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(113 sady výrobkov)
Standard Round Feet Ferrules are a type of protective cap that offer protection to tubes, rods and occasionally threads, as well as the end of furniture legs, chair legs, and ladder steps. They are anti-slip and anti-scratching floors. Designed to fit perfectly, providing a snug and secure fit.
The ferrules offer protection to the shaft or tube to ensure it doesn't split when meeting hard surfaces and provide floor protection and grip.
It is easy to install simply by pushing them onto the end of the applications. Also durable and long-lasting, protecting your applications. It is used in furniture manufacturing, retail and commercial applications.
Round Load Bearing Glides are designed to use as a protection plug or as a glide. The lid is stepped to offer an easy insertion and secure fit.
They are ideal to protect and finish a tube end in moderate to heavy-duty applications These glides provide a smooth, durable base for furniture, appliances and more.
They protect floors from scratches, scuffs and other damage caused by heavy or sharp objects.
Standard Round End Caps are used to securely protect threaded or non-threaded tubing, pipes, and rods during transportation, a paint process or on a finished product. It prevents dirt, debris, dust and other contaminants from damaging the tubes.
These caps are easily applied by pushing onto the application and can be re-used upon removal. They are used for industrial, HVAC, and plumbing applications and can withstand temperatures up to 70C.
Standard Round End Caps are non-threaded and available in a wide range of sizes. They are ideal for protecting threaded or non-threaded tubing, pipes and rods. Standard, short and long caps are available. The short versions are for general purpose closure and the long versions have an extra depth and feathered edge which ensure a tight fit. The design of these longer caps helps to prevent accidental displacement.
Our Round Tube Inserts feature a high-gloss chrome finish that provides a visually pleasing and clean appearance, ideal for finishing the ends of outward facing tubular products.
The outside diameter benefits from a ribbed design that ensures ease of insertion and a positive fit.
Okrúhle zátky a klzáky poskytujú konečný vzhľad a ochranu zakončenia okrúhlych rúrok, tyčí alebo stĺpikov. K dispozícii sú dve prevedenia: rebrovaný pre maximálnu priľnavosť, ktorý možno použiť na viaceré priemery rúrok, alebo s hladkým driekom špeciálne pre jeden priemer rúrky, pre jednoduché nasadenie.
Dostupné sú rôzne typy a štýly:
Round threaded inserts are available as quick-fit inserts for tube ends and connecting pipes. They are threaded for secure screw fixing. These threaded inserts provide a stable and secure mounting point for a wide range of furniture and equipment components.
They are commonly used in the manufacturing, packaging and construction industries.
Round Threaded Inserts provide a threaded surface for fastening screws, bolts or other items. They are ideal for heavy duty applications and are made from cast aluminium alloy. Have an internal thread to accommodate adjustable levelling feet and brackets.
Their metal threads allow for a smooth, secure, and durable fit, and the two-piece mouldings fit snugly into the tubes. There are ideal for use with adjustable feet, tilt guides and castors in furniture applications such as tables, chairs, cabinets or sofas and appliances.
Ovládacie gombíky matice majú vrúbkovaný okraj, ktorý poskytuje maximálny a pohodlný úchop. Tieto pevné tvarované otočné gombíky sú odolné voči nárazu a chemikáliám a zabezpečujú uhladený vzhľad.
Oválne zátky a klzáky poskytujú vysokú kvalitu a úhľadný vzhľad zakončenia oválnych hadičiek. Zvyčajne sa používajú v nábytkárstve a priemyselných zariadeniach. Univerzálnosť materiálov, povrchových úprav a farieb poskytuje veľa možností na maximalizáciu estetického vzhľadu a dokonalé prispôsobenie vašej aplikácii.
Vkladajú sa do koncov oválnych rúrok, ako napríklad nohy stoličiek a stolov. K dispozícii pre najpredávanejšie veľkosti a rozmery rúrok.
Náš sortiment zahŕňa množstvo variantov, ktoré umožňujú jednoduché nasadenie a odstránenie a bezpečné upevnenie. Máme aj rebrované varianty, ktoré uľahčujú vkladanie a dobre sedia. Určite si medzi týmito odolnými zátkami s dlhou životnosťou nájdete vhodné zátky pre váš projekt.
Rectangular Inserts are applied to a variety of tubular applications and provide a neat and tidy appearance. These inserts have the added advantage of being chrome-capped, which gives then an attractive, high-gloss aesthetic that is ideal for finished products.
Suitable applications include chair and table legs, cabinets, shelving and others. The range includes ribbed options that are easy to insert and provide a positive fit. These options are suited to a wall section of 1.0 to 2.0 mm in thickness.
USB and RJ Dust Covers are used to protect USB and RJ ports while they are not in use. It prevents dust, dirt, debris, and moisture from entering electrical components.
The covers are simple to attach through push fit, and no tension is applied to the adapter's internal components while entering. It is resistant to temperatures of up to 150C | 302F. Used for applications including the technology industry and cover connectors from printers, scanners and other electronic devices with USB ports.
