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 (34 sady výrobkov)

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Hadica maskovacia rovná

High Temperature Tubing is an excellent masking solution to fit over longer parts, where standard caps are too short. The tubing can be used with a cap, if required. These caps be be applied to long studs and pins.

Supplied on a roll; the tubing can be cut to the required length. By cutting long also creates an easy pull tab, for swift removal. It can be masked off thru-hole by utilising the outside diameter of the tube and pulling it through.

The tubing is flexible and conforms to irregularities. It will not melt or harden and can be reused - making it an economical product.

Popular applications include; powder coating, e-coating, plating and anodising.

  • Materials: Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) and Silicone Rubber (55 Shore A Hardness)
  • Colours: Black, Natural and Red

Skupina SR: SRF0064, SR1088, SRF0065

Klzáky - nastaviteľná, hladká základňa

Klzáky s nastaviteľnou, hladkou základňou.

Kúpiť krytky skrutiek

These Socket Screw Cover Caps cover and protect socket head screws from dust and dirt, while providing a quick and clean finish to internal hex screws.

Commonly used for the inside of UPS boxes when high voltage cables pass close to metal screw heads, which occurs when space is limited. The cap can be applied in order to prevent interference between the two, as the screw head needs to be isolated. They are also used in appliances, electrical applications and automotive.

  • Material: Silicone, LDPE
  • Colour: Black, White, Grey

Skupina SR: SR1628, SR1813

Maskovacia hviezdicová hadica

Star Tubing is a masking solution that is ideal for long studs and pins, where caps are too short. The star-shaped profile allows the part to be flexible and fits easily on to tight diameters.

They tubes are highly flexible and are able to fit several ranges. They easily fit over threaded studs, non-threaded tubes or irregular shapes. They have good heat resistance.

  • Material: Silicone
  • Maximum Temperature: 315 degrees C (600 degrees F)
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Red, White and Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1051

Maskovacie krytky s prírubou

A range of Masking Washer Caps that can be applied as a protective cap for threaded and non-threaded end tip.

Although the product is primarily designed as a cap, the integrated washer masks of grounding and also provides edge protection to ensures that the application hole is safe from contaminants and damage. This highly versatile masking solution can also be inverted and used to plug holes.

  • Material: Silicone (55 Shore A)
  • Maximum Temperature: 316 degrees C (600 degrees F)
  • Colours: Black, Green, Grey, Natural, Pink, Purple, Red and Yellow

Skupina SR: SR5756

Maskovacie kužele

Masking Cone Plugs are a versatile masking solution that can be used as a plug or as a cap. The tapered design allows the part to plug a range of inside diameter sizes and to cap a range of outside diameter sizes. These plugs are ideal for a range of masking applications, including; powder coating, e-coating, plating and anodizing.

The range is available in a choice of materials that include premium Silicone and economical EPDM. Silicone benefits from a high temperature rating and can be used multiple times. EPDM is also reusable with a lower heat resistance, but superior chemical resistance.

  • Materials: Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) and Silicone Rubber
  • Colours: Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Natural, Red, Rust, Purple and Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1075, SR1091

Maskovacie vyťahovacie zátky

Masking Pull Plugs, also known as silicone masking plugs, are plugs used to mask threaded and non-threaded holes. They resist chemicals, dust, dirt, temperature changes, and abrasion. Furthermore, the pull tab simplifies installation and removal, allowing for smooth insertion and a secure fit that avoids undesired leaks or seepage.

The reusable material used in these plugs allows for various uses, reducing the need for frequent replacements and contributing to waste reduction. They can resist temperatures of up to 250 degrees Celsius and are used in various applications, including powder coating, sealing, automotive assembly, and electronics production.

  • Material: Silicone, EPDM, Silicone Rubber, TPR
  • Colour: Natural, Black, Clear, Red, Grey, White, Purple, Green, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Blue

Skupina SR: SR1057, SR1094, SR6118, SR6117, SRF0060, SR5750, SR5749, SR5752, SR1028, SR1067

Maskovacie zátky bez príruby

Masking Flangeless Plugs are a type of plug that is used to cover holes without masking the surrounding area. They protect against contaminants, dust, dirt, damage, or undesired substances. It features conical rings and a hollow core, which allows many different areas to be masked.

