caps also assist in the protection of tube and pipe ends during transportation and storage. They protect parts from damage, dirt, moisture and other forms of ingress. These caps are highly versatile, and ideal for a range of applications and different threads, including; BSP, GAS, UNF, JIC and NPT.

Made from Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), the caps feature a simple tear-away tab for quick release, and fast removal. The ease of extracting the Tear Tab Cap from the hydraulic pipework makes the removal process faster. By simply pulling the tab, the cap splits open, tearing away.

The LDPE material is tough and flexible. They provide many of the advantages of PVC caps, such as integrity and cleanliness.

  • Colours: Blue, Natural and Yellow
  • RoHS Compliant

Skupina SR: SR1022, SR1033

Sedlová nožička

Ideal for use with chairs and furniture, Saddle Feet or Bases, when applied can elevate your application to the needed height. Additionally, they provide extra support and stability, add grip and help protect surfaces from damage caused during movement.

Our Saddle Foot range features Furniture Saddle Feet, Saddle Bases that act as feet when added to the bottom of tubes, Saddle Feet that can be used as furniture buffers, Double Saddle Foot options that can be used to connect adjacent tubes, and other styles to suitable a host of application needs.

  • Materials: Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) and Nylon
  • Colours: Black and White
  • Shapes: Rectangular and Round
  • Centre Pin options.

Skupina SR: SR1503

Uzatvorené kónické zátky BSP(g)/NPT

NPT thread plugs are used to seal and protect the ends of BSP/NPT threaded pipes and fittings. Their robust design allows them to withstand high pressure, temperature, corrosion, dirt, and damage during storage and shipment.

Additionally, their tapered form allows the component to plug numerous inner diameters, assuring a tight and leak-free fit. They are simple to install due to their push-fit mounting style and are used in plumbing pipes, HVAC, automotive, and industrial applications.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Blue

Skupina SR: SR1114

Uzatváracie krytky s čelným tesniacim O-krúžkom

Náš sortiment uzatváracích krytiek s čelným tesniacim O-krúžkom je určený na ochranu prípojok s čelným tesniacim O-krúžkom používaných na hydraulických spojoch.

Dizajn krytky má dlhšiu celkovú dĺžku pre dodatočnú ochranu pred vniknutím nečistôt a iných kontaminantov. V spodnej časti má tiež lisovaný poistný krúžok, ktorý sa zacvakne pod spojku a bezpečne ju drží na mieste počas prepravy a spracovania.

Náš sortiment je vhodný pre veľkosti závitov UNF aj JIC.

  • Určené na ochranu prípojok s čelným tesniacim O-krúžkom používaných na hydraulických spojoch.
  • Majú dlhšiu celkovú dĺžku pre dodatočnú ochranu.
  • Vhodné pre závity UNF a JIC.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD Farba: Čierna, Modrá Series Code: SRCFST, SR1078

Zacvakávacie krytky na skrutky

Bolt Caps with a simple and convenient snap-on design are a cost effective options that can be used to cover exposed screw, nuts, washers and bolts.

They improve the finished appearance, while providing protection against dirt, damage and long-term exposure to the surrounding environment.

Our range features two type options; Type 1 can be used to protect bolts, screws and nuts and Type 2 protects a washer in addition to the bolts, screws and nuts. Available to fit various bolt thread sizes - you are sure to find an option for your application.

  • Material: Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
  • Colour: Black

Skupina SR: SR1113

Zapustené krytky potrubia

Recessed Caps help protect pipe bevel edges and internal walls from corrosion and damage. They are able to accept crane hooks for the moving of pipes during storage, transit and laying.

Our range is available in a choice of two materials. The Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) option in Black is suitable for heavy duty applications. It is resistant to temperatures ranging from -30 up to +60 degrees Celsius. The Polyethylene (PE) option in Yellow is highly flexible. The soft material provides easy fitting for larger pipe sizes.

  • Suitable for a range of DIN Pipe Specifications: from DN 150 up to DN 1000.
  • Materials: Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) and Polyethylene (PE)
  • Colours: Black and Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1370, SR1371

Zaslepovacie zátky

Blanking Plugs are used on sheet metal to protect against sharp edges and are ideal for closing panel cavities. It protects against moisture ingress and dust, is acid-resistant and vibration-dampening. It provides a clean finish and a quick solution.

They come in an extensive offering to suit the most common hole diameters and panel thicknesses. Used in electronic applications and the automotive industry. Three materials are available: TPE withstands temperatures up to 203F (95C). TPR withstands temperatures between -40C and 135C | -40F and 275F. PVC withstands temperatures up to 50C | 122F.

