V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.
These Quick Fit Threaded Protection Plugs protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture from the hole.
It conceals the initial thread of ordinary female threads. It is reusable and cost-effective material with less heat but excellent chemical resistance. Its ergonomic pull tab makes it simple to install and remove. Used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic and general engineering industries.
Threaded Protection Plugs for NPT Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture from the hole.
It may be installed by hand or with a 12-point socket head, screwdriver or wrench. This threaded plug is suggested for usage where strength and abrasion resistance are required since it can tolerate temperatures ranging from -40F to 230F | -40C to 110C. Suitable for Metric threads. Used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic and general engineering industries.
These Threaded Protection Plugs for UNF Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring that they remain in good condition and ready for use when needed. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture from the hole.
It features fewer thread forms for faster application and may be applied or removed with a hand, hex spanner, or screwdriver. Used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic, and general engineering.
These Wide Flange Threaded Protection Plugs protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage, and shipment, ensuring they remain in good condition and ready for use. Their nitrile gasket seals the plug to the mating surface for leak-tightness. The protection plug protects from contaminants like dirt, dust, debris, and moisture from the hole.
Its wide flange design keeps any paint flakes from the hole when removed. It is easy to install or remove by hand, screwdriver, or torque wrench. Due to its Nylon material, it is recommended for intermittent temperatures from -40C to +100C. Used in various applications, including hydraulic, pneumatic and general engineering industries.
Breather caps are parts used to protect equipment against moisture and particle contamination.
Skupina SR: SRV0019, SRV0018
Paper masking plugs are versatile and efficient masking solutions designed to protect and seal off openings during painting, coating, or surface treatment processes. These plugs are made from high-quality paper material, known for its excellent conformability and ability to withstand various chemical substances. The unique design of paper masking plugs allows for easy insertion and removal, ensuring a tight and secure fit in a wide range of hole sizes and shapes. They effectively prevent paint, primer, or other coatings from entering or contaminating areas that need to remain untouched.
The main characteristics of paper masking plugs include their flexibility, durability, and compatibility with different surfaces. These plugs are highly flexible, allowing them to conform to irregular shapes and contours. The paper material used in their construction ensures durability, even when exposed to harsh chemicals or solvents. The plugs' versatility allows them to be used on a variety of surfaces, including metal, plastic, glass, and wood.
Tapered paper caps are a type of protective cap used to cover the ends of tubes, pipes or other cylindrical objects. They are made from a mixture of post-consumer and virgin materials, making them a recyclable option.
Ideal for painting and powder coating applications and can help prevent damage and contamination, ensuring that tubes and pipes are in good condition. It can withstand operating temperatures of up to 204 C.
Súbežné ochranné zátky sú univerzálne zátky používané na ochranu rôznych aplikácií.
Termoplastický elastomér sa odporúča pre aplikácie, kde sa vyžaduje odolnosť voči kyselinám. PVC je vysoko odolné voči roztrhnutiu a vhodné pre aplikácie so závitom. Zelený vinyl dobre funguje v aplikáciách, kde sa vyskytujú oleje a tuky.
Majú súbežnú alebo rovnú stenu, čo zaisťuje bezpečné a priliehavé uchytenie, zároveň zabraňuje kontaminácii, poškodeniu, špine, korózii, vlhkosti a nečistotám počas skladovania a prepravy.
Pipe Bevel Edge Protectors are essential to secure the pipe plug during handling, shipping, and storage. They are designed to fit firmly over the end of pipes ranging in size from 8"" to 120"", providing a safe and effective barrier against moisture, dirt, and other possible hazards.
It is simple to install by simply pounding the clamping system down. The clamping system will extend and press the protection against the inside of the pipe. Bevel protectors and pipe plugs are available in diameters ranging from 8"" to 64"" for maximum protection and pipe closure. Used in applications for oil and gas drilling rigs, construction sites, warehouses and factories.
Skupina SR: SR1360
USB and RJ Dust Covers are used to protect USB and RJ ports while they are not in use. It prevents dust, dirt, debris, and moisture from entering electrical components.
The covers are simple to attach through push fit, and no tension is applied to the adapter's internal components while entering. It is resistant to temperatures of up to 150C | 302F. Used for applications including the technology industry and cover connectors from printers, scanners and other electronic devices with USB ports.
These Push-in Cable Blanking Plugs are used to protect against sharp edges at the end of a pneumatic tube or hose and to offer waterproof protection for spare apertures to be closed. It keeps dust, dirt, and other impurities out and is highly resistant to corrosion and wear.