Furthermore, the pull tab makes them simple to install and remove, allowing for smooth insertion and a snug fit that eliminates unwanted leaks or seepage. The reusable nature of the material used in these plugs allows for various uses, minimising the need for frequent replacements and helping to reduce waste. They can be utilised in multiple applications, such as powder coating, painting, plating, and sealing.

  • Material: EPDM, Silicone, TPE, PVC
  • Colour: Black, Natural, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Red

Skupina SR: SR1090, SR1093, SR5748, SR1034

Maskovacie zátky s podložkou

These High Temperature Washer Plugs are used to mask the surface around a threaded or plain hole, with an integrated washer and plug that allows them to function as a single item. They are long-lasting and resistant to chemicals, temperature changes, and abrasion.

These plugs are simple to install and remove, and their design assures a snug fit, a secure seal, and the prevention of leakage or contamination. They can withstand high temperatures of up to 250 degrees Celsius and are used in various applications such as powder coating, painting, plating, sealing, automotive assembly, and electronics manufacturing.

  • Material: Silicone, EPDM
  • Colour: Grey, Natural, Black, Clear, White, Dark Green, Yellow, Pink, Purple, Red

Skupina SR: SR1065, SR1092, SR5753

Nastaviteľné nožičky - pochrómovaný kryt

These Chrome Capped Adjustable Feet are an inexpensive solution for light-duty applications on slightly uneven surfaces, including office furniture, shelving, point of purchase displays, cabinetry, and small machinery. The range are made from chrome capped black Polyethylene (PE).

Skupina SR: SR5442

Nastaviteľné nožičky - štandardné, nečlenené

Adjustable Feet - Standard/Non Articulating with a Plastic Rigid Base adjust to uneven surfaces and level machine tools, electronic racks, and similar applications. The plastic base provides a smooth non-abrasive surface that protects floors.

Skupina SR: SR5439

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom - s pevnou plastovou základňou

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom s plastovou pevnou základňou sa dajú nastaviť na nerovných povrchoch a vyrovnávajú obrábacie stroje, elektronické panely a podobné zariadenia. Plastové základne poskytujú hladký neabrazívny povrch, ktorý chráni podlahy.

Nastavovače - vodorovná montáž

Nastavovače - vodorovná montáž sa dajú nastaviť na nerovných povrchoch a vyrovnávajú obrábacie stroje, elektronické panely a podobné zariadenia.

Protiprachové krytky USB

USB and RJ Dust Covers are used to protect USB and RJ ports while they are not in use. It prevents dust, dirt, debris, and moisture from entering electrical components.

The covers are simple to attach through push fit, and no tension is applied to the adapter's internal components while entering. It is resistant to temperatures of up to 150C | 302F. Used for applications including the technology industry and cover connectors from printers, scanners and other electronic devices with USB ports.

  • Material: Silicone Rubber, Plastic, EPDM
  • Colour: Black

Skupina SR: SRF0058

Protišmykové gumené podložky

Protišmykové podložky sú ideálne na zakrytie vyrovnávacích nožičiek na strojoch a dopravníkoch. Tieto podložky vydržia vysoké zaťaženie a poskytujú zvýšené trenie na zabránenie pohybu a posúvania.

Rovné maskovacie krytky a zátky

Straight Caps are an ideal solution for protecting and masking parts undergoing a variety of masking processes, including; painting, plating, powder coating, anodising, sand blasting, abrasive chemical processing, and processes that expose parts to high temperatures. They are highly versatile and can also be used as a plug to mask threaded or non-threaded holes.

These Masking Caps and Plugs can be used to protect studs, pins, tube ends and other applications that require protection. They are available in a choice of materials with a wide range of colour options to suit your project requirements.

  • Materials: Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) and Silicone Rubber
  • Colours: Black, Blue, Green, Grey, Natural, Orange, Pink, Purple and Yellow

Skupina SR: SR1052, SR1095,

Súbežné ochranné zátky

Súbežné ochranné zátky sú univerzálne zátky používané na ochranu rôznych aplikácií.

Termoplastický elastomér sa odporúča pre aplikácie, kde sa vyžaduje odolnosť voči kyselinám. PVC je vysoko odolné voči roztrhnutiu a vhodné pre aplikácie so závitom. Zelený vinyl dobre funguje v aplikáciách, kde sa vyskytujú oleje a tuky.