  • Material: Nylon, PVC, PA, Copolyester, Silicone, LDPE, TPE, EBA, TPR
  • Colour: Black, Grey, White, Clear, Natural
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2

Skupina SR: SR1750, SR6273, SRF0006, SR1751

Zatlačovacie zátky

Snap-Fit Blanking Plugs are used in various applications to seal and preserve unused holes or apertures. These plugs have been carefully developed to offer a secure and dependable seal without extra fasteners or adhesives.

The snap-fit mechanism provides a secure connection, preventing inadvertent removal or displacement even when subjected to pressure or vibration. It offers high impact resistance and keeps dust, moisture, and other pollutants out of the hole.

It is easy to install, requiring only a push or snap into place, without needing tools. Suitable for various sectors such as manufacturing, electronics, and construction.

Skupina SR: SR1760

Zatlačovacie zátky

Zatlačovacie zátky sú vhodné na zaslepovanie širokej škály otvorov počas výrobných procesov alebo prepravy, možno ich použiť na hotové výrobky. Určené na ochranu manipulátora pred drsnými povrchmi spôsobenými ostrými hranami rezných otvorov. Možno ich použiť aj na ochranu pred vniknutím kontaminantov.

Jednoducho sa nasadzujú a odstraňujú zatlačením. Používajú sa v rôznych aplikáciách vrátane zdravotníckych zariadení, automobilového, potravinárskeho a nápojového sektora a priemyselných strojov.

Chránia pred poškodením, nečistotami, vlhkosťou a koróziou.

  • Chránia manipulátora pred drsnými povrchmi spôsobenými ostrými hranami rezných otvorov.
  • Používajú sa v rôznych aplikáciách vrátane zdravotníckych zariadení, automobilového, potravinárskeho a nápojového sektora a priemyselných strojov.
  • Chránia pred poškodením, nečistotami, vlhkosťou a koróziou.
Materiál: Polyetylén LD Farba: Prírodná, Biela, Čierna Series Code: SR1011

Zatláčacia nožička

Push Fit Feet, commonly known as Grommet Feet, are an ideal choice for a host of applications. The have a number of useful properties that can provide surface protection, vibration dampening, strength retention, and skid prevention.

Our Push In Foot range is designed to simply push into punched or drilled holes, tube ends or to the base of furniture - making them quick and easy to install. They can provide stability and support in various applications and industries, including; office and retail, the manufacture of small and large appliances, furniture and cabinets, housings and cases, glass shelving and table top support, stacking, electrical and electronics equipment - and for many more.

  • Available in various materials including Nylon 6/6, Silicone Rubber, Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) and Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE).
  • Shapes: Rectangle, Right Angle, Round and Square
  • Colours: Black, Brown, Grey, Natural and Transparent
  • UL94 HB rated options.

Skupina SR: SR1573

Zatláčacie dorazy a gumené nožičky - doraz

Push-Fit Bumpers can be used as glides, bumpers, closures, slides, and stops in various applications. The press-fit stem holds the bumper securely in place to protect surfaces from contact.

Skupina SR: SR5807

Zatláčacie klzáky

Zatláčacie klzáky alebo zátky do profilov sa často používajú v základni rúrkových výrobkov, ako sú nohy stoličiek. Posuvné klzáky poskytujú ochranu nielen samotnému výrobku, ale predovšetkým povrchu pod ním. Ideálna ochrana pre drevené podlahy, koberce a iné podlahové krytiny.

Náš sortiment zatláčacích klzákov ponúka na výber širokú škálu materiálov, medzi ktoré patria napríklad: polyamid (PA), polyetylén (PE), akrylonitrilbutadiénstyrén (ABS), plsť a tiež oceľ, ako aj rôzne povrchové úpravy a farby.

Naša ponuka obsahuje množstvo typov, napríklad: vypuklý, šikmý, kovový, rebrovaný, závitový, ľahký a pre veľké namáhanie. A taktiež rôzne tvary, ktoré budú vyhovovať potrebám vašej aplikácie: okrúhle, oválne, obdĺžnikové a štvorcové.

  • Atraktívna povrchová úprava pre estetický vzhľad
  • Jednoduchá montáž
  • Bezpečné upevnenie
  • Odolné, na dlhodobú prevádzku.

Zátky Collar

Collar plugs feature a self tapping design which makes them easy to install. Very durable due to their thick wall, they are difficult to dislodge and offer a secure connection.

Designed to protect your equipment from dust, debris and other external elements. Ideal for sandblasting and other applications in the construction and automotive industries.

  • Material: LDPE
  • Colour: Orange

Skupina SR: SR1160

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