It is IP97-compliant and accommodates typical Metric and PG sizes. They give a clean finish and a rapid solution and are available in various sizes to accommodate hole diameter and panel thickness.
Simple to install and remove thanks to the push fit into the application. Suitable for a wide range of sheet metal industry applications, including electrical panels, control cabinets, and junction boxes.
Skupina SR: SR6275
Quick Release Plugs are designed to remain attached to the hose while providing secure and sealing solutions. They are male fittings for the ISO A and ISO B series. They provide great protection against dirt, moisture, and corrosion and prevent leaks.
They also feature a quick-release mechanism that makes installing them simple without additional tools. It can withstand temperatures from -40C to 135C and is commonly used in automotive, electronics, manufacturing, and hydraulic systems applications.
Rebrované koncové zátky bezpečne utesňujú konce rúrok a potrubí. Vonkajší priemer zátky zodpovedá vnútornému priemeru potrubia, zátka teda nikde nepresahuje. Bránia usadzovaniu nečistôt.
Dodávajú sa v dvoch prevedeniach s pružnými rebrami v rôznych veľkostiach pre pevné uchytenie v rúrkach s rôznymi závitmi NPT a vo vrtných rúrkach. Tesne priliehajú, jednoducho sa montujú a demontujú.
Vhodné na použitie v strojárstve a mechanických aplikáciách v rôznych odvetviach.
These Ribbed Tube End Plugs are designed to establish a reliable and safe seal at the ends of tubes or pipes. The plugs' ribbed shape assures a snug fit and prevents leaking while providing added grip and stability. It is resistant to corrosion, wear, and external factors.
The ribbed shape ensures a solid grip, keeping the plug in place even under pressure or vibration. It keeps dust, dirt, and contaminants from entering. The ribs also keep the plug from spinning or becoming loose.
It is simple to install since it must be pushed into the hole until it is snug, with no further tools required. Used in automotive, electronics, medical devices, manufacturing, and industrial machinery.
Skupina SR: SR1604, SR1603
A Quick Release Cap used in hydraulic applications. The female fitting is suitable to protect quick release couplings ISO 7241-1 Series A and B.
The cap is designed to remain attached to the hose. It offers superior protection from the ingress of dirt and moisture, and resistance to corrosion.
Zátky do plechu sa používajú na zaslepenie alebo upchatie otvorov počas prepravy alebo na hotových výrobkoch pre čistý povrch. Polyamidová zátka (PA 66) chráni operátora pred nebezpečnými úlomkami z vytváraných otvorov. Možno ich použiť aj na ochranu vnútorných závitov pred poškodením pri preprave.
K dispozícii v troch farbách na jednoduchšiu identifikáciu a estetický vzhľad hotového výrobku.
Zátky do plechu sa dajú ľahko zasunúť do aplikácie bez potreby upevnenia a dajú sa ľahko odstrániť.
Zátky do plechu sa používajú na zaslepenie alebo upchatie otvorov počas prepravy alebo na hotových výrobkoch pre čistý povrch. Zátka chráni operátora pred nebezpečnými úlomkami, ktoré sú po okrajoch strojom vyrezaných otvorov v plechu.
Zátka tiež chráni vnútorné závity pred poškodením počas prepravy. Variabilný dizajn dielu s otvormi umožňuje zasunutie zátky do rôznych veľkostí otvorov v plechu.
Sú zaujímavou voľbou, ak váš projekt vyžaduje ochranu viacerých otvorov a preferujete konzistentný dizajn pre skvelý celkový vzhľad. Zvyčajne sa používajú v rôznych aplikáciách s plechmi, na produktoch z rôznych odvetví.
Side Release Plugs are innovative sealing solutions designed to provide a secure and convenient closure for a wide range of applications. These plugs feature a unique side release mechanism that allows for quick and effortless insertion and removal, while ensuring a reliable and tight seal. Manufactured using high-quality materials such as durable plastics or rubber, Side Release Plugs offer excellent resistance to temperature, chemicals, and environmental factors. The versatile design of these plugs makes them suitable for various applications across different industries.
One of the main characteristics of Side Release Plugs is their user-friendly design. The side release mechanism enables easy insertion and removal, eliminating the need for additional tools or excessive force. This feature is particularly advantageous in applications that require frequent access or maintenance, such as in fluid containers or industrial machinery. Additionally, Side Release Plugs provide a secure and reliable seal, preventing leakage, contamination, or damage to the internal components. This makes them ideal for applications that demand protection against dust, moisture, or other external factors.