Majú súbežnú alebo rovnú stenu, čo zaisťuje bezpečné a priliehavé uchytenie, zároveň zabraňuje kontaminácii, poškodeniu, špine, korózii, vlhkosti a nečistotám počas skladovania a prepravy.

  • Súbežný tvar zaisťuje bezpečné a priliehavé uchytenie, zabraňuje kontaminácii, korózii a nečistotám počas skladovania a prepravy.
  • Jednoduché nasadenie a odstránenie, poskytujú elegantný vzhľad.
  • Vhodné pre rôzne aplikácie vrátane automobilového priemyslu, výroby a obchodu.
Materiál: TPR, Polyetylén LD, TPE, PVC, Vinyl Farba: Čierna, Prírodná, Červená, Zelená Skupina SR: SR1067, SR1015, SRSTG, SRSTLL, SR1014, SR1013, SRF0000

Uzatvorené kónické zátky

Covered Tapered Plugs are designed to ensure a secure fit due to their convex sides and protect from contaminants, debris and damage. It features a push fit style that makes it easy to use and remove.

Used in a variety of applications, including blind holes, pipes, furniture or electrical boxes. They are reusable due to the material from which they are constructed without affecting the effectiveness of the sealing.

  • Material: Silicone
  • Colour: Grey, Yellow, Green, White, Red, Black, Pink, Purple, Blue, Clear

Skupina SR: SR5751 ,SR5752

Vyrovnávacie nožičky - kovová pevná základňa

Vyrovnávacie nožičky s pevným kovovým podstavcom sú lacné riešenie pre nenáročné aplikácie. Použite tieto vyrovnávacie nožičky na kancelársky nábytok, regály, vitríny v obchodoch, skrinky a malé stroje.

Vyrovnávacie nožičky - naskrutkovacie, nízkoprofilové

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom a kovovou otočnou základňou sú dlhodobým riešením pre montáž strojových zariadení a dopravníkov. Tieto nožičky majú kĺbové otáčanie a závitový čap vyrobený pre presnosť a pevnosť závitu.

Vyrovnávacie nožičky pre stroje

Vyrovnávacie nožičky pre stroje sú lacným riešením pre aplikácie s nízkym zaťažením. Nastaviteľné nožičky sa používajú na kancelársky nábytok, police, skrinky a strojové zariadenia malých rozmerov.

Vysokoteplotné kónické zátky

High Temperature Tapered Plugs are available as a solid plug or with a hollow core to aid in the compression to fit threaded or unthreaded holes. Its tapered design enables the plug to expand and adapt to the shape of the hole as it is heated, ensuring a firm and tight fit even at high temperatures. Its hardness and strength block gas, water, or chemicals from entering pipes or tubes. These reusable plugs come in a premium high temp silicone material or an economical reduced temp EPDM material.

Silicone: high-quality masking material that can withstand temperatures up to 600F | 316C. EDPM is a reusable and somewhat less expensive material, making it slightly less resistant to high temperatures but of superior chemical resistance. It can withstand temperatures up to 425F | 218C. Used in chemical, machining applications and industrial equipment.

  • Material: Silicone, EPDM, TPR
  • Colour: Natural, Black, Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Pink

Skupina SR: SRF0072, SR1045, SR1089, SR1179, SR1176, SR1499, SR1498

Zaslepovacie zátky

Blanking Plugs are used on sheet metal to protect against sharp edges and are ideal for closing panel cavities. It protects against moisture ingress and dust, is acid-resistant and vibration-dampening. It provides a clean finish and a quick solution.

They come in an extensive offering to suit the most common hole diameters and panel thicknesses. Used in electronic applications and the automotive industry. Three materials are available: TPE withstands temperatures up to 203F (95C). TPR withstands temperatures between -40C and 135C | -40F and 275F. PVC withstands temperatures up to 50C | 122F.

  • Material: Nylon, PVC, PA, Copolyester, Silicone, LDPE, TPE, EBA, TPR
  • Colour: Black, Grey, White, Clear, Natural
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2

Skupina SR: SR1750, SR6273, SRF0006, SR1751

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