Protišmykové podložky sú ideálne na zakrytie vyrovnávacích nožičiek na strojoch a dopravníkoch. Tieto podložky vydržia vysoké zaťaženie a poskytujú zvýšené trenie na zabránenie pohybu a posúvania.
Pružné koncové krytky sú vyrobené z pružného materiálu, ktorý sa dá natiahnuť na väčšie rozmery pre dokonalú priľnavosť. Poskytujú ochranu závitov alebo hladkých zakončení.
Krytka má závesné uško na jej použitie s drôtenými háčikmi. Sú vhodným riešením pre aplikácie maskovania pri nízkych teplotách.
Výhodou krytiek je tiež ich materiál odolný voči kyselinám.
A lanyard designed to connect and secure two separate components. It features a securing loop on one end and a mounting hole on the other, which provides a secure fix to connecting objects.
The lanyard can accommodate a wide range of applications, including cables, dust caps, enclosures and lids. Double fixing slots on the securing loop help reduce the risk of failure for heavy duty applications. When using for heavy duty applications; simply secure the loop through both fixing slots for safe mounting.
The material is highly flexible and can stretch up to three times its nominal length.
Rotational Moulded Cap protects threaded pipe ends. Due to its softer material it allows for easier fitting on pipes. These caps have outstanding toughness and are puncture resistant with good flexibility which makes assembly or removal easier.
They are used to fit different pipe and tubing configurations, and they can be used in applications such as automotive, HVAC, construction, and industrial equipment. These caps provide protection from dust, dirt, and moisture.
Rebrované koncové zátky bezpečne utesňujú konce rúrok a potrubí. Vonkajší priemer zátky zodpovedá vnútornému priemeru potrubia, zátka teda nikde nepresahuje. Bránia usadzovaniu nečistôt.
Dodávajú sa v dvoch prevedeniach s pružnými rebrami v rôznych veľkostiach pre pevné uchytenie v rúrkach s rôznymi závitmi NPT a vo vrtných rúrkach. Tesne priliehajú, jednoducho sa montujú a demontujú.
Vhodné na použitie v strojárstve a mechanických aplikáciách v rôznych odvetviach.
Ribbed Pipe End Caps are ideal for protecting threaded or non-threaded pipes, tubes or rods. In addition it is used to shield or mask areas during the painting process, as well as preventing dirt, dust, or debris from entering.
It is easy to install and remove, and it can withstand a maximum temperature of 79.4C. Designed for plumbing, HVAC, and industrial applications.
Straight Caps are an ideal solution for protecting and masking parts undergoing a variety of masking processes, including; painting, plating, powder coating, anodising, sand blasting, abrasive chemical processing, and processes that expose parts to high temperatures. They are highly versatile and can also be used as a plug to mask threaded or non-threaded holes.
These Masking Caps and Plugs can be used to protect studs, pins, tube ends and other applications that require protection. They are available in a choice of materials with a wide range of colour options to suit your project requirements.
A Quick Release Cap used in hydraulic applications. The female fitting is suitable to protect quick release couplings ISO 7241-1 Series A and B.
The cap is designed to remain attached to the hose. It offers superior protection from the ingress of dirt and moisture, and resistance to corrosion.
Tear Tab Caps are a standard, off-the-shelf solution that will allow you to meet your customers demands without those all too common time delays.
Tear Tab Caps are quick-fit and quick-release caps. As a rapid solution, they can be easily fitted and removed across an array of applications, including; critical hydraulic tubes and pipes, such as those that carry oils and other fluids around vehicles and machineries. This makes them an ideal choice for the specialist vehicle manufacturing industry, and other automotive and manufacturing sectors.
Tear Tab Caps also assist in the protection of tube and pipe ends during transportation and storage. They protect parts from damage, dirt, moisture and other forms of ingress. These caps are highly versatile, and ideal for a range of applications and different threads, including; BSP, GAS, UNF, JIC and NPT.
Made from Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), the caps feature a simple tear-away tab for quick release, and fast removal. The ease of extracting the Tear Tab Cap from the hydraulic pipework makes the removal process faster. By simply pulling the tab, the cap splits open, tearing away.
The LDPE material is tough and flexible. They provide many of the advantages of PVC caps, such as integrity and cleanliness.
Angled Square Inserts have an angled base making them perfect for pipe ends or irregular surfaces and for tubes that meet angled surfaces.It can be used in furniture assembly, such as chairs or furniture legs, and in construction.
This range of Angle Square Inserts are designed to be easy to insert, and made from a material that allows them to be durable and long-lasting.
Skrutkovacie gombíky s hlavou v tvare T sa dajú zatlačiť na skrutky na vytvorenie malého gombíka na upnutie alebo zaistenie. Tieto gombíky sa dajú použiť s akoukoľvek dlhou skrutkou a hlava v tvare T zabezpečuje zvýšený pákový efekt pri uťahovaní.
Knurled Style Thumb Screw Knobs can be press-fit onto screws to create a small knob for clamping or securing. These knobs can be used with any length screw and the knurled edge is easily gripped for tightening and loosening.
Skupina SR: SR6127
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