A Grub Screw is a screw fastening solution commonly used for joining one component securely to another. They have a unique design that allows them to facilitate secure gripping or joining without using a nut; this differs from a standard bolt and screw assembly. The grub screw is fully threaded and can be driven into existing tapped and socket holes, avoiding any need to create new holes.
Our range is made from Mild Steel with a Silicone coating - making them ideal for masking applications. They are particularly suitable for aggressive shot blasting and high temperature powder coating applications. What's more; these Grub Screws can be securely fixed and are easily applied or removed with the use use of an Allen Key (not included).
Snap-Fit Blanking Plugs are used in various applications to seal and preserve unused holes or apertures. These plugs have been carefully developed to offer a secure and dependable seal without extra fasteners or adhesives.
The snap-fit mechanism provides a secure connection, preventing inadvertent removal or displacement even when subjected to pressure or vibration. It offers high impact resistance and keeps dust, moisture, and other pollutants out of the hole.
It is easy to install, requiring only a push or snap into place, without needing tools. Suitable for various sectors such as manufacturing, electronics, and construction.
Skupina SR: SR1760
Banjo Union Plugs are designed to protect banjo unions from damage, wear and tear, and dirt or moisture ingress. They provide a secure fit on banjo unions DIN 7642 B/E, forming a reliable sealing surface to prevent leaks.
Ideal for hydraulic and fluid systems, they are durable and can come with or without a cover tab. It can be used in applications in automotive or industrial machinery.
Zátky so závitom a tesnením pre závity BSP a GAS majú prítlačný planžetový okraj a O-krúžok, ktorý poskytuje vodotesné uzatvorenie a dokonalejšiu ochranu hydraulických závitov proti presakovaniu. O-krúžok nepriepustne tesní a zabraňuje vniknutiu kontaminantov, ako je špina, prach, nečistoty, a vlhkosti.
Vhodné pre závity BSP a GAS. Tieto zátky s tesnením možno inštalovať pomocou skrutkového kľúča, skrutkovača alebo rukou
Bežné sa používajú v ropnom a plynárenskom, inštalatérskom a automobilovom sektore, kde sú nepriepustné tesnenia rozhodujúce pre integritu systému.
Zátky na konce rúrok sú základné komponenty používané na utesnenie koncov rúrok a hadíc v rôznych priemyselných odvetviach. Poskytujú bezpečný a spoľahlivý uzáver, ktorý pomáha zabraňovať priesakom, kontaminácii a poškodeniu rúrky alebo hadice. Majú výnimočnú odolnosť, všestrannosť a jednoducho sa nasadzujú. Ponúkajú množstvo výhod, používajú sa v rôznych aplikáciách, ako je stavebníctvo, inštalatérstvo a výroba.
Veľmi univerzálne z hľadiska materiálov a veľkosti. Tieto zátky sú zvyčajne vyrobené z vysoko kvalitných materiálov, ako je guma a plast, pre vynikajúcu pevnosť a odolnosť voči opotrebovaniu.
Ponúkame ich v rôznych veľkostiach a prevedeniach pre rôzne rozmery rúr alebo hadíc, poskytujú presné a spoľahlivé utesnenie.
NPT thread plugs are used to seal and protect the ends of BSP/NPT threaded pipes and fittings. Their robust design allows them to withstand high pressure, temperature, corrosion, dirt, and damage during storage and shipment.
Additionally, their tapered form allows the component to plug numerous inner diameters, assuring a tight and leak-free fit. They are simple to install due to their push-fit mounting style and are used in plumbing pipes, HVAC, automotive, and industrial applications.
Vent Plugs are innovative and versatile plugs designed to provide effective sealing solutions while allowing controlled ventilation in a wide range of applications. These plugs are engineered to excel in industries such as automotive, electronics, and manufacturing, where pressure differentials or temperature variations may occur. With their unique characteristics and numerous benefits, Vent Plugs offer a reliable solution to seal openings and regulate airflow.
One of the main characteristics of Vent Plugs is their high-quality construction. These plugs are typically made from durable materials such as rubber or silicone, ensuring excellent sealing performance and long-lasting durability. They feature a compact design with a secure fit, preventing air, moisture, and contaminants from entering or escaping the sealed space. Additionally, Vent Plugs are designed with integrated venting features, allowing controlled ventilation while maintaining a reliable seal. This venting capability is essential in applications where pressure equalization or temperature regulation is crucial to prevent damage or malfunctions